Justice HS News & Announcements - 3/24/25

GovDelivery17 hours 23 minutes ago

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This Week's Topics Important Dates

Friday, March 28 - End of 3rd Quarter

Monday, March 31 - Eid-al-Fitr (Division Closed)

Tuesday, April 1 - Teacher Workday

Wednesday, April 2 - Start of 4th Quarter

Saturday, April 5 - Saturday School

Monday, April 14 - Friday, April 18 - Spring Break (Justice Offices Closed)

Saturday, April 26 - Saturday School

Monday, April 28 - IB Testing Begins

Saturday, May 3 - Saturday School

Monday, May 5 - Friday, May 9 - Teacher Appreciation Week

Principal Evaluation Parent/Guardian Questionnaire

On Monday, March 24, parents and guardians of Justice High School will receive an email with a link to the FCPS Principal Evaluation Parent/Guardian Feedback Form. This questionnaire is part of the Performance Evaluation Program and provides an opportunity to share anonymous feedback about our school’s leadership and environment.

Topics covered in the survey include:

  • Instructional leadership
  • School climate
  • Management (human resources and organizational)
  • Communication and community relations
  • Culturally responsive and equitable leadership
  • Professionalism

The questionnaire will be open March 24 – April 4 and will be collected online. Please keep an eye out for an email from [email protected] and take a few minutes to complete it.

As a reflective principal, I value opportunities to hear feedback from the entire community. Thank you for taking the time to provide feedback.

Become Unskippable: Share the Facts

Talking with teens about the facts of fentanyl is a conversation you can’t skip. Learning about fentanyl gives teens a better understanding of the risks and effects of the drug. 

Share these important facts with your child:

  • Even half a fentanyl-laced pill can be fatal. Just a few salt-sized grains of fentanyl are enough to cause an overdose.
  • More than half of local street pills contain a deadly dose of fentanyl. As of 2023, seven in
10 counterfeit pills in the U.S. contain enough fentanyl to cause a fatal overdose.
  • Fentanyl is usually taken accidentally. Many people have no idea they’ve taken it until they overdose because you can’t see, smell, or taste it in pills and powders.
  • Overdose can happen in an instant. In as little as four minutes, the lack of oxygen can lead to brain damage and even death.

Learn more about how to have conversations with your child in a way that will make you Become Unskippable.

Announcing the Wolf Shack Justice Prom Shop! Open for shopping; accepting donations

The time to start shopping for Prom is here and the Wolf Shack is ready to help! Starting this week and through the month of April, the Wolf Shack will be hosting a free Prom shop - with dresses, suits/ties, shoes and accessories.  We have fabulous options in many styles, colors and sizes and would love to outfit you for Prom!  We will be open for shopping on Wednesday and Thursdays from 3-5pm at the Wolf Shack (B27 near the Little Theater).  Drop by and take a look!

The PTSA is also asking for additional donations of new or gently used prom-style dresses, suits, ties, shoes and accessories. Items can be dropped in the front office labeled: Wolf Shack Prom Shop.  Email us with any suggestions or questions at [email protected]

Justice HS PTSA The Wolf Shack is Open!

The Wolf Shack is our PTSA-sponsored in-school food and resource pantry, providing free essential resources for all students. The Wolf Shack is open from 3-5pm on late bus days (Wednesdays & Thursdays) in Room B27 between the Black Box Theater and the Little Theater. 

Read more in the latest PTSA newsletter.

PTSA Calendar of Events

APRIL 2025

21-25 - Mon-Fri - National Volunteer Appreciation Week

26 - Sat - 11am - Wolf Shack Stock-Up with FFN Red Bag Day

Connect with the PTSA

JHS PTSA Website


Social Handles

Facebook: facebook.com/justicehsptsa

X (formerly Twitter): x.com/justicehsptsa

Instagram: instagram.com/justicehsptsa/

Membership Link


Donation Link


Contact the PTSA

[email protected]

Fairfax County Special Education PTA (SEPTA)


From FCPS FCPS Budget — Our Students Deserve the Best

More than $240 million of FCPS’ Fiscal Year (FY) 2026 Advertised Budget is dedicated to increasing compensation for our teachers and staff to stay competitive and reduce turnover. Currently, FCPS ranks fifth out of eight neighboring districts in regards to starting salary for teachers with a master’s degree. 

Our families expect — and our students deserve — the best teachers.

Next Steps in the Budget Process

The next steps in the FCPS FY 2026 Budget process include the School Board presenting the budget to the Fairfax County Board of Supervisors on Tuesday, April 22, and then the Board of Supervisors will conduct public hearings Tuesday, April 22, through Thursday, April 24. Community members can submit testimony or sign up to speak

Visit the county government website to view the Fairfax County FY 2026 Advertised Budget. The community is also invited to complete an online survey to provide feedback on the county’s FY 2026 Advertised Budget. 

Learn more about the FCPS FY 2026 Budget process.

🛑 Cameras Installed on School Bus Stop Arms

Cameras have been installed on the stop arms of 50 FCPS school buses. These cameras will be used to identify drivers who pass stopped school buses while children are entering and exiting the bus (called a “stop arm violation”). 

Warnings for drivers will begin on Wednesday, April 9. After a 30-day warning period, citations will begin to be issued on Monday, May 12.

According to Virginia law, drivers must stop for stopped school buses with flashing red lights on and their stop signs extended. Motorists should stop when approaching from any direction (unless there is a barrier or median separating their lane from where the bus is stopped). They should remain stopped until everyone is clear and the bus is moving. 

We appreciate our law enforcement partners for working with us to improve road safety and reduce accidents. Read more information about the stop arm cameras and all of the ways that we work with our county partners to keep students safe on their way to and from school.

Calendar Reminders Quarter End, Eid al-Fitr, and Student Holiday

Friday, March 28, is the last day of the third quarter. It is a full day of school for students. 

All FCPS schools and offices are closed on Monday, March 31, for Eid al-Fitr. Tuesday, April 1, is a student holiday and teacher workday. See the complete school year calendar.

National Women’s History Month

Every year, March is designated Women’s History Month by presidential proclamation. The month is set aside to honor women’s contributions in American history. Learn more about the heritage months, celebrations, and traditions celebrated in FCPS. Read more about Women’s History Month in National Geographic Kids.

March - Celebrating Arts in Our Schools

The Council for Art Education (CFAE) administers Youth Art Month. Youth Art Month encourages support for quality school art programs, and promotes art material safety. The program provides a medium for recognizing skills developed through visual arts experiences unlike any other curriculum subjects, including:

  • Problem solving
  • Creativity
  • Observation
  • Communication

Art shows, special exhibits, fundraisers, and school and community activities take place annually, traditionally during March, to celebrate visual art education for grades K-12.

Weekly Reminders Saturday School at Justice High School

On certain Saturdays, students can get one-on-one assistance in any English, Math, Science, or History class. Our dedicated teachers will be available to help students tackle assignments, strengthen their understanding of key concepts, and ensure they are well-prepared for their upcoming assessments. Students do not have to sign up ahead of time to attend Saturday School.

Details are as follows:

  • When: April 5th and 26th | May 3rd and 17th
  • Time: 9 AM - 12 PM
  • Where: Justice High School

We encourage your child to take advantage of this valuable opportunity. It’s a fantastic way for them to improve their grades and gain confidence in their studies. Thank you for your continued support in helping our students succeed!

Free Technology Classes for Spanish-speaking parents offered through Edu-Futuro

Where: Justice High School Room J-204

When: Every Wednesday from 6:00 pm to 8:00 pm beginning on March 12th until April 23rd   

Facilitated by Justice HS teacher Ms. Mejia

Partners for Safe Teen Driving (PSTD)

Justice High School Auditorium - Driver’s Education

The state of Virginia requires students and their parents or legal guardians to attend ONE session of Partners for Safe Teen Driving in order to receive their Pink Card (DEC-8). The 90 minute session requires participants to be actively involved during the presentation. This is offered in conjunction with our 10th grade driver education curriculum and is a requirement. All sessions are in person for the 2024-2025 school year at Justice HS in the Auditorium. Registration link, and schedule is below. It is also posted on your 1oth grade teacher’s SCHOOLOGY PAGE.

If you are a current 11th or 12th grade Justice HS student seeking to attend a PTSD session, please email Monica White at [email protected]  for information.

PSTD presentations are 6:30 PM to 8:00 PM

4th Quarter - Wednesday May 14th, 2025

The meetings are a “hard” 6:30 PM start in the Auditorium for every PSTD event. Doors lock at 6:30 sharp and an entry after that will not be allowed. (State Law)

Please plan to arrive at 6 pm to avoid being locked out. Every student will NEED to have a legal guardian present with them If they are attending PSTD session.

Link for students to register for 2024-2025 Justice HS - Driver Ed PSTD

What Families Can Do to Fight Drug Misuse

FCPS is committed to raising awareness about the opioid epidemic with our educators, parents/caregivers, and students. Together, we can help ensure our students thrive.

What can families do?

  • Show you disapprove of underage drinking and other drug misuse. More than 80% of young people ages 10-18 say their parents are the leading influence on their decision whether to drink. 
  • Show you care about your child’s health, wellness, and success. 
  • Show you are a good source of information about alcohol and other drugs. Find helpful resources on the FCPS Opioid Awareness webpage
  • Pay attention to your child and discourage risky behaviors. 
  • Build your child’s skills and strategies for avoiding drinking and drug use. Talk with your child about what they would do if faced with a decision about alcohol and drugs, such as texting a code word to a family member or practicing how they will say, “No thanks.”

Get more information on opioid awareness.

Food for Neighbors - Red Bag Program

Justice High School is a proud partner with Food for Neighbors, a local organization who helps to feed our students outside of school hours.

The Red Bag Program is filled five times a year and provided to needy families. Food for Neighbors will drop off an empty Red Bag with a list of items. You can support by purchasing some food items that is provided on the list. Leave the Red Bag outside your door and Food for Neighbors will come pick it up.

All donations are tax-deductible and can be in any amount. To learn more about the FFN Holiday Meals Program, please go here.

Make Sure Your Children Are Up-to-Date on Immunizations

Please make sure your child has all of their necessary immunizations. Remember, all students are required to be immunized against certain diseases to attend school in Virginia. This is an important part of keeping children healthy!

Starting Monday, May 19, students who have not provided proof of immunization may not be allowed to attend school. You can check your child’s immunization status and submit updated immunization information by accessing SIS ParentVUE

Please check with your healthcare provider to make sure your child is up to date on required immunizations for the 2024-25 school year. If your child needs an immunization, make an appointment with your healthcare provider, visit the Fairfax County Health Department website for a list of child immunization clinics, or view other Immunization Resources. Be wise and immunize!

Free Meals at Justice HS

Justice HS has qualified for the USDA Community Eligibility Provision (CEP) meal program for the 2024-2025 school year. CEP is a non-pricing meal service option for schools in low-income areas. CEP allows schools to serve breakfast and lunch at no cost to ALL students without collecting household applications for free and reduced-price meals.

CEP General Information

  • CEP is a USDA program; eligibility is based on direct certification for free meals at individual FCPS schools.
  • All students at CEP schools automatically receive no-cost breakfast and lunch every day of the school year (even if the student would not qualify for free meals). 
  • If a student purchases an additional breakfast or additional meal, it will be at cost to the family. 

Free and Reduced-Price Meal Applications, Additional Benefits, and Related Information

For families that may want to receive benefits (class fees) beyond meals that are income-based, the FCPS CEP Consent to Share Information for Other Programs will continue to be utilized and is included in the free and reduced-price meal application process. Parents are encouraged to complete and submit the CEP Consent to Share Form

Varsity Tutors Provides On-Demand Support at No Cost

FCPS is partnering with Varsity Tutors to provide students and families with extra resources for learning. Every student can take advantage of Varsity Tutors’ services at no cost, including weekly live online classes, on-demand 24/7 chat tutoring, essay editing, and study resources such as recorded content, practice problems, and diagnostic tests. Learn more about online tutoring with Varsity Tutors.

Hazel Health: Virtual Therapy for High School Students

Teletherapy services are available for all FCPS high school students at no cost. Sessions can be scheduled Monday through Friday, 7 a.m.-7 p.m. Hazel Health’s highly qualified therapists specialize in working with teens. Learn more on FCPS’ teletherapy webpage.

Supporting Your Child’s Mental Health

Children go through a lot of changes, and it can be hard to tell if their behavior is developmentally appropriate or if they could benefit from mental health support. It’s important to talk to your child and pay attention to their actions, especially these warning signs:

  • Increased irritability, hyperactivity, energy, and/or aggressive behavior.
  • Excessive sadness, hopelessness, or worries.
  • Loss of appetite, or significant weight gain or loss.
  • Lack of sleep or too much sleep.
  • A decline in grades, school avoidance, or attendance concerns.
  • Alcohol or drug use.
  • Withdrawal from activities and/or friends and family. 
  • Thoughts of harming themselves or others.

If you notice any of these warning signs or feel your child may be experiencing a mental health challenge, help is available. Please contact your child's school counselor to discuss your concerns and identify resources. Find additional ways to support your child’s wellness

If you or someone you care about is experiencing a mental health crisis such as thoughts of harming themselves or others, please take action right away. Call 988, go to the nearest emergency room, or contact the Sharon Bulova Center for Community Health Emergency Services at 703-573-5679.

Follow Justice HS On Social Media

X (formerly known as Twitter) 

Activities - @justice_sports


School - @justicehs_wolves

Activities - @justice_wolves

Helpful Links

Justice Website

Justice Athletics

Student Services


Red/Blue Rotation Calendar

Bell Schedule

Justice HS PTSA


ParentVue Information

Emergency Resources

Crisis Link Regional Hotline - 703-527-4077

Crisis Text - Text NEEDHELP to 85511

Dominion Hospital Emergency - 703-536-2000

INOVA Emergency - 703-289-7560

Sharon Bulova Center for Community Health (formerly Merrifield) - 703-573-5979 TTY dial 711

Life Threatening - 911

FCPS Cares

Do you know a Justice High School or FCPS employee who does ordinary things in an extraordinary way or goes beyond what is expected? If so, then click here to share with everyone.

