Bell Schedule


Regular Bell Schedule

Red Day
Blue Day
1st Period 8:10 - 9:38 2nd Period
3rd Period 9:45 - 11:13 4th Period
5th Period/Lunch A Lunch
Lunch - 11:13 - 11:43
Class - 11:46 - 1:21

B Lunch
Class - 11:20 - 11:46
Lunch - 11:46 - 12:16
Class - 12:18 - 1:20

C Lunch
Class - 11:20 - 12:18
Lunch - 12:18- 12:48
Class - 12:50 - 1:20

D Lunch
Class - 11:20 - 12:50
Lunch - 12:50- 1:20
6th Period/Lunch
7th Period 1:27 - 2:55 8th Period

2-HR Early Release Bell Schedule

Red Day
Blue Day
1st Period 8:10 - 9:13 2nd Period
3rd Period 9:20 - 10:23 4th Period
5th Period 10:30 - 11:33 6th Period
7th Period 11:40 - 12:43 8th Period
Lunch (grab and go) 12:43 - 12:55 Lunch (grab and go)