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3301 Peace Valley Lane, Falls Church, VA 22044 | Main Office: 703.824.3900
Attendance: 703.824.3920 | Web 

Justice HS News & Announcements - 3/17/25

GovDelivery1 week ago

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This Week's Topics Important Dates

Wednesday, March 19 - Partners for Safe Teen Driving Presentation

Thursday, March 20 - Parent University

Saturday, March 22 - Saturday School

Friday, March 28 - End of 3rd Quarter

Monday, March 31 - Eid-al-Fitr (Division Closed)

Tuesday, April 1 - Teacher Workday

Wednesday, April 2 - Start of 4th Quarter

Saturday, April 5 - Saturday School

Monday, April 14 - Friday, April 18 - Spring Break (Justice Offices Closed)

Saturday, April 26 - Saturday School

Monday, April 28 - IB Testing Begins

Free Technology Classes for Spanish-speaking parents offered through Edu-Futuro

Where: Justice High School Room J-204

When: Every Wednesday from 6:00 pm to 8:00 pm beginning on March 12th until April 23rd   

Facilitated by Justice HS teacher Ms. Mejia

Announcing the Wolf Shack Justice Prom Shop! Open for shopping; accepting donations

The time to start shopping for Prom is here and the Wolf Shack is ready to help! Starting this week and through the month of April, the Wolf Shack will be hosting a free Prom shop - with dresses, suits/ties, shoes and accessories.  We have fabulous options in many styles, colors and sizes and would love to outfit you for Prom!  We will be open for shopping on Wednesday and Thursdays from 3-5pm at the Wolf Shack (B27 near the Little Theater).  Drop by and take a look!

The PTSA is also asking for additional donations of new or gently used prom-style dresses, suits, ties, shoes and accessories. Items can be dropped in the front office labeled: Wolf Shack Prom Shop.  Email us with any suggestions or questions at [email protected]

Partners for Safe Teen Driving (PSTD) - 3rd Quarter Presentation Wednesday, March 19

Justice High School Auditorium - Driver’s Education

The state of Virginia requires students and their parents or legal guardians to attend ONE session of Partners for Safe Teen Driving in order to receive their Pink Card (DEC-8). The 90 minute session requires participants to be actively involved during the presentation. This is offered in conjunction with our 10th grade driver education curriculum and is a requirement. All sessions are in person for the 2024-2025 school year at Justice HS in the Auditorium. Registration link, and schedule is below. It is also posted on your 1oth grade teacher’s SCHOOLOGY PAGE.

If you are a current 11th or 12th grade Justice HS student seeking to attend a PTSD session, please email Monica White at [email protected]  for information.

PSTD presentations are 6:30 PM to 8:00 PM

3rd Quarter - Wednesday March 19th, 2025

4th Quarter - Wednesday May 14th, 2025

The meetings are a “hard” 6:30 PM start in the Auditorium for every PSTD event. Doors lock at 6:30 sharp and an entry after that will not be allowed. (State Law)

Please plan to arrive at 6 pm to avoid being locked out. Every student will NEED to have a legal guardian present with them If they are attending PSTD session.

Link for students to register for 2024-2025 Justice HS - Driver Ed PSTD

Justice HS PTSA The Wolf Shack is Open!

The Wolf Shack is our PTSA-sponsored in-school food and resource pantry, providing free essential resources for all students. The Wolf Shack is open from 3-5pm on late bus days (Wednesdays & Thursdays) in Room B27 between the Black Box Theater and the Little Theater. 

Read more in the latest PTSA newsletter.

PTSA Calendar of Events

APRIL 2025

21-25 - Mon-Fri - National Volunteer Appreciation Week

26 - Sat - 11am - Wolf Shack Stock-Up with FFN Red Bag Day

Connect with the PTSA

JHS PTSA Website


Social Handles

Facebook: facebook.com/justicehsptsa

X (formerly Twitter): x.com/justicehsptsa

Instagram: instagram.com/justicehsptsa/

Membership Link


Donation Link


Contact the PTSA

[email protected]

Fairfax County Special Education PTA (SEPTA)


From FCPS FCPS Budget — Our Students Deserve the Best

More than $240 million of FCPS’ Fiscal Year (FY) 2026 Advertised Budget is dedicated to increasing compensation for our teachers and staff to stay competitive and reduce turnover. Currently, FCPS ranks fifth out of eight neighboring districts in regards to starting salary for teachers with a master’s degree. 

Our families expect — and our students deserve — the best teachers.

Next Steps in the Budget Process

The next steps in the FCPS FY 2026 Budget process include the School Board presenting the budget to the Fairfax County Board of Supervisors on Tuesday, April 22, and then the Board of Supervisors will conduct public hearings Tuesday, April 22, through Thursday, April 24. Community members can submit testimony or sign up to speak

Visit the county government website to view the Fairfax County FY 2026 Advertised Budget. The community is also invited to complete an online survey to provide feedback on the county’s FY 2026 Advertised Budget. 

Learn more about the FCPS FY 2026 Budget process.

🛑 Cameras Installed on School Bus Stop Arms

Cameras have been installed on the stop arms of 50 FCPS school buses. These cameras will be used to identify drivers who pass stopped school buses while children are entering and exiting the bus (called a “stop arm violation”). 

Warnings for drivers will begin on Wednesday, April 9. After a 30-day warning period, citations will begin to be issued on Monday, May 12.

According to Virginia law, drivers must stop for stopped school buses with flashing red lights on and their stop signs extended. Motorists should stop when approaching from any direction (unless there is a barrier or median separating their lane from where the bus is stopped). They should remain stopped until everyone is clear and the bus is moving. 

We appreciate our law enforcement partners for working with us to improve road safety and reduce accidents. Read more information about the stop arm cameras and all of the ways that we work with our county partners to keep students safe on their way to and from school.

📍 The Comprehensive School Boundary Review Process Explained

Want to learn more about the ongoing Comprehensive School Boundary Review process? Watch this video for explanations of terms such as attendance zones, attendance islands, split feeders, and other factors that affect school boundaries. The video will also be available in other languages soon.

 Visit FCPS’ Comprehensive Boundary Review webpage for more information and sign up for our School Boundary Review newsletter.

Career and Technical Education (CTE) Summer Academy Virtual Presentations on Financial Aid for Military Families

College Access Fairfax will hold two sessions on financial aid hosted by the Navy Mutual Aid Association’s lead financial educator and military benefits liaison. 

Topics will include:

  • Residency Requirements 
  • Using the GI Bill
  • The Yellow Ribbon Program
  • Using Chapter 35 (DEA benefits)
  • Military scholarships and grants
  • Virginia Education Programs

Sessions will be held Tuesday, March 18, at 7:30 p.m. and Saturday, March 22, at 10 a.m. Click on the date to register. Contact [email protected] to learn more.

💻 Try Online Registration

Online registration for the 2025-26 school year is open. Parents/caregivers may register their children online for kindergarten through 12th grade. Learn how to begin the online registration process

When registering, parents/caregivers will need to create or log in to an existing SIS ParentVUE account.

Calendar Reminders National Women’s History Month

Every year, March is designated Women’s History Month by presidential proclamation. The month is set aside to honor women’s contributions in American history. Learn more about the heritage months, celebrations, and traditions celebrated in FCPS. Read more about Women’s History Month in National Geographic Kids.

March - Celebrating Arts in Our Schools

The Council for Art Education (CFAE) administers Youth Art Month. Youth Art Month encourages support for quality school art programs, and promotes art material safety. The program provides a medium for recognizing skills developed through visual arts experiences unlike any other curriculum subjects, including:

  • Problem solving
  • Creativity
  • Observation
  • Communication

Art shows, special exhibits, fundraisers, and school and community activities take place annually, traditionally during March, to celebrate visual art education for grades K-12.

Quarter End, Eid al-Fitr, and Student Holiday

Friday, March 28, is the last day of the third quarter. It is a full day of school for students. 

All FCPS schools and offices are closed on Monday, March 31, for Eid al-Fitr. Tuesday, April 1, is a student holiday and teacher workday. See the complete school year calendar.

Weekly Reminders Saturday School at Justice High School

On certain Saturdays, students can get one-on-one assistance in any English, Math, Science, or History class. Our dedicated teachers will be available to help students tackle assignments, strengthen their understanding of key concepts, and ensure they are well-prepared for their upcoming assessments. Students do not have to sign up ahead of time to attend Saturday School.

Details are as follows:

  • When: March 22nd | April 5th and 26th | May 3rd and 17th
  • Time: 9 AM - 12 PM
  • Where: Justice High School

We encourage your child to take advantage of this valuable opportunity. It’s a fantastic way for them to improve their grades and gain confidence in their studies. Thank you for your continued support in helping our students succeed!

What Families Can Do to Fight Drug Misuse

FCPS is committed to raising awareness about the opioid epidemic with our educators, parents/caregivers, and students. Together, we can help ensure our students thrive.

What can families do?

  • Show you disapprove of underage drinking and other drug misuse. More than 80% of young people ages 10-18 say their parents are the leading influence on their decision whether to drink. 
  • Show you care about your child’s health, wellness, and success. 
  • Show you are a good source of information about alcohol and other drugs. Find helpful resources on the FCPS Opioid Awareness webpage
  • Pay attention to your child and discourage risky behaviors. 
  • Build your child’s skills and strategies for avoiding drinking and drug use. Talk with your child about what they would do if faced with a decision about alcohol and drugs, such as texting a code word to a family member or practicing how they will say, “No thanks.”

Get more information on opioid awareness.

Food for Neighbors - Red Bag Program

Justice High School is a proud partner with Food for Neighbors, a local organization who helps to feed our students outside of school hours.

The Red Bag Program is filled five times a year and provided to needy families. Food for Neighbors will drop off an empty Red Bag with a list of items. You can support by purchasing some food items that is provided on the list. Leave the Red Bag outside your door and Food for Neighbors will come pick it up.

All donations are tax-deductible and can be in any amount. To learn more about the FFN Holiday Meals Program, please go here.

Make Sure Your Children Are Up-to-Date on Immunizations

Please make sure your child has all of their necessary immunizations. Remember, all students are required to be immunized against certain diseases to attend school in Virginia. This is an important part of keeping children healthy!

Starting Monday, May 19, students who have not provided proof of immunization may not be allowed to attend school. You can check your child’s immunization status and submit updated immunization information by accessing SIS ParentVUE

Please check with your healthcare provider to make sure your child is up to date on required immunizations for the 2024-25 school year. If your child needs an immunization, make an appointment with your healthcare provider, visit the Fairfax County Health Department website for a list of child immunization clinics, or view other Immunization Resources. Be wise and immunize!

Free Meals at Justice HS

Justice HS has qualified for the USDA Community Eligibility Provision (CEP) meal program for the 2024-2025 school year. CEP is a non-pricing meal service option for schools in low-income areas. CEP allows schools to serve breakfast and lunch at no cost to ALL students without collecting household applications for free and reduced-price meals.

CEP General Information

  • CEP is a USDA program; eligibility is based on direct certification for free meals at individual FCPS schools.
  • All students at CEP schools automatically receive no-cost breakfast and lunch every day of the school year (even if the student would not qualify for free meals). 
  • If a student purchases an additional breakfast or additional meal, it will be at cost to the family. 

Free and Reduced-Price Meal Applications, Additional Benefits, and Related Information

For families that may want to receive benefits (class fees) beyond meals that are income-based, the FCPS CEP Consent to Share Information for Other Programs will continue to be utilized and is included in the free and reduced-price meal application process. Parents are encouraged to complete and submit the CEP Consent to Share Form

Varsity Tutors Provides On-Demand Support at No Cost

FCPS is partnering with Varsity Tutors to provide students and families with extra resources for learning. Every student can take advantage of Varsity Tutors’ services at no cost, including weekly live online classes, on-demand 24/7 chat tutoring, essay editing, and study resources such as recorded content, practice problems, and diagnostic tests. Learn more about online tutoring with Varsity Tutors.

Hazel Health: Virtual Therapy for High School Students

Teletherapy services are available for all FCPS high school students at no cost. Sessions can be scheduled Monday through Friday, 7 a.m.-7 p.m. Hazel Health’s highly qualified therapists specialize in working with teens. Learn more on FCPS’ teletherapy webpage.

Supporting Your Child’s Mental Health

Children go through a lot of changes, and it can be hard to tell if their behavior is developmentally appropriate or if they could benefit from mental health support. It’s important to talk to your child and pay attention to their actions, especially these warning signs:

  • Increased irritability, hyperactivity, energy, and/or aggressive behavior.
  • Excessive sadness, hopelessness, or worries.
  • Loss of appetite, or significant weight gain or loss.
  • Lack of sleep or too much sleep.
  • A decline in grades, school avoidance, or attendance concerns.
  • Alcohol or drug use.
  • Withdrawal from activities and/or friends and family. 
  • Thoughts of harming themselves or others.

If you notice any of these warning signs or feel your child may be experiencing a mental health challenge, help is available. Please contact your child's school counselor to discuss your concerns and identify resources. Find additional ways to support your child’s wellness

If you or someone you care about is experiencing a mental health crisis such as thoughts of harming themselves or others, please take action right away. Call 988, go to the nearest emergency room, or contact the Sharon Bulova Center for Community Health Emergency Services at 703-573-5679.

Follow Justice HS On Social Media

X (formerly known as Twitter) 

Activities - @justice_sports


School - @justicehs_wolves

Activities - @justice_wolves

Helpful Links

Justice Website

Justice Athletics

Student Services


Red/Blue Rotation Calendar

Bell Schedule

Justice HS PTSA


ParentVue Information

Emergency Resources

Crisis Link Regional Hotline - 703-527-4077

Crisis Text - Text NEEDHELP to 85511

Dominion Hospital Emergency - 703-536-2000

INOVA Emergency - 703-289-7560

Sharon Bulova Center for Community Health (formerly Merrifield) - 703-573-5979 TTY dial 711

Life Threatening - 911

FCPS Cares

Do you know a Justice High School or FCPS employee who does ordinary things in an extraordinary way or goes beyond what is expected? If so, then click here to share with everyone.

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3301 Peace Valley Lane, Falls Church, VA 22044 | Main Office: 703.824.3900
Attendance: 703.824.3920 | Web 

Justice HS Student Services - 3/12/2025 (CORRECTION: Parent University Date))

GovDelivery1 week 5 days ago

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This Week's Topics Important Dates

Thursday, March 20 - Parent University - 5:30-8:30pm (Rescheduled Date)

Friday, March 28 - Quarter 3 Ends - Regular Bell Schedule

April 14-18 - Spring Break

April TBA - Courses for SY25-26 Change Request - More info to come

Wednesday, April 23 - Junior Parent College Night - 6:00-8:00pm

Quarter Two Report Card Information

Quarter 2 Report Cards are located under "Documents" in ParentVUE/StudentVUE.

To access the report card:

  1. Log into ParentVUE or log into StudentVUE
  2. In the menu on the left hand side, select "Documents"
  3. Once in "Documents", you will see "Justice HS_Q2 Report Card_SY24-25"
  4. Click on the file and it will open to review

Do you need a paper copy?

To request a paper copy to be mailed home, please submit this Quarter Two Report Card Paper Copy Request Google Form. You can submit a request for up to three children who attend Justice High School. If you have four or more children who attend Justice High School, you will need to submit the request twice.

Weekly Progress Reports - Are You Receiving Them?

FCPS sends automatic weekly progress reports for each class for Middle and High School students. However, parents/guardians must OPT-IN to the receive them. Here are directions on how to activate them:

  1. Parent/Guardian must have a ParentVUE account (if you still need a ParentVUE account please scroll below for information on how to activate this account)
  2. Log into your ParentVUE and click on "My Account"
  3. Confirm that you have an email address listed under "Primary Email Address"
  4. Continue scrolling on that page to find "Notify me with my child's gradebook scores"
    • Choose which day you want to receive all the progress reports

For screenshots on how to find the information on a desktop and a mobile phone (the ParentVUE app is slightly different), please click here.

Academic Advising Timeline

It is that time of year when we are getting ready to choose our schedule for School Year 2025-2026! Please see below for our timeline (subject to change).

Please note that students will have an opportunity to change course request in April. We need to time review and finalize courses before additional changes can be made. Please stay tuned!

The same information below is also posted on Justice's website --> Academic Advising as well as Schoology --> Course List --> Student Services --> Academic Advising Upcoming School Year 2025-2026. Slide decks and other information will be posted on the public website and Schoology.

The Academic Advising individual student meetings are done through English (11th grade) and Health/PE classes (10th and 9th grade). Please see the schedule so your student knows when their class is meeting with counselors so that they make sure to attend this class! (The schedule is subject to change and any changes will be uploaded to Justice's public website and Schoology)

  • Friday, January 10, 2025
  • Monday, January 13, 2025
    • Academic Advising Begins for Rising 12th Graders (current Grade 11)
  • Wednesday, January 22, 2025
  • Friday, January 24, 2025 (start date scheduled to change)
    • Academic Advising Beings for Rising 11th Graders (current Grade 10)
  • Wednesday, February 5, 2025
    • Rising 10th Grade (current freshmen) Course Selection Google Form DUE at 3pm (Parents/Students have access to submit form
    • Rising 9th Grade Curriculum Night (current Grade 8)
      • Optional Electives Fair - 5:30-6:25pm - Cafeteria
      • Welcome and Logistics - 6:30pm - Auditorium
      • Course Sessions (English, Math, Science, Social Studies) - 6:35pm-8:30pm
  • Friday, February 7, 2025 (start date scheduled to change)
    • Academic Advising Beings for Rising 10th Graders (current Grade 9)
  • Wednesday, February 19, 2025 (Extended from Fri, 2/14)
  • Friday, March 7, 2025
    • All course requests must be submitted at this time
  • April 2025 - Date TBA
    • Students will be allowed to make changes to their course request via Google Form. More information to come!
Schedule Change Policy

As a reminder, to support students in settling into a consistent class schedule, please see the timeline for schedule changes for the 2024-2025 school year.

  • Starting September 23, 2024 - February 27, 2025:
    • No Elective Change Requests
    • All Academic Level Change Requests must complete the Academic Improvement Plan that involves a parent/teacher/student conference.
    • If, after the Academic Improvement Plan, the student still wishes to move forward with the academic level change, the request will be reviewed by a committee. Approval is not guaranteed and is based on seat availability in the requested course.
  • November 5, 2024: Last day to drop a course without it going on the student’s transcript as a Withdrawal Pass (WP) or a Withdrawal Fail (WF). This is an FCPS regulation. 
  • February 28, 2025: No schedule changes will be permitted after this time.
Class of 2025 - Official Transcript Request Form

All 2-year/4-year college/universities and Military Academies need your Official Transcript as part of the application.

Part One: All seniors must have the Consent to Share Transcript to Colleges on file in order for us to send your transcripts to 2-year/4-year college/universities, Military Academies, and Scholarships. If you've already signed the form, no need to sign again. Please return completed forms to Ms. Bond in Student Services.

Part Two: You must submit an Official Transcript Request for EACH college/university and indicate whether we need to upload the transcript to a college portal, Common Application, Coalition Application, or email/mail directly to the College Admissions Office.

Class of 2025 - Reminder to Add Recommender to Common App

Seniors who are using the Common Application must remember to add your School Counselor and Teacher to the portal in order for the School Counselor and Teacher to submit their Letter of Recommendation. PLEASE ensure that their email address is correct.

If your School Counselor and Teacher are not added to your portal, they are unable to upload any documentation to your application. This will cause you to receive emails stating that documents haven't been received.

  • How-to-Invite-Recommenders-on-Common-and-Coalition-Apps.pdf
  • How to Add Teachers to Common Application
  • Georgetown University Application Portal
    • Within the application portal, it will ask you to provide the names/email address of your School Counselor and Teachers submitting Letters of Recommendation.
    • If you entered in the email correctly, Georgetown will automatically send them an email with the link on how to upload their documents.
    • If you are applying to Georgetown University and you have submitted your application, please double-check with your School Counselor and Teachers they have received Georgetown's email.
Discover NOVA Open House Events

NOVA Dual Enrollment and Outreach & Recruitment team is hosting Discover NOVA – Open House events for prospective and current dual enrollment students and their families. These events will showcase academic programs, student support resources, and how to maximize dual enrollment credits—plus, attendees will get to tour the campuses!

Students can choose from any of the following campus events:

  • Alexandria Campus — March 13,  4-7 PM
  • Annandale Campus — March 27, 4-7 PM
  • Woodbridge Campus — April 3, 4-7 PM
  • Manassas Campus — April 24, 4-7 PM

Registration is now open: https://forms.gle/eHR2q5CnnN7AzKVy8.

Students who attend will be entered to win a $500 NOVA scholarship (Nontransferable; must be used at NOVA in Fall 2025)!

FAFSA Form SY2025-26 Now Available

The 2025-26 Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) is now available. Any college-bound high school senior — regardless of income — who wants to be considered for federal, state, and school financial aid programs should complete a FAFSA form. 

Parents and caregivers are encouraged to work with their children to complete the FAFSA as early as possible. Check each college’s financial aid office webpage for deadlines and financial aid forms. Then, create an account, if you have not already done so, and fill out the FAFSA.

The Virginia Alternative State Aid (VASA) application will be available in late January for students who are unable to complete the FAFSA. To help determine which aid option is right for you, visit the State Council of Higher Education for Virginia website.

Get Help Filling out FAFSA From College Access Fairfax

Over the next few months, College Access Fairfax will be offering several programs on completing the FAFSA/VASA and finding and applying for scholarships. Get information on these programs and how to access them on the College Access Fairfax website.

In addition, College Access Fairfax staff are available for virtual one-on-one help sessions to complete the FAFSA/VASA. To request an appointment, families should email [email protected].

Virginia Alternative State Aid (VASA) Application

The VASA Application is now open! The Virginia Alternative State Aid (VASA) Application is the alternative state application available for Virginia students who are ineligible to file the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA). These students include Virginians who have certain nonimmigrant visa statuses, are undocumented, have Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) status or are otherwise ineligible to file the FAFSA and would like to be considered for state financial aid.

Class of 2025/2026 - Interested In College Athletics?

Are you interested in playing college athletics at Division 1 or Division 2 schools? Have you created an account at the NCAA Eligibility Center? Are you confused about how to get recruited?

Schedule a meeting with Mr. Harvey, Justice's NCAA Eligibility Lead, and he can support you and your parents as you navigate this process! You can also email Mr. Harvey with questions as well - [email protected].

Class of 2026: College Access Fairfax: Financial Aid Sessions for Military Families

College Access Fairfax will hold two virtual presentations on Financial Aid Information for Military Families (focus on current Juniors). Join them for a session presented by the Lead Financial Education and Military Benefits liaison from Navy Mutual Aid Association.

Topic to be covered:

  • Residency Requirements

  • Using the GI Bill 

  • The Yellow Ribbon Program

  • Using Chapter 35 (DEA benefits)

  • Military Scholarships and Grants

  • Virginia Education Programs

  • And More

Sessions will be held on:

To attend, simply click on the link for the desired session.

Parent University Q3: If You Dream It, You Can Build It

Justice High School's Quarter 3 Parent University “If You Dream It, You Can Build It” on Thursday, March 20th (RESCHEDULED DATE) from 5:30PM - 8PM in the Justice Cafeteria.

Doors will open at 5:30PM for our free catered dinner, from Duccini's Pizza and salad.

“If You Dream It, You Can Build It” will be led by our dedicated School Counselors and Social Workers who will guide families through topics relating to your student's Emotion Regulation and Self-Management, Social Awareness, and Responsible Decision-Making.

Come for dinner, raffle prizes, and SEL! See you there!

Q3 ParentU Flyer (English)

Q3 ParentU Flyer (Spanish)

Prom Dress Shop

The annual Prom Dress Shop opens for the season on Friday, March 7, at Centreville High School. Any area student — not just those from Fairfax County Public Schools — who do not have the funds to purchase a prom dress may choose from hundreds of new dresses donated by Macy’s. Learn more and see shop hours

The annual Prom Dress Shop opens for the season on Friday, March 7, at Centreville High School. Any area student — not just those from Fairfax County Public Schools — who do not have the funds to purchase a prom dress may choose from hundreds of new dresses donated by Macy’s. Learn more and see shop hours

2025 Fairfax County Teen Job Fair

Board of Supervisor Pat Herrity is teaming up with Fairfax County Times Newspapers, Fairfax County Public Schools, as well as local chambers and organizations to bring our community two Fairfax County Teen Job Fairs and Career-Building Workshops. These events focus on students and young job seekers looking for a variety of employment opportunities; full time, after-school, seasonal positions, internship opportunities, and volunteer positions.

Past fairs have provided thousands of teenagers the opportunity to get in front of employers and for our employers to find talented Fairfax County students to fill their positions. Last year, we had over 1,500 students and roughly 100 businesses participate. The fairs are open to all teens in Fairfax County looking for employment, volunteer opportunities, or tips on building their resume.

For more information and to view the full schedule, please visit the event webpage.

Saturday, March 15, 2025 - West Springfield High School

  • 1 - 3 p.m. (with final workshops ending at 3:30 p.m.)
Academy Day 2025

Senator Mark Warner invites high school and middle school students, their parents or guardians, and school counselors to Academy Day 2025. Attendees will be provided a comprehensive overview of the United States service academies and their admission processes.

In addition, students will be able to meet with officials from all five academies as well as representatives from the Department of Defense Medical Examination Review Board, Navy Talent Acquisition Group (NTAG) Richmond, ROTC programs at the University of Virginia, the United States Marine Corps, the Virginia Military Institute, the Virginia Tech Corps of Cadets, and the Virginia Women's Institute for Leadership at Mary Baldwin University. Staff from Virginia Congressional offices will be available to answer questions regarding the application procedures for congressional nominations.

Save the Date: Saturday, April 26, 2025
Time: 9:30 a.m. - 1:30 p.m.
Location: University of Mary Washington, Dodd Auditorium in George Washington Hall, 1301 College Ave, Fredericksburg, VA 22401

To ensure you receive it and the registration link for the event, please email [email protected]. For more information on the Academy Nomination Process, please visit www.warner.senate.gov.

Food for Neighbors - Red Bag Program

Justice High School is a proud partner with Food for Neighbors, a local organization who helps to feed our students outside of school hours.

The Red Bag Program is filled five times a year and provided to needy families. Food for Neighbors will drop off an empty Red Bag with a list of items. You can support by purchasing some food items that is provided on the list. Leave the Red Bag outside your door and Food for Neighbors will come pick it up.

All donations are tax-deductible and can be in any amount. To learn more about the FFN Holiday Meals Program, please go here.

The Power of Play in Parenting

Join the next free Virtual Parent Café sponsored by Fairfax County Department of Family Services, Tuesday, Apr. 8, 6:30 to 8 p.m. to discuss “The Power of Play in Parenting.” Play is the language of children and as parents we can increase our connection with children by joining them in it. Children of all ages experience greater confidence, fewer behavioral issues, and improved mental health when caregivers use the power of play in their daily interactions with them. Join us for this presentation by Greater Richmond SCAN to learn more about the importance of play and how to incorporate it in your interactions with your children.

Any Fairfax County parents or guardians with children ages 0-18 years old can join in through MS Teams at https://bit.ly/4bzJYpP. For more information or to preregister, email or call 703-324-7720.

Preparing for Tough Conversations With Teens

Discussing tough topics like fentanyl and other drugs can feel challenging — no matter how close you are with your child. Explain to your teen that it’s important to learn about fentanyl so they know what to do if a friend overdoses. Prepare in advance with the tips below:

  • Set the stage. Choose a casual environment that’s free from distractions. Talk while driving, taking a walk, or doing chores together. 
  • Make it a two-way discussion. Ask open-ended questions. 
  • Stay patient and reserve judgment. 
  • Check in with your child early and often. 

Visit our website for more information on how to Become Unskippable with your teens.

Schoology Groups

Each Class has a group in Schoology with posts pertinent information specific to that class. Please see below for the access code to join.

Class of 2025: XKMH-SPHF-9C4GZ

Class of 2026: QXWJ-NPF2-6WHHG

Class of 2027: XDTX-PD42-RPN2G

Class of 2028: NR9N-89TD-8WQQC

Still Need ParentVUE Access?

Learn how to activate your SIS ParentVUE account.

Technical support for using ParentVUE is available for:

  1. Go to the ParentVUE Login screen and select the icon that you need
    • Change Username - You forgot your username or you want to change it
    • Change Password - You know your password but you want to change it
    • Forgot Password - You can't remember your password
    • Activate Account - You have received an Activation Key and you're ready to create your account
  2. None of the above apply
    1. Go to the Parent Support Request ticket
    2. Select SIS Parent in the Application dropdown menu
    3. Under "Issue Description", type the issue/error that you're receiving. Please try to be specific.
  3. Call the Parent Technology Help Desk at 833-921-3277 (833-921-FCPS).
Student Forms moved to Parental Digital Consent (PDC) Available 

Paperless Opt-Outs Available! Families can log in to the PDC using their ParentVUE credentials to complete consent forms assigned to their child. 

Forms available in the PDC starting in the 2024-2025 school year include:

  • School Counseling Opt-Out
  • Digital Resources Consent
  • SEL Screener Opt-Out
  • Consent for Release of Student Records in Support of Postsecondary Applications
  • Denial of Access to Military Recruiters 
  • Family Life Education Opt-Out
  • SOL Retest Permission
  • Hazel Health
  • BYOD (Bring Your Own Device) Opt-Out
  • SOS Screener Opt-Out
  • Objection to Release of Information to Outside Organizations
  • Objection to Release of Directory Information to the Public
No-Cost Virtual Therapy for High School Students

Virtual therapy sessions are available at no cost to FCPS high school students to provide a safe space to address concerns such as:

  • Mood/behavior changes, motivation, grief/loss.
  • Anxiety, worry, fears.
  • Social skills, bullying, peer and family relationships.
  • Academic stress.

In order for students to participate, caregivers must give permission for FCPS to share basic demographic information with Hazel Health in ParentVUE. They must also provide consent for their student to access therapy services. 

Students may then be referred by a guardian or designated school staff member. Refer your child by calling 571-749-2940 or contacting an FCPS school counselor, social worker, psychologist, or director of Student Services.

Visit the FCPS Teletherapy webpage for more information.

Emergency Resources

Crisis Link Regional Hotline - 703-527-4077

Crisis Text - Text NEEDHELP to 85511

Dominion Hospital Emergency - 703-536-2000

INOVA Emergency - 703-289-7560

Sharon Bulova Center for Community Health (formerly Merrifield) - 703-573-5979 TTY dial 711

Life Threatening - 911

3301 Peace Valley Lane, Falls Church, VA 22044 | Main Office: 703.824.3900
Attendance: 703.824.3920 | Web 

Justice HS Student Services - 3/12/2025

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This Week's Topics Important Dates

Thursday, March 20 - Parent University - 5:30-8:30pm (Rescheduled Date)

Friday, March 28 - Quarter 3 Ends - Regular Bell Schedule

April 14-18 - Spring Break

April TBA - Courses for SY25-26 Change Request - More info to come

Wednesday, April 23 - Junior Parent College Night - 6:00-8:00pm

Quarter Two Report Card Information

Quarter 2 Report Cards are located under "Documents" in ParentVUE/StudentVUE.

To access the report card:

  1. Log into ParentVUE or log into StudentVUE
  2. In the menu on the left hand side, select "Documents"
  3. Once in "Documents", you will see "Justice HS_Q2 Report Card_SY24-25"
  4. Click on the file and it will open to review

Do you need a paper copy?

To request a paper copy to be mailed home, please submit this Quarter Two Report Card Paper Copy Request Google Form. You can submit a request for up to three children who attend Justice High School. If you have four or more children who attend Justice High School, you will need to submit the request twice.

Weekly Progress Reports - Are You Receiving Them?

FCPS sends automatic weekly progress reports for each class for Middle and High School students. However, parents/guardians must OPT-IN to the receive them. Here are directions on how to activate them:

  1. Parent/Guardian must have a ParentVUE account (if you still need a ParentVUE account please scroll below for information on how to activate this account)
  2. Log into your ParentVUE and click on "My Account"
  3. Confirm that you have an email address listed under "Primary Email Address"
  4. Continue scrolling on that page to find "Notify me with my child's gradebook scores"
    • Choose which day you want to receive all the progress reports

For screenshots on how to find the information on a desktop and a mobile phone (the ParentVUE app is slightly different), please click here.

Academic Advising Timeline

It is that time of year when we are getting ready to choose our schedule for School Year 2025-2026! Please see below for our timeline (subject to change).

Please note that students will have an opportunity to change course request in April. We need to time review and finalize courses before additional changes can be made. Please stay tuned!

The same information below is also posted on Justice's website --> Academic Advising as well as Schoology --> Course List --> Student Services --> Academic Advising Upcoming School Year 2025-2026. Slide decks and other information will be posted on the public website and Schoology.

The Academic Advising individual student meetings are done through English (11th grade) and Health/PE classes (10th and 9th grade). Please see the schedule so your student knows when their class is meeting with counselors so that they make sure to attend this class! (The schedule is subject to change and any changes will be uploaded to Justice's public website and Schoology)

  • Friday, January 10, 2025
  • Monday, January 13, 2025
    • Academic Advising Begins for Rising 12th Graders (current Grade 11)
  • Wednesday, January 22, 2025
  • Friday, January 24, 2025 (start date scheduled to change)
    • Academic Advising Beings for Rising 11th Graders (current Grade 10)
  • Wednesday, February 5, 2025
    • Rising 10th Grade (current freshmen) Course Selection Google Form DUE at 3pm (Parents/Students have access to submit form
    • Rising 9th Grade Curriculum Night (current Grade 8)
      • Optional Electives Fair - 5:30-6:25pm - Cafeteria
      • Welcome and Logistics - 6:30pm - Auditorium
      • Course Sessions (English, Math, Science, Social Studies) - 6:35pm-8:30pm
  • Friday, February 7, 2025 (start date scheduled to change)
    • Academic Advising Beings for Rising 10th Graders (current Grade 9)
  • Wednesday, February 19, 2025 (Extended from Fri, 2/14)
  • Friday, March 7, 2025
    • All course requests must be submitted at this time
  • April 2025 - Date TBA
    • Students will be allowed to make changes to their course request via Google Form. More information to come!
Schedule Change Policy

As a reminder, to support students in settling into a consistent class schedule, please see the timeline for schedule changes for the 2024-2025 school year.

  • Starting September 23, 2024 - February 27, 2025:
    • No Elective Change Requests
    • All Academic Level Change Requests must complete the Academic Improvement Plan that involves a parent/teacher/student conference.
    • If, after the Academic Improvement Plan, the student still wishes to move forward with the academic level change, the request will be reviewed by a committee. Approval is not guaranteed and is based on seat availability in the requested course.
  • November 5, 2024: Last day to drop a course without it going on the student’s transcript as a Withdrawal Pass (WP) or a Withdrawal Fail (WF). This is an FCPS regulation. 
  • February 28, 2025: No schedule changes will be permitted after this time.
Class of 2025 - Official Transcript Request Form

All 2-year/4-year college/universities and Military Academies need your Official Transcript as part of the application.

Part One: All seniors must have the Consent to Share Transcript to Colleges on file in order for us to send your transcripts to 2-year/4-year college/universities, Military Academies, and Scholarships. If you've already signed the form, no need to sign again. Please return completed forms to Ms. Bond in Student Services.

Part Two: You must submit an Official Transcript Request for EACH college/university and indicate whether we need to upload the transcript to a college portal, Common Application, Coalition Application, or email/mail directly to the College Admissions Office.

Class of 2025 - Reminder to Add Recommender to Common App

Seniors who are using the Common Application must remember to add your School Counselor and Teacher to the portal in order for the School Counselor and Teacher to submit their Letter of Recommendation. PLEASE ensure that their email address is correct.

If your School Counselor and Teacher are not added to your portal, they are unable to upload any documentation to your application. This will cause you to receive emails stating that documents haven't been received.

  • How-to-Invite-Recommenders-on-Common-and-Coalition-Apps.pdf
  • How to Add Teachers to Common Application
  • Georgetown University Application Portal
    • Within the application portal, it will ask you to provide the names/email address of your School Counselor and Teachers submitting Letters of Recommendation.
    • If you entered in the email correctly, Georgetown will automatically send them an email with the link on how to upload their documents.
    • If you are applying to Georgetown University and you have submitted your application, please double-check with your School Counselor and Teachers they have received Georgetown's email.
Discover NOVA Open House Events

NOVA Dual Enrollment and Outreach & Recruitment team is hosting Discover NOVA – Open House events for prospective and current dual enrollment students and their families. These events will showcase academic programs, student support resources, and how to maximize dual enrollment credits—plus, attendees will get to tour the campuses!

Students can choose from any of the following campus events:

  • Alexandria Campus — March 13,  4-7 PM
  • Annandale Campus — March 27, 4-7 PM
  • Woodbridge Campus — April 3, 4-7 PM
  • Manassas Campus — April 24, 4-7 PM

Registration is now open: https://forms.gle/eHR2q5CnnN7AzKVy8.

Students who attend will be entered to win a $500 NOVA scholarship (Nontransferable; must be used at NOVA in Fall 2025)!

FAFSA Form SY2025-26 Now Available

The 2025-26 Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) is now available. Any college-bound high school senior — regardless of income — who wants to be considered for federal, state, and school financial aid programs should complete a FAFSA form. 

Parents and caregivers are encouraged to work with their children to complete the FAFSA as early as possible. Check each college’s financial aid office webpage for deadlines and financial aid forms. Then, create an account, if you have not already done so, and fill out the FAFSA.

The Virginia Alternative State Aid (VASA) application will be available in late January for students who are unable to complete the FAFSA. To help determine which aid option is right for you, visit the State Council of Higher Education for Virginia website.

Get Help Filling out FAFSA From College Access Fairfax

Over the next few months, College Access Fairfax will be offering several programs on completing the FAFSA/VASA and finding and applying for scholarships. Get information on these programs and how to access them on the College Access Fairfax website.

In addition, College Access Fairfax staff are available for virtual one-on-one help sessions to complete the FAFSA/VASA. To request an appointment, families should email [email protected].

Virginia Alternative State Aid (VASA) Application

The VASA Application is now open! The Virginia Alternative State Aid (VASA) Application is the alternative state application available for Virginia students who are ineligible to file the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA). These students include Virginians who have certain nonimmigrant visa statuses, are undocumented, have Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) status or are otherwise ineligible to file the FAFSA and would like to be considered for state financial aid.

Class of 2025/2026 - Interested In College Athletics?

Are you interested in playing college athletics at Division 1 or Division 2 schools? Have you created an account at the NCAA Eligibility Center? Are you confused about how to get recruited?

Schedule a meeting with Mr. Harvey, Justice's NCAA Eligibility Lead, and he can support you and your parents as you navigate this process! You can also email Mr. Harvey with questions as well - [email protected].

Class of 2026: College Access Fairfax: Financial Aid Sessions for Military Families

College Access Fairfax will hold two virtual presentations on Financial Aid Information for Military Families (focus on current Juniors). Join them for a session presented by the Lead Financial Education and Military Benefits liaison from Navy Mutual Aid Association.

Topic to be covered:

  • Residency Requirements

  • Using the GI Bill 

  • The Yellow Ribbon Program

  • Using Chapter 35 (DEA benefits)

  • Military Scholarships and Grants

  • Virginia Education Programs

  • And More

Sessions will be held on:

To attend, simply click on the link for the desired session.

Parent University Q3: If You Dream It, You Can Build It

Justice High School's Quarter 3 Parent University “If You Dream It, You Can Build It” on Wednesday, March 5th from 6PM - 8PM in the Justice Cafeteria.

Doors will open at 5:30PM for our free catered dinner, from Duccini's Pizza and salad.

“If You Dream It, You Can Build It” will be led by our dedicated School Counselors and Social Workers who will guide families through topics relating to your student's Emotion Regulation and Self-Management, Social Awareness, and Responsible Decision-Making.

Come for dinner, raffle prizes, and SEL! See you there!

Q3 ParentU Flyer (English)

Q3 ParentU Flyer (Spanish)

Prom Dress Shop Prom Dress Shop

The annual Prom Dress Shop opens for the season on Friday, March 7, at Centreville High School. Any area student — not just those from Fairfax County Public Schools — who do not have the funds to purchase a prom dress may choose from hundreds of new dresses donated by Macy’s. Learn more and see shop hours

The annual Prom Dress Shop opens for the season on Friday, March 7, at Centreville High School. Any area student — not just those from Fairfax County Public Schools — who do not have the funds to purchase a prom dress may choose from hundreds of new dresses donated by Macy’s. Learn more and see shop hours

2025 Fairfax County Teen Job Fair

Board of Supervisor Pat Herrity is teaming up with Fairfax County Times Newspapers, Fairfax County Public Schools, as well as local chambers and organizations to bring our community two Fairfax County Teen Job Fairs and Career-Building Workshops. These events focus on students and young job seekers looking for a variety of employment opportunities; full time, after-school, seasonal positions, internship opportunities, and volunteer positions.

Past fairs have provided thousands of teenagers the opportunity to get in front of employers and for our employers to find talented Fairfax County students to fill their positions. Last year, we had over 1,500 students and roughly 100 businesses participate. The fairs are open to all teens in Fairfax County looking for employment, volunteer opportunities, or tips on building their resume.

For more information and to view the full schedule, please visit the event webpage.

Saturday, March 15, 2025 - West Springfield High School

  • 1 - 3 p.m. (with final workshops ending at 3:30 p.m.)
Academy Day 2025

Senator Mark Warner invites high school and middle school students, their parents or guardians, and school counselors to Academy Day 2025. Attendees will be provided a comprehensive overview of the United States service academies and their admission processes.

In addition, students will be able to meet with officials from all five academies as well as representatives from the Department of Defense Medical Examination Review Board, Navy Talent Acquisition Group (NTAG) Richmond, ROTC programs at the University of Virginia, the United States Marine Corps, the Virginia Military Institute, the Virginia Tech Corps of Cadets, and the Virginia Women's Institute for Leadership at Mary Baldwin University. Staff from Virginia Congressional offices will be available to answer questions regarding the application procedures for congressional nominations.

Save the Date: Saturday, April 26, 2025
Time: 9:30 a.m. - 1:30 p.m.
Location: University of Mary Washington, Dodd Auditorium in George Washington Hall, 1301 College Ave, Fredericksburg, VA 22401

To ensure you receive it and the registration link for the event, please email [email protected]. For more information on the Academy Nomination Process, please visit www.warner.senate.gov.

Food for Neighbors - Red Bag Program

Justice High School is a proud partner with Food for Neighbors, a local organization who helps to feed our students outside of school hours.

The Red Bag Program is filled five times a year and provided to needy families. Food for Neighbors will drop off an empty Red Bag with a list of items. You can support by purchasing some food items that is provided on the list. Leave the Red Bag outside your door and Food for Neighbors will come pick it up.

All donations are tax-deductible and can be in any amount. To learn more about the FFN Holiday Meals Program, please go here.

The Power of Play in Parenting

Join the next free Virtual Parent Café sponsored by Fairfax County Department of Family Services, Tuesday, Apr. 8, 6:30 to 8 p.m. to discuss “The Power of Play in Parenting.” Play is the language of children and as parents we can increase our connection with children by joining them in it. Children of all ages experience greater confidence, fewer behavioral issues, and improved mental health when caregivers use the power of play in their daily interactions with them. Join us for this presentation by Greater Richmond SCAN to learn more about the importance of play and how to incorporate it in your interactions with your children.

Any Fairfax County parents or guardians with children ages 0-18 years old can join in through MS Teams at https://bit.ly/4bzJYpP. For more information or to preregister, email or call 703-324-7720.

Preparing for Tough Conversations With Teens

Discussing tough topics like fentanyl and other drugs can feel challenging — no matter how close you are with your child. Explain to your teen that it’s important to learn about fentanyl so they know what to do if a friend overdoses. Prepare in advance with the tips below:

  • Set the stage. Choose a casual environment that’s free from distractions. Talk while driving, taking a walk, or doing chores together. 
  • Make it a two-way discussion. Ask open-ended questions. 
  • Stay patient and reserve judgment. 
  • Check in with your child early and often. 

Visit our website for more information on how to Become Unskippable with your teens.

Schoology Groups

Each Class has a group in Schoology with posts pertinent information specific to that class. Please see below for the access code to join.

Class of 2025: XKMH-SPHF-9C4GZ

Class of 2026: QXWJ-NPF2-6WHHG

Class of 2027: XDTX-PD42-RPN2G

Class of 2028: NR9N-89TD-8WQQC

Still Need ParentVUE Access?

Learn how to activate your SIS ParentVUE account.

Technical support for using ParentVUE is available for:

  1. Go to the ParentVUE Login screen and select the icon that you need
    • Change Username - You forgot your username or you want to change it
    • Change Password - You know your password but you want to change it
    • Forgot Password - You can't remember your password
    • Activate Account - You have received an Activation Key and you're ready to create your account
  2. None of the above apply
    1. Go to the Parent Support Request ticket
    2. Select SIS Parent in the Application dropdown menu
    3. Under "Issue Description", type the issue/error that you're receiving. Please try to be specific.
  3. Call the Parent Technology Help Desk at 833-921-3277 (833-921-FCPS).
Student Forms moved to Parental Digital Consent (PDC) Available 

Paperless Opt-Outs Available! Families can log in to the PDC using their ParentVUE credentials to complete consent forms assigned to their child. 

Forms available in the PDC starting in the 2024-2025 school year include:

  • School Counseling Opt-Out
  • Digital Resources Consent
  • SEL Screener Opt-Out
  • Consent for Release of Student Records in Support of Postsecondary Applications
  • Denial of Access to Military Recruiters 
  • Family Life Education Opt-Out
  • SOL Retest Permission
  • Hazel Health
  • BYOD (Bring Your Own Device) Opt-Out
  • SOS Screener Opt-Out
  • Objection to Release of Information to Outside Organizations
  • Objection to Release of Directory Information to the Public
No-Cost Virtual Therapy for High School Students

Virtual therapy sessions are available at no cost to FCPS high school students to provide a safe space to address concerns such as:

  • Mood/behavior changes, motivation, grief/loss.
  • Anxiety, worry, fears.
  • Social skills, bullying, peer and family relationships.
  • Academic stress.

In order for students to participate, caregivers must give permission for FCPS to share basic demographic information with Hazel Health in ParentVUE. They must also provide consent for their student to access therapy services. 

Students may then be referred by a guardian or designated school staff member. Refer your child by calling 571-749-2940 or contacting an FCPS school counselor, social worker, psychologist, or director of Student Services.

Visit the FCPS Teletherapy webpage for more information.

Emergency Resources

Crisis Link Regional Hotline - 703-527-4077

Crisis Text - Text NEEDHELP to 85511

Dominion Hospital Emergency - 703-536-2000

INOVA Emergency - 703-289-7560

Sharon Bulova Center for Community Health (formerly Merrifield) - 703-573-5979 TTY dial 711

Life Threatening - 911

3301 Peace Valley Lane, Falls Church, VA 22044 | Main Office: 703.824.3900
Attendance: 703.824.3920 | Web 

Justice HS News & Announcements - 3/10/25

GovDelivery2 weeks ago

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This Week's Topics Important Dates

Saturday, March 15 - Saturday School

Saturday, March 15 - Wolves at the Lodge: Casino Night

Wednesday, March 19 - Partners for Safe Teen Driving Presentation

Saturday, March 22 - Saturday School

Monday, March 24 - Virtual PTSA Monthly Town Hall & General Meeting

Friday, March 28 - End of 3rd Quarter

Monday, March 31 - Eid-al-Fitr (Division Closed)

Tuesday, April 1 - Teacher Workday

Wednesday, April 2 - Start of 4th Quarter

Saturday, April 5 - Saturday School

Monday, April 14 - Friday, April 18 - Spring Break (Justice Offices Closed)

Saturday, April 26 - Saturday School

Monday, April 28 - IB Testing Begins

Wolves at the Lodge - Tickets On Sale! Tickets now on sale for the March 15th event! 

Wolves at the Lodge is the main PTSA fundraiser of the year. Once again, we will be hosting a Casino Night with prizes for the top winners. This fun event is open to adults 21 years or older.

During the evening, you can enjoy casino games, dinner and desserts from local restaurants, dancing, and craft cocktails and wine.  There will also be a raffle and a silent auction with items such as tickets, artwork, and gift certificates.

Wolf Bucks will be needed for the raffle, cocktails, wine and casino, so don’t forget to purchase them when you buy your ticket or you can purchase one of the packages that include Wolf Bucks. If you have any questions, or would like to donate something to the silent auction, please email, [email protected].

Date: March 15, 2025 from 7 pm to 11 pm

Location: Moose Lodge (Arlington)

Get your tickets today at jhsptsa.org/WATL25

Preparing for Tough Conversations With Teens

Discussing tough topics like fentanyl and other drugs can feel challenging — no matter how close you are with your child. Explain to your teen that it’s important to learn about fentanyl so they know what to do if a friend overdoses. Prepare in advance with the tips below:

  • Set the stage. Choose a casual environment that’s free from distractions. Talk while driving, taking a walk, or doing chores together. 
  • Make it a two-way discussion. Ask open-ended questions. 
  • Stay patient and reserve judgment. 
  • Check in with your child early and often. 

Visit our website for more information on how to Become Unskippable with your teens.

Free Technology Classes for Spanish-speaking parents offered through Edu-Futuro

Where: Justice High School Room J-204

When: Every Wednesday from 6:00 pm to 8:00 pm beginning on March 12th until April 23rd   

Facilitated by Justice HS teacher Ms. Mejia

Prom Dress Shop Opens With Hundreds of Dresses

The annual Prom Dress Shop opens for the season on Friday, March 7, at Centreville High School. Any area student — not just those from Fairfax County Public Schools — who do not have the funds to purchase a prom dress may choose from hundreds of new dresses donated by Macy’s. Learn more and see shop hours.

Partners for Safe Teen Driving (PSTD) - 3rd Quarter Presentation Wednesday, March 19

Justice High School Auditorium - Driver’s Education

The state of Virginia requires students and their parents or legal guardians to attend ONE session of Partners for Safe Teen Driving in order to receive their Pink Card (DEC-8). The 90 minute session requires participants to be actively involved during the presentation. This is offered in conjunction with our 10th grade driver education curriculum and is a requirement. All sessions are in person for the 2024-2025 school year at Justice HS in the Auditorium. Registration link, and schedule is below. It is also posted on your 1oth grade teacher’s SCHOOLOGY PAGE.

If you are a current 11th or 12th grade Justice HS student seeking to attend a PTSD session, please email Monica White at [email protected]  for information.

PSTD presentations are 6:30 PM to 8:00 PM

3rd Quarter - Wednesday March 19th, 2025

4th Quarter - Wednesday May 14th, 2025

The meetings are a “hard” 6:30 PM start in the Auditorium for every PSTD event. Doors lock at 6:30 sharp and an entry after that will not be allowed. (State Law)

Please plan to arrive at 6 pm to avoid being locked out. Every student will NEED to have a legal guardian present with them If they are attending PSTD session.

Link for students to register for 2024-2025 Justice HS - Driver Ed PSTD

Justice HS PTSA The Wolf Shack is Open!

The Wolf Shack is our PTSA-sponsored in-school food and resource pantry, providing free essential resources for all students. The Wolf Shack is open from 3-5pm on late bus days (Wednesdays & Thursdays) in Room B27 between the Black Box Theater and the Little Theater. 

Read more in the latest PTSA newsletter.

PTSA Calendar of Events

MARCH 2025

15 - Sat - 7pm - Wolves at the Lodge: Casino Night

APRIL 2025

21-25 - Mon-Fri - National Volunteer Appreciation Week

26 - Sat - 11am - Wolf Shack Stock-Up with FFN Red Bag Day

Connect with the PTSA

JHS PTSA Website


Social Handles

Facebook: facebook.com/justicehsptsa

X (formerly Twitter): x.com/justicehsptsa

Instagram: instagram.com/justicehsptsa/

Membership Link


Donation Link


Contact the PTSA

[email protected]

Fairfax County Special Education PTA (SEPTA)


From FCPS Career and Technical Education (CTE) Summer Academy Virtual Presentations on Financial Aid for Military Families

College Access Fairfax will hold two sessions on financial aid hosted by the Navy Mutual Aid Association’s lead financial educator and military benefits liaison. 

Topics will include:

  • Residency Requirements 
  • Using the GI Bill
  • The Yellow Ribbon Program
  • Using Chapter 35 (DEA benefits)
  • Military scholarships and grants
  • Virginia Education Programs

Sessions will be held Tuesday, March 18, at 7:30 p.m. and Saturday, March 22, at 10 a.m. Click on the date to register. Contact [email protected] to learn more.

2025 Family Summit - Beyond Labels: Nurturing a Culture of Belonging! (an Extension of the Special Education Conference)

Families, educators, and community members are invited to the 2025 FCPS Family Summit: Beyond Labels: Nurturing a Culture of Belonging. Fairfax County Public Schools will be hosting the free, in-person event in collaboration with valued community partners. The summit will be held Saturday, March 15, 8:30 a.m.-3:30 p.m. at South Lakes High School.

This event will feature: 

  • Opening Session: Julie Causton and Kristie Pretti-Frontczak — best-selling authors, motivational speakers, and advocates for inclusion — will share practical tools and evidence-based strategies to empower and assist all families, with a special emphasis on parents of students with individual education programs (IEPs) and 504 Plans.
  • Breakout Sessions: Learn more about special education and global topics that benefit all families.
  • Student Showcase: FCPS students will share their efforts in fostering inclusivity through posters, essays, videos, songs, art, and other mediums.
  • Exhibitor Hall: Discover valuable resources and services in the community to support families.
  • Networking Opportunities: Connect with other families, staff, and community partners.

Childcare will be provided. Special education staff will be available to care for children with high support needs. You may sign up for childcare during the registration process

Learn more about this event and register today! Contact [email protected] for more information.

💻 Try Online Registration

Online registration for the 2025-26 school year is open. Parents/caregivers may register their children online for kindergarten through 12th grade. Learn how to begin the online registration process

When registering, parents/caregivers will need to create or log in to an existing SIS ParentVUE account.

Calendar Reminders National Women’s History Month

Every year, March is designated Women’s History Month by presidential proclamation. The month is set aside to honor women’s contributions in American history. Learn more about the heritage months, celebrations, and traditions celebrated in FCPS. Read more about Women’s History Month in National Geographic Kids.

March - Celebrating Arts in Our Schools

The Council for Art Education (CFAE) administers Youth Art Month. Youth Art Month encourages support for quality school art programs, and promotes art material safety. The program provides a medium for recognizing skills developed through visual arts experiences unlike any other curriculum subjects, including:

  • Problem solving
  • Creativity
  • Observation
  • Communication

Art shows, special exhibits, fundraisers, and school and community activities take place annually, traditionally during March, to celebrate visual art education for grades K-12.

Quarter End, Eid al-Fitr, and Student Holiday

Friday, March 28, is the last day of the third quarter. It is a full day of school for students. 

All FCPS schools and offices are closed on Monday, March 31, for Eid al-Fitr. Tuesday, April 1, is a student holiday and teacher workday. See the complete school year calendar.

Weekly Reminders Saturday School at Justice High School

On certain Saturdays, students can get one-on-one assistance in any English, Math, Science, or History class. Our dedicated teachers will be available to help students tackle assignments, strengthen their understanding of key concepts, and ensure they are well-prepared for their upcoming assessments. Students do not have to sign up ahead of time to attend Saturday School.

Details are as follows:

  • When: March 15th and 22nd | April 5th and 26th | May 3rd and 17th
  • Time: 9 AM - 12 PM
  • Where: Justice High School

We encourage your child to take advantage of this valuable opportunity. It’s a fantastic way for them to improve their grades and gain confidence in their studies. Thank you for your continued support in helping our students succeed!

What Families Can Do to Fight Drug Misuse

FCPS is committed to raising awareness about the opioid epidemic with our educators, parents/caregivers, and students. Together, we can help ensure our students thrive.

What can families do?

  • Show you disapprove of underage drinking and other drug misuse. More than 80% of young people ages 10-18 say their parents are the leading influence on their decision whether to drink. 
  • Show you care about your child’s health, wellness, and success. 
  • Show you are a good source of information about alcohol and other drugs. Find helpful resources on the FCPS Opioid Awareness webpage
  • Pay attention to your child and discourage risky behaviors. 
  • Build your child’s skills and strategies for avoiding drinking and drug use. Talk with your child about what they would do if faced with a decision about alcohol and drugs, such as texting a code word to a family member or practicing how they will say, “No thanks.”

Get more information on opioid awareness.

Food for Neighbors - Red Bag Program

Justice High School is a proud partner with Food for Neighbors, a local organization who helps to feed our students outside of school hours.

The Red Bag Program is filled five times a year and provided to needy families. Food for Neighbors will drop off an empty Red Bag with a list of items. You can support by purchasing some food items that is provided on the list. Leave the Red Bag outside your door and Food for Neighbors will come pick it up.

All donations are tax-deductible and can be in any amount. To learn more about the FFN Holiday Meals Program, please go here.

Make Sure Your Children Are Up-to-Date on Immunizations

Please make sure your child has all of their necessary immunizations. Remember, all students are required to be immunized against certain diseases to attend school in Virginia. This is an important part of keeping children healthy!

Starting Monday, May 19, students who have not provided proof of immunization may not be allowed to attend school. You can check your child’s immunization status and submit updated immunization information by accessing SIS ParentVUE

Please check with your healthcare provider to make sure your child is up to date on required immunizations for the 2024-25 school year. If your child needs an immunization, make an appointment with your healthcare provider, visit the Fairfax County Health Department website for a list of child immunization clinics, or view other Immunization Resources. Be wise and immunize!

Free Meals at Justice HS

Justice HS has qualified for the USDA Community Eligibility Provision (CEP) meal program for the 2024-2025 school year. CEP is a non-pricing meal service option for schools in low-income areas. CEP allows schools to serve breakfast and lunch at no cost to ALL students without collecting household applications for free and reduced-price meals.

CEP General Information

  • CEP is a USDA program; eligibility is based on direct certification for free meals at individual FCPS schools.
  • All students at CEP schools automatically receive no-cost breakfast and lunch every day of the school year (even if the student would not qualify for free meals). 
  • If a student purchases an additional breakfast or additional meal, it will be at cost to the family. 

Free and Reduced-Price Meal Applications, Additional Benefits, and Related Information

For families that may want to receive benefits (class fees) beyond meals that are income-based, the FCPS CEP Consent to Share Information for Other Programs will continue to be utilized and is included in the free and reduced-price meal application process. Parents are encouraged to complete and submit the CEP Consent to Share Form

Varsity Tutors Provides On-Demand Support at No Cost

FCPS is partnering with Varsity Tutors to provide students and families with extra resources for learning. Every student can take advantage of Varsity Tutors’ services at no cost, including weekly live online classes, on-demand 24/7 chat tutoring, essay editing, and study resources such as recorded content, practice problems, and diagnostic tests. Learn more about online tutoring with Varsity Tutors.

Hazel Health: Virtual Therapy for High School Students

Teletherapy services are available for all FCPS high school students at no cost. Sessions can be scheduled Monday through Friday, 7 a.m.-7 p.m. Hazel Health’s highly qualified therapists specialize in working with teens. Learn more on FCPS’ teletherapy webpage.

Supporting Your Child’s Mental Health

Children go through a lot of changes, and it can be hard to tell if their behavior is developmentally appropriate or if they could benefit from mental health support. It’s important to talk to your child and pay attention to their actions, especially these warning signs:

  • Increased irritability, hyperactivity, energy, and/or aggressive behavior.
  • Excessive sadness, hopelessness, or worries.
  • Loss of appetite, or significant weight gain or loss.
  • Lack of sleep or too much sleep.
  • A decline in grades, school avoidance, or attendance concerns.
  • Alcohol or drug use.
  • Withdrawal from activities and/or friends and family. 
  • Thoughts of harming themselves or others.

If you notice any of these warning signs or feel your child may be experiencing a mental health challenge, help is available. Please contact your child's school counselor to discuss your concerns and identify resources. Find additional ways to support your child’s wellness

If you or someone you care about is experiencing a mental health crisis such as thoughts of harming themselves or others, please take action right away. Call 988, go to the nearest emergency room, or contact the Sharon Bulova Center for Community Health Emergency Services at 703-573-5679.

Follow Justice HS On Social Media

X (formerly known as Twitter) 

Activities - @justice_sports


School - @justicehs_wolves

Activities - @justice_wolves

Helpful Links

Justice Website

Justice Athletics

Student Services


Red/Blue Rotation Calendar

Bell Schedule

Justice HS PTSA


ParentVue Information

Emergency Resources

Crisis Link Regional Hotline - 703-527-4077

Crisis Text - Text NEEDHELP to 85511

Dominion Hospital Emergency - 703-536-2000

INOVA Emergency - 703-289-7560

Sharon Bulova Center for Community Health (formerly Merrifield) - 703-573-5979 TTY dial 711

Life Threatening - 911

FCPS Cares

Do you know a Justice High School or FCPS employee who does ordinary things in an extraordinary way or goes beyond what is expected? If so, then click here to share with everyone.

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3301 Peace Valley Lane, Falls Church, VA 22044 | Main Office: 703.824.3900
Attendance: 703.824.3920 | Web 

Parent University Scheduled for Tonight Postponed to March 20

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Parent U Canceled Tonight

Due to the forecast, we have decided to reschedule the Quarter 3 Parent University event this evening, Wednesday, March 5th. The new date for this event will be Thursday, March 20, 2025.

Our top priority is ensuring the safety and well-being of our families, and we appreciate your understanding as we make these adjustments.

We look forward to seeing you on March 20th and will provide further details as the date approaches.

Thank you for your continued support.


Sean Rolon, Ed.D.


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3301 Peace Valley Lane, Falls Church, VA 22044 | Main Office: 703.824.3900
Attendance: 703.824.3920 | Web 

Justice HS News & Announcements - 3/3/25

GovDelivery3 weeks ago

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This Week's Topics Important Dates

Monday, March 3 - Read Across America Day (observed)

Monday, March 3 - Friday, March 7 - National School Social Work Week

Wednesday, March 5 - Ash Wednesday

Saturday, March 8 - Wolf Shack Stock-Up with FFN Red Bag Day

Sunday, March 9 - Daylight Saving Time Begins (Spring Forward)

Saturday, March 15 - Saturday School

Saturday, March 15 - Wolves at the Lodge: Casino Night

Wednesday, March 19 - Partners for Safe Teen Driving Presentation

Saturday, March 22 - Saturday School

Monday, March 24 - Virtual PTSA Monthly Town Hall & General Meeting

Friday, March 28 - End of 3rd Quarter

Monday, March 31 - Eid-al-Fitr (Division Closed)

Tuesday, April 1 - Teacher Workday

Wednesday, April 2 - Start of 4th Quarter

Saturday, April 5 - Saturday School

Monday, April 14 - Friday, April 18 - Spring Break (Justice Offices Closed)

Saturday, April 26 - Saturday School

Monday, April 28 - IB Testing Begins

Justice HS Art Show - Opening Reception this Afternoon

Students, families, staff, and the public are invited to the opening reception of the Justice HS Art Show on Monday, March 3rd from 5-7pm in the Little Theater. See you there!

Daylight Saving Time Begins This Sunday (Spring Forward)

Sunday, March 9, at 2 a.m., daylight saving time begins. Don’t forget to move your clocks ahead one hour! As a result of the time change, many students will be walking to school or to bus stops in the dark. Help your child stay safe by having them wear reflective clothing and bright or light colors, or add reflective items to their backpacks or clothes. Also, encourage your child to be especially alert for cars that are turning or backing up and not to run into the street or cross between parked cars.

Connect With Your Kids: Simple Steps to Stronger Communication

Teens skip things that don't interest them, including lectures from their parents. How do you connect with your children and really know what's going on in their lives? How can you become “unskippable”?

Effective communication can build trust and understanding, but it takes thought, planning, and effort. 

The latest Healthy Minds Blog offers practical strategies to improve communication and build strong, lasting relationships:

  • Ditch distractions and create a safe space where your child feels comfortable opening up.
  • Listen actively and validate their feelings, even if you don't agree.
  • Ask "how" questions instead of "what" questions to get them talking about their experiences.

For more tips and techniques, read the full article on the Healthy Minds Blog, which shares information related to youth mental health and wellness.

For support on talking with your teen about difficult subjects like fentanyl, discover how to Become Unskippable.

Free Technology Classes for Spanish-speaking parents offered through Edu-Futuro

Where: Justice High School Room J-204

When: Every Wednesday from 6:00 pm to 8:00 pm beginning on March 12th until April 23rd   

Facilitated by Justice HS teacher Ms. Mejia

Prepare for a Summer of Learning and Fun

Registration is open or will be available soon for summer camps and learning opportunities offered by Fairfax County Public Schools for all students.

Career and Technical Education and Institute for the Arts Summer Camps

Career and Technical Education camps and Institute for the Arts camps will be held in July at Lake Braddock Secondary School from 8:30 a.m. to 2 p.m. Bus transportation will be available from select FCPS middle and high schools. Registration begins for these programs on Monday, March 10, and ends Friday, June 6.

CTE Summer Academy (CSA) is a week-long enrichment program that allows students in grades 6-11 to dive deeper into CTE program areas, develop skills, and begin career exploration. Watch this video about CTE camps

IFTA is a two- or three-week summer enrichment program for students currently in grades 6-11. Students select from nearly 90 classes in art, dance, Health and Physical Education 9 (graduation requirement), music, and theater. 

Earn Credit Toward Graduation This Summer

Take advantage of the opportunity to earn a high school course credit via this summer’s online campus program. Registration is now open. Students must register by Friday, June 6. Mathematics, health and physical education, career and technical education, English, science, social studies, and world language courses are available to eligible middle and high school students.

Summer is a great time for high school students to fulfill the Economics and Personal Finance course requirement. This is a self-directed course where students work independently. The course is available between Monday, June 23, and Friday, July 25. Registration is now open. Students must register by Friday, May 23. For more information, visit this Summer Learning page.

WIDA Assessment Window Continues in March with Make Ups

Every year, students who are multilingual learners are required to take the WIDA assessment. The WIDA assessment is an English language proficiency test that measures your child’s academic English language skills.  If your child has the “EL” symbol in SIS, they are required to take this test. Attendance each day is vital to completing all four parts of this required test.  Students take one part every other day to minimize impact on the rest of their classes. 

What is WIDA?

We have prepared a video with more information on how a student’s WIDA score impacts their opportunities in school as well as college.  Please click on the video link below to hear more information on this test and how it impacts your child. The video is less than seven minutes in length.

WIDA video link [English]: https://youtu.be/5J47-5pDgZ4

WIDA video link [SPANISH]: https://youtu.be/DQCEJz4Vrnk

For additional languages, please select the English video, then click on the settings icon, then “subtitles” and next “autotranslate” and select the language preferred. 

If you have any questions, please reach out to assistant principal Colleen Lally at 703-824-3907 or by email at [email protected].

Wolves at the Lodge - Tickets On Sale! Tickets now on sale for the March 15th event! 

Wolves at the Lodge is the main PTSA fundraiser of the year. Once again, we will be hosting a Casino Night with prizes for the top winners. This fun event is open to adults 21 years or older.

During the evening, you can enjoy casino games, dinner and desserts from local restaurants, dancing, and craft cocktails and wine.  There will also be a raffle and a silent auction with items such as tickets, artwork, and gift certificates.

Wolf Bucks will be needed for the raffle, cocktails, wine and casino, so don’t forget to purchase them when you buy your ticket or you can purchase one of the packages that include Wolf Bucks. If you have any questions, or would like to donate something to the silent auction, please email, [email protected].

Date: March 15, 2025 from 7 pm to 11 pm

Location: Moose Lodge (Arlington)

Get your tickets today at jhsptsa.org/WATL25

Partners for Safe Teen Driving (PSTD) - 3rd Quarter Presentation Wednesday, March 19

Justice High School Auditorium - Driver’s Education

The state of Virginia requires students and their parents or legal guardians to attend ONE session of Partners for Safe Teen Driving in order to receive their Pink Card (DEC-8). The 90 minute session requires participants to be actively involved during the presentation. This is offered in conjunction with our 10th grade driver education curriculum and is a requirement. All sessions are in person for the 2024-2025 school year at Justice HS in the Auditorium. Registration link, and schedule is below. It is also posted on your 1oth grade teacher’s SCHOOLOGY PAGE.

If you are a current 11th or 12th grade Justice HS student seeking to attend a PTSD session, please email Monica White at [email protected]  for information.

PSTD presentations are 6:30 PM to 8:00 PM

3rd Quarter - Wednesday March 19th, 2025

4th Quarter - Wednesday May 14th, 2025

The meetings are a “hard” 6:30 PM start in the Auditorium for every PSTD event. Doors lock at 6:30 sharp and an entry after that will not be allowed. (State Law)

Please plan to arrive at 6 pm to avoid being locked out. Every student will NEED to have a legal guardian present with them If they are attending PSTD session.

Link for students to register for 2024-2025 Justice HS - Driver Ed PSTD

Justice HS PTSA The Wolf Shack is Open!

The Wolf Shack is our PTSA-sponsored in-school food and resource pantry, providing free essential resources for all students. The Wolf Shack is open from 3-5pm on late bus days (Wednesdays & Thursdays) in Room B27 between the Black Box Theater and the Little Theater. 

Read more in the latest PTSA newsletter.

PTSA Calendar of Events

MARCH 2025

8 - Sat - 11am - Wolf Shack Stock-Up with FFN Red Bag Day

15 - Sat - 7pm - Wolves at the Lodge: Casino Night

APRIL 2025

21-25 - Mon-Fri - National Volunteer Appreciation Week

26 - Sat - 11am - Wolf Shack Stock-Up with FFN Red Bag Day

Connect with the PTSA

JHS PTSA Website


Social Handles

Facebook: facebook.com/justicehsptsa

X (formerly Twitter): x.com/justicehsptsa

Instagram: instagram.com/justicehsptsa/

Membership Link


Donation Link


Contact the PTSA

[email protected]

Fairfax County Special Education PTA (SEPTA)


From FCPS Virtual Presentations on Financial Aid for Military Families

College Access Fairfax will hold two sessions on financial aid hosted by the Navy Mutual Aid Association’s lead financial educator and military benefits liaison. 

Topics will include:

  • Residency Requirements 
  • Using the GI Bill
  • The Yellow Ribbon Program
  • Using Chapter 35 (DEA benefits)
  • Military scholarships and grants
  • Virginia Education Programs

Sessions will be held Tuesday, March 18, at 7:30 p.m. and Saturday, March 22, at 10 a.m. Click on the date to register. Contact [email protected] to learn more.

2025 Family Summit - Beyond Labels: Nurturing a Culture of Belonging! (an Extension of the Special Education Conference)

Families, educators, and community members are invited to the 2025 FCPS Family Summit: Beyond Labels: Nurturing a Culture of Belonging. Fairfax County Public Schools will be hosting the free, in-person event in collaboration with valued community partners. The summit will be held Saturday, March 15, 8:30 a.m.-3:30 p.m. at South Lakes High School.

This event will feature: 

  • Opening Session: Julie Causton and Kristie Pretti-Frontczak — best-selling authors, motivational speakers, and advocates for inclusion — will share practical tools and evidence-based strategies to empower and assist all families, with a special emphasis on parents of students with individual education programs (IEPs) and 504 Plans.
  • Breakout Sessions: Learn more about special education and global topics that benefit all families.
  • Student Showcase: FCPS students will share their efforts in fostering inclusivity through posters, essays, videos, songs, art, and other mediums.
  • Exhibitor Hall: Discover valuable resources and services in the community to support families.
  • Networking Opportunities: Connect with other families, staff, and community partners.

Childcare will be provided. Special education staff will be available to care for children with high support needs. You may sign up for childcare during the registration process

Learn more about this event and register today! Contact [email protected] for more information.

📖 Supporting Academic Growth and Reading on Level by Third Grade

The FCPS Fiscal Year (FY) 2026 Advertised Budget invests in academic growth and excellence for each and every student, which is one of the priorities of the FCPS Strategic Plan

Across FCPS, teachers, staff, parents, and even older students are invested in helping our youngest learners grow their love of reading from a strong foundation. 

The goal is for students to move from “learning to read” to “reading to learn” by the end of the third grade. Reading on grade level is connected to other Strategic Plan goals, including completing advanced coursework and graduating on time. 

Last fall, FCPS introduced a new reading curriculum that aligns with evidence-based literacy instruction. Between fall and winter, reading screener results show more than a 4% increase in the number of students in kindergarten to third grade approaching or meeting expectations. Similarly, 3.4% more third graders demonstrate strong foundations of reading and 8.4% more third graders are mastering grade-level standards. 

Discover how an elementary school employs a science-based approach, including phonics, to supercharge students' reading.

Learn more about the FCPS FY 2026 Advertised Budget. View the Budget Development Calendar to stay up to date.

💻 Try Online Registration

Online registration for the 2025-26 school year is open. Parents/caregivers may register their children online for kindergarten through 12th grade. Learn how to begin the online registration process

When registering, parents/caregivers will need to create or log in to an existing SIS ParentVUE account.

Calendar Reminders National Women’s History Month

Every year, March is designated Women’s History Month by presidential proclamation. The month is set aside to honor women’s contributions in American history. Learn more about the heritage months, celebrations, and traditions celebrated in FCPS. Read more about Women’s History Month in National Geographic Kids.

Read Across America Day - Observed Monday, March 3

Read Across America Day was established by the National Education Association (NEA) in 1998 to help get kids excited about reading. Learn more about Equitable Access to Literacy in this video.

Ash Wednesday - Wednesday, March 5

Ash Wednesday is observed as a holy day of prayer and fasting in many Western Christian denominations. It marks the beginning of Lent, a time of prayer, fasting, and almsgiving leading up to Easter. Many Christians attend special Ash Wednesday church services, at which churchgoers receive ashes on their foreheads as a sign of penance.

National School Social Work Week - March 2 - 8

March 2-8 is National School Social Work Week. Social workers in FCPS help to prevent social, emotional, and behavioral factors from affecting a student's ability to perform at their best. Their primary goal is to remove barriers that prevent a student from fulfilling their academic potential. Social workers are assigned to every school and center in the school system. Most social workers serve one to two sites. Learn more about the role of social workers in FCPS.

March - Celebrating Arts in Our Schools Quarter End, Eid al-Fitr, and Student Holiday

Friday, March 28, is the last day of the third quarter. It is a full day of school for students. 

All FCPS schools and offices are closed on Monday, March 31, for Eid al-Fitr. Tuesday, April 1, is a student holiday and teacher workday. See the complete school year calendar.

Weekly Reminders Saturday School at Justice High School

On certain Saturdays, students can get one-on-one assistance in any English, Math, Science, or History class. Our dedicated teachers will be available to help students tackle assignments, strengthen their understanding of key concepts, and ensure they are well-prepared for their upcoming assessments. Students do not have to sign up ahead of time to attend Saturday School.

Details are as follows:

  • When: March 15th and 22nd | April 5th and 26th | May 3rd and 17th
  • Time: 9 AM - 12 PM
  • Where: Justice High School

We encourage your child to take advantage of this valuable opportunity. It’s a fantastic way for them to improve their grades and gain confidence in their studies. Thank you for your continued support in helping our students succeed!

What Families Can Do to Fight Drug Misuse

FCPS is committed to raising awareness about the opioid epidemic with our educators, parents/caregivers, and students. Together, we can help ensure our students thrive.

What can families do?

  • Show you disapprove of underage drinking and other drug misuse. More than 80% of young people ages 10-18 say their parents are the leading influence on their decision whether to drink. 
  • Show you care about your child’s health, wellness, and success. 
  • Show you are a good source of information about alcohol and other drugs. Find helpful resources on the FCPS Opioid Awareness webpage
  • Pay attention to your child and discourage risky behaviors. 
  • Build your child’s skills and strategies for avoiding drinking and drug use. Talk with your child about what they would do if faced with a decision about alcohol and drugs, such as texting a code word to a family member or practicing how they will say, “No thanks.”

Get more information on opioid awareness.

Food for Neighbors - Red Bag Program

Justice High School is a proud partner with Food for Neighbors, a local organization who helps to feed our students outside of school hours.

The Red Bag Program is filled five times a year and provided to needy families. Food for Neighbors will drop off an empty Red Bag with a list of items. You can support by purchasing some food items that is provided on the list. Leave the Red Bag outside your door and Food for Neighbors will come pick it up.

All donations are tax-deductible and can be in any amount. To learn more about the FFN Holiday Meals Program, please go here.

Make Sure Your Children Are Up-to-Date on Immunizations

Please make sure your child has all of their necessary immunizations. Remember, all students are required to be immunized against certain diseases to attend school in Virginia. This is an important part of keeping children healthy!

Starting Monday, May 19, students who have not provided proof of immunization may not be allowed to attend school. You can check your child’s immunization status and submit updated immunization information by accessing SIS ParentVUE

Please check with your healthcare provider to make sure your child is up to date on required immunizations for the 2024-25 school year. If your child needs an immunization, make an appointment with your healthcare provider, visit the Fairfax County Health Department website for a list of child immunization clinics, or view other Immunization Resources. Be wise and immunize!

Free Meals at Justice HS

Justice HS has qualified for the USDA Community Eligibility Provision (CEP) meal program for the 2024-2025 school year. CEP is a non-pricing meal service option for schools in low-income areas. CEP allows schools to serve breakfast and lunch at no cost to ALL students without collecting household applications for free and reduced-price meals.

CEP General Information

  • CEP is a USDA program; eligibility is based on direct certification for free meals at individual FCPS schools.
  • All students at CEP schools automatically receive no-cost breakfast and lunch every day of the school year (even if the student would not qualify for free meals). 
  • If a student purchases an additional breakfast or additional meal, it will be at cost to the family. 

Free and Reduced-Price Meal Applications, Additional Benefits, and Related Information

For families that may want to receive benefits (class fees) beyond meals that are income-based, the FCPS CEP Consent to Share Information for Other Programs will continue to be utilized and is included in the free and reduced-price meal application process. Parents are encouraged to complete and submit the CEP Consent to Share Form

Varsity Tutors Provides On-Demand Support at No Cost

FCPS is partnering with Varsity Tutors to provide students and families with extra resources for learning. Every student can take advantage of Varsity Tutors’ services at no cost, including weekly live online classes, on-demand 24/7 chat tutoring, essay editing, and study resources such as recorded content, practice problems, and diagnostic tests. Learn more about online tutoring with Varsity Tutors.

Hazel Health: Virtual Therapy for High School Students

Teletherapy services are available for all FCPS high school students at no cost. Sessions can be scheduled Monday through Friday, 7 a.m.-7 p.m. Hazel Health’s highly qualified therapists specialize in working with teens. Learn more on FCPS’ teletherapy webpage.

Supporting Your Child’s Mental Health

Children go through a lot of changes, and it can be hard to tell if their behavior is developmentally appropriate or if they could benefit from mental health support. It’s important to talk to your child and pay attention to their actions, especially these warning signs:

  • Increased irritability, hyperactivity, energy, and/or aggressive behavior.
  • Excessive sadness, hopelessness, or worries.
  • Loss of appetite, or significant weight gain or loss.
  • Lack of sleep or too much sleep.
  • A decline in grades, school avoidance, or attendance concerns.
  • Alcohol or drug use.
  • Withdrawal from activities and/or friends and family. 
  • Thoughts of harming themselves or others.

If you notice any of these warning signs or feel your child may be experiencing a mental health challenge, help is available. Please contact your child's school counselor to discuss your concerns and identify resources. Find additional ways to support your child’s wellness

If you or someone you care about is experiencing a mental health crisis such as thoughts of harming themselves or others, please take action right away. Call 988, go to the nearest emergency room, or contact the Sharon Bulova Center for Community Health Emergency Services at 703-573-5679.

Follow Justice HS On Social Media

X (formerly known as Twitter) 

Activities - @justice_sports


School - @justicehs_wolves

Activities - @justice_wolves

Helpful Links

Justice Website

Justice Athletics

Student Services


Red/Blue Rotation Calendar

Bell Schedule

Justice HS PTSA


ParentVue Information

Emergency Resources

Crisis Link Regional Hotline - 703-527-4077

Crisis Text - Text NEEDHELP to 85511

Dominion Hospital Emergency - 703-536-2000

INOVA Emergency - 703-289-7560

Sharon Bulova Center for Community Health (formerly Merrifield) - 703-573-5979 TTY dial 711

Life Threatening - 911

FCPS Cares

Do you know a Justice High School or FCPS employee who does ordinary things in an extraordinary way or goes beyond what is expected? If so, then click here to share with everyone.

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3301 Peace Valley Lane, Falls Church, VA 22044 | Main Office: 703.824.3900
Attendance: 703.824.3920 | Web 

Justice HS Student Services - 2/25/2025

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This Week's Topics Important Dates

Friday, February 28 - Last day to request a schedule change

Wednesday, March 5 - Parent University - 5:30-8:30pm

Friday, March 7

  • Student Statement of Interest for certain Edison Academy courses is due by 3pm - Students will receive info via their FCPS Google Email
  • Course Requests for SY25-26 Due for ALL students Rising 9-12

April TBA - Courses for SY25-26 Change Request - More info to come

Quarter Two Report Card Information

Quarter 2 Report Cards are located under "Documents" in ParentVUE/StudentVUE.

To access the report card:

  1. Log into ParentVUE or log into StudentVUE
  2. In the menu on the left hand side, select "Documents"
  3. Once in "Documents", you will see "Justice HS_Q2 Report Card_SY24-25"
  4. Click on the file and it will open to review

Do you need a paper copy?

To request a paper copy to be mailed home, please submit this Quarter Two Report Card Paper Copy Request Google Form. You can submit a request for up to three children who attend Justice High School. If you have four or more children who attend Justice High School, you will need to submit the request twice.

Weekly Progress Reports - Are You Receiving Them?

FCPS sends automatic weekly progress reports for each class for Middle and High School students. However, parents/guardians must OPT-IN to the receive them. Here are directions on how to activate them:

  1. Parent/Guardian must have a ParentVUE account (if you still need a ParentVUE account please scroll below for information on how to activate this account)
  2. Log into your ParentVUE and click on "My Account"
  3. Confirm that you have an email address listed under "Primary Email Address"
  4. Continue scrolling on that page to find "Notify me with my child's gradebook scores"
    • Choose which day you want to receive all the progress reports

For screenshots on how to find the information on a desktop and a mobile phone (the ParentVUE app is slightly different), please click here.

Academic Advising Timeline

It is that time of year when we are getting ready to choose our schedule for School Year 2025-2026! Please see below for our timeline (subject to change).

Please note that students will have an opportunity to change course request in April. We need to time review and finalize courses before additional changes can be made. Please stay tuned!

The same information below is also posted on Justice's website --> Academic Advising as well as Schoology --> Course List --> Student Services --> Academic Advising Upcoming School Year 2025-2026. Slide decks and other information will be posted on the public website and Schoology.

The Academic Advising individual student meetings are done through English (11th grade) and Health/PE classes (10th and 9th grade). Please see the schedule so your student knows when their class is meeting with counselors so that they make sure to attend this class! (The schedule is subject to change and any changes will be uploaded to Justice's public website and Schoology)

  • Friday, January 10, 2025
  • Monday, January 13, 2025
    • Academic Advising Begins for Rising 12th Graders (current Grade 11)
  • Wednesday, January 22, 2025
  • Friday, January 24, 2025 (start date scheduled to change)
    • Academic Advising Beings for Rising 11th Graders (current Grade 10)
  • Wednesday, February 5, 2025
    • Rising 10th Grade (current freshmen) Course Selection Google Form DUE at 3pm (Parents/Students have access to submit form
    • Rising 9th Grade Curriculum Night (current Grade 8)
      • Optional Electives Fair - 5:30-6:25pm - Cafeteria
      • Welcome and Logistics - 6:30pm - Auditorium
      • Course Sessions (English, Math, Science, Social Studies) - 6:35pm-8:30pm
  • Friday, February 7, 2025 (start date scheduled to change)
    • Academic Advising Beings for Rising 10th Graders (current Grade 9)
  • Wednesday, February 19, 2025 (Extended from Fri, 2/14)
  • Friday, March 7, 2025
    • All course requests must be submitted at this time
  • April 2025 - Date TBA
    • Students will be allowed to make changes to their course request via Google Form. More information to come!
Schedule Change Policy

As a reminder, to support students in settling into a consistent class schedule, please see the timeline for schedule changes for the 2024-2025 school year.

  • Starting September 23, 2024 - February 27, 2025:
    • No Elective Change Requests
    • All Academic Level Change Requests must complete the Academic Improvement Plan that involves a parent/teacher/student conference.
    • If, after the Academic Improvement Plan, the student still wishes to move forward with the academic level change, the request will be reviewed by a committee. Approval is not guaranteed and is based on seat availability in the requested course.
  • November 5, 2024: Last day to drop a course without it going on the student’s transcript as a Withdrawal Pass (WP) or a Withdrawal Fail (WF). This is an FCPS regulation. 
  • February 28, 2025: No schedule changes will be permitted after this time.
Class of 2025 - Mid-Semester Transcripts

Mid-Semester Transcripts have been processed by FCPS IT Office and School Counselors are in the process of uploading them to Common Application, Coalition Application, college portals, and mailing them (the old-fashioned way).

Please remember that all colleges/universities send automated emails to students/parents requesting the Mid-Semester Transcript and/or stating that this has yet to be completed. These automated emails are not able to be discontinued individually. We are providing you with the information so that your student can check their Common App Dashboard, College Application portal, Naviance Student, etc to see if their Mid-Semester Transcript has been uploaded. As we are in Academic Advising and it takes time to individually upload each student's transcripts to portals, please be patient with School Counselors.

After Friday, February 14, 2025, if your student receives a specific email that is addressed to them from Admissions Representative (not the automated email with a generic message) still requesting the Mid-Semester Transcript, please check the student's Dashboards/College Portals first before contacting the School Counselor. If the student sees that the Mid-Semester Transcript has been uploaded to their portal, the student can respond to the email stating that the Mid-Semester Transcript has been uploaded on "x date".

Class of 2025 - Official Transcript Request Form

All 2-year/4-year college/universities and Military Academies need your Official Transcript as part of the application.

Part One: All seniors must have the Consent to Share Transcript to Colleges on file in order for us to send your transcripts to 2-year/4-year college/universities, Military Academies, and Scholarships. If you've already signed the form, no need to sign again. Please return completed forms to Ms. Bond in Student Services.

Part Two: You must submit an Official Transcript Request for EACH college/university and indicate whether we need to upload the transcript to a college portal, Common Application, Coalition Application, or email/mail directly to the College Admissions Office.

Class of 2025 - Reminder to Add Recommender to Common App

Seniors who are using the Common Application must remember to add your School Counselor and Teacher to the portal in order for the School Counselor and Teacher to submit their Letter of Recommendation. PLEASE ensure that their email address is correct.

If your School Counselor and Teacher are not added to your portal, they are unable to upload any documentation to your application. This will cause you to receive emails stating that documents haven't been received.

  • How-to-Invite-Recommenders-on-Common-and-Coalition-Apps.pdf
  • How to Add Teachers to Common Application
  • Georgetown University Application Portal
    • Within the application portal, it will ask you to provide the names/email address of your School Counselor and Teachers submitting Letters of Recommendation.
    • If you entered in the email correctly, Georgetown will automatically send them an email with the link on how to upload their documents.
    • If you are applying to Georgetown University and you have submitted your application, please double-check with your School Counselor and Teachers they have received Georgetown's email.
Discover NOVA Open House Events

NOVA Dual Enrollment and Outreach & Recruitment team is hosting Discover NOVA – Open House events for prospective and current dual enrollment students and their families. These events will showcase academic programs, student support resources, and how to maximize dual enrollment credits—plus, attendees will get to tour the campuses!

Students can choose from any of the following campus events:

  • Loudoun Campus — March 6, 4-7 PM
  • Alexandria Campus — March 13,  4-7 PM
  • Annandale Campus — March 27, 4-7 PM
  • Woodbridge Campus — April 3, 4-7 PM
  • Manassas Campus — April 24, 4-7 PM

Registration is now open: https://forms.gle/eHR2q5CnnN7AzKVy8.

Students who attend will be entered to win a $500 NOVA scholarship (Nontransferable; must be used at NOVA in Fall 2025)!

FAFSA Form SY2025-26 Now Available

The 2025-26 Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) is now available. Any college-bound high school senior — regardless of income — who wants to be considered for federal, state, and school financial aid programs should complete a FAFSA form. 

Parents and caregivers are encouraged to work with their children to complete the FAFSA as early as possible. Check each college’s financial aid office webpage for deadlines and financial aid forms. Then, create an account, if you have not already done so, and fill out the FAFSA.

The Virginia Alternative State Aid (VASA) application will be available in late January for students who are unable to complete the FAFSA. To help determine which aid option is right for you, visit the State Council of Higher Education for Virginia website.

Get Help Filling out FAFSA From College Access Fairfax

Over the next few months, College Access Fairfax will be offering several programs on completing the FAFSA/VASA and finding and applying for scholarships. Get information on these programs and how to access them on the College Access Fairfax website.

In addition, College Access Fairfax staff are available for virtual one-on-one help sessions to complete the FAFSA/VASA. To request an appointment, families should email [email protected].

Virginia Alternative State Aid (VASA) Application

The VASA Application is now open! The Virginia Alternative State Aid (VASA) Application is the alternative state application available for Virginia students who are ineligible to file the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA). These students include Virginians who have certain nonimmigrant visa statuses, are undocumented, have Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) status or are otherwise ineligible to file the FAFSA and would like to be considered for state financial aid.

Class of 2025/2026 - Interested In College Athletics?

Are you interested in playing college athletics at Division 1 or Division 2 schools? Have you created an account at the NCAA Eligibility Center? Are you confused about how to get recruited?

Schedule a meeting with Mr. Harvey, Justice's NCAA Eligibility Lead, and he can support you and your parents as you navigate this process! You can also email Mr. Harvey with questions as well - [email protected].

Class of 2026: College Access Fairfax: Financial Aid Sessions for Military Families

College Access Fairfax will hold two virtual presentations on Financial Aid Information for Military Families (focus on current Juniors). Join them for a session presented by the Lead Financial Education and Military Benefits liaison from Navy Mutual Aid Association.

Topic to be covered:

  • Residency Requirements

  • Using the GI Bill 

  • The Yellow Ribbon Program

  • Using Chapter 35 (DEA benefits)

  • Military Scholarships and Grants

  • Virginia Education Programs

  • And More

Sessions will be held on:

To attend, simply click on the link for the desired session.

Parent University Q3: If You Dream It, You Can Build It

Justice High School's Quarter 3 Parent University “If You Dream It, You Can Build It” on Wednesday, March 5th from 6PM - 8PM in the Justice Cafeteria.

Doors will open at 5:30PM for our free catered dinner, from Duccini's Pizza and salad.

“If You Dream It, You Can Build It” will be led by our dedicated School Counselors and Social Workers who will guide families through topics relating to your student's Emotion Regulation and Self-Management, Social Awareness, and Responsible Decision-Making.

Come for dinner, raffle prizes, and SEL! See you there!

Q3 ParentU Flyer (English)

Q3 ParentU Flyer (Spanish)

Student Voice Opportunity - 2025 FCPS Family Summit

We are excited to announce that the 2025 FCPS Family Summit will take place on Saturday, March 15, 2025, at South Lakes High School! This year, we are committed to amplifying student voice, and we want you to be a part of it! We are seeking FCPS student participants to showcase their projects and advocacy efforts around inclusivity in schools. This is a great resume building opportunity and you will earn service hours as well!

What Are We Looking For?

We are  inviting students to share their work in a share fair environment through posters, essays, videos, songs, art, etc.  You will interact with attendees through conversations about your work, ideas, and efforts. This is a fantastic opportunity to showcase how you and your peers are fostering inclusivity in your school community.

Project Ideas

Not sure what to share? Here are some examples of projects that focus on inclusivity and acceptance (feel free to explore other creative formats/projects!):

  • Advocacy Committees: Highlight the work of a student group advocating for inclusivity and acceptance.
  • Creative Projects: Share an essay, poem, video, or song that focuses on inclusivity and acceptance.
  • Service Projects: Showcase volunteer work or initiatives that promote inclusivity and belonging.
  • School Events: Present on an event you organized to celebrate diversity or foster a sense of belonging.
  • Research or Surveys: Share findings from a schoolwide survey or research project about inclusivity and belonging.
  • Clubs and Organizations: Highlight the impact of any club or group that works to create a more inclusive and welcoming school environment.
How to Participate

If you have a project, idea, or advocacy effort you want to share, please fill out this Google Form by February 17, 2025. We will send you notifications of acceptance to present by February 24, 2025. 

We look forward to learning from you and amplifying your voice at the 2025 FCPS Family Summit! Your work can inspire others and make a lasting impact on creating more inclusive schools. If you have any questions, please reach out to Mr. Manuel Gomez Portillo at [email protected].

2025 Fairfax County Teen Job Fair

Board of Supervisor Pat Herrity is teaming up with Fairfax County Times Newspapers, Fairfax County Public Schools, as well as local chambers and organizations to bring our community two Fairfax County Teen Job Fairs and Career-Building Workshops. These events focus on students and young job seekers looking for a variety of employment opportunities; full time, after-school, seasonal positions, internship opportunities, and volunteer positions.

Past fairs have provided thousands of teenagers the opportunity to get in front of employers and for our employers to find talented Fairfax County students to fill their positions. Last year, we had over 1,500 students and roughly 100 businesses participate. The fairs are open to all teens in Fairfax County looking for employment, volunteer opportunities, or tips on building their resume.

For more information and to view the full schedule, please visit the event webpage.

Saturday, March 8, 2025 - Chantilly High School

  • Time: 11 a.m. - 1 p.m. (with final workshops ending at 1:30 p.m.)

Saturday, March 15, 2025 - West Springfield High School

  • 1 - 3 p.m. (with final workshops ending at 3:30 p.m.)
Academy Day 2025

Senator Mark Warner invites high school and middle school students, their parents or guardians, and school counselors to Academy Day 2025. Attendees will be provided a comprehensive overview of the United States service academies and their admission processes.

In addition, students will be able to meet with officials from all five academies as well as representatives from the Department of Defense Medical Examination Review Board, Navy Talent Acquisition Group (NTAG) Richmond, ROTC programs at the University of Virginia, the United States Marine Corps, the Virginia Military Institute, the Virginia Tech Corps of Cadets, and the Virginia Women's Institute for Leadership at Mary Baldwin University. Staff from Virginia Congressional offices will be available to answer questions regarding the application procedures for congressional nominations.

Save the Date: Saturday, April 26, 2025
Time: 9:30 a.m. - 1:30 p.m.
Location: University of Mary Washington, Dodd Auditorium in George Washington Hall, 1301 College Ave, Fredericksburg, VA 22401

To ensure you receive it and the registration link for the event, please email [email protected]. For more information on the Academy Nomination Process, please visit www.warner.senate.gov.

Schoology Groups

Each Class has a group in Schoology with posts pertinent information specific to that class. Please see below for the access code to join.

Class of 2025: XKMH-SPHF-9C4GZ

Class of 2026: QXWJ-NPF2-6WHHG

Class of 2027: XDTX-PD42-RPN2G

Class of 2028: NR9N-89TD-8WQQC

Food for Neighbors - Red Bag Program

Justice High School is a proud partner with Food for Neighbors, a local organization who helps to feed our students outside of school hours.

The Red Bag Program is filled five times a year and provided to needy families. Food for Neighbors will drop off an empty Red Bag with a list of items. You can support by purchasing some food items that is provided on the list. Leave the Red Bag outside your door and Food for Neighbors will come pick it up.

All donations are tax-deductible and can be in any amount. To learn more about the FFN Holiday Meals Program, please go here.

Homeless and Winter Weather Shelters

The Northern Virginia Regional Commission Human Services compiled and published a list of all the homeless and winter weather shelters serving the region. The lists are posted here and they were last updated on December 6, 2024.

Fairfax County Public Schools has also compiled a list of resources for students and families in case they need assistance while schools are closed for winter break. Please visit FCPS’ winter resources webpage for information on academic support, mental health support, and county resources related to food, clothing, housing, and other needs.

Eating Disorder Parent Information

The Code of Virginia, 22.1-273.2 requires schools provide, on an annual basis, parents/guardians educational information regarding eating disorders for students in grades five through twelve.

According to the National Eating Disorders Association (NEDA 2023), Eating disorders are serious but treatable mental and physical illnesses that can affect people of all genders, ages, races, religions, ethnicities, sexual orientations, body shapes, and weights. In the United States, 28.8 million Americans will suffer from an eating disorder at some point in their lives. There is no single cause of an eating disorder. Rather, it is a complex combination of biological, psychological, and sociocultural factors that converge and set off an individual’s predisposed genetic vulnerability.

In collaboration with the Fairfax County Health Department, FCPS has developed a web page with detailed information and resources to be provided to parents and guardians of Fairfax County Public Schools. This information may be found at Eating Disorders

Social Media Virtual Panel for Teens and Parents

Sponsored by Fairfax County Department of Family Services. Virtual Parent Cafés are a great way for parents to learn from each other as they grow in their parenting skills. The next free Virtual Parent Café, Tuesday, March 11, 6:30 to 8 p.m. will feature a Social Media Virtual Panel for Teens and Parents.

This panel of young adults will share their experiences navigating social media as teenagers. Panelists will discuss lessons learned about social media, the positive and negative impacts on their well-being, and what they thought their parents did well, or did not do well in monitoring their social media access.

Fairfax County parents or guardians and their teens are welcome join us for this interactive online panel discussion through MS Teams at https://bit.ly/4hBnRli.

For more information or to preregister, email or call 703-324-7720.

Still Need ParentVUE Access?

Learn how to activate your SIS ParentVUE account.

Technical support for using ParentVUE is available for:

  1. Go to the ParentVUE Login screen and select the icon that you need
    • Change Username - You forgot your username or you want to change it
    • Change Password - You know your password but you want to change it
    • Forgot Password - You can't remember your password
    • Activate Account - You have received an Activation Key and you're ready to create your account
  2. None of the above apply
    1. Go to the Parent Support Request ticket
    2. Select SIS Parent in the Application dropdown menu
    3. Under "Issue Description", type the issue/error that you're receiving. Please try to be specific.
  3. Call the Parent Technology Help Desk at 833-921-3277 (833-921-FCPS).
Student Forms moved to Parental Digital Consent (PDC) Available 

Paperless Opt-Outs Available! Families can log in to the PDC using their ParentVUE credentials to complete consent forms assigned to their child. 

Forms available in the PDC starting in the 2024-2025 school year include:

  • School Counseling Opt-Out
  • Digital Resources Consent
  • SEL Screener Opt-Out
  • Consent for Release of Student Records in Support of Postsecondary Applications
  • Denial of Access to Military Recruiters 
  • Family Life Education Opt-Out
  • SOL Retest Permission
  • Hazel Health
  • BYOD (Bring Your Own Device) Opt-Out
  • SOS Screener Opt-Out
  • Objection to Release of Information to Outside Organizations
  • Objection to Release of Directory Information to the Public
No-Cost Virtual Therapy for High School Students

Virtual therapy sessions are available at no cost to FCPS high school students to provide a safe space to address concerns such as:

  • Mood/behavior changes, motivation, grief/loss.
  • Anxiety, worry, fears.
  • Social skills, bullying, peer and family relationships.
  • Academic stress.

In order for students to participate, caregivers must give permission for FCPS to share basic demographic information with Hazel Health in ParentVUE. They must also provide consent for their student to access therapy services. 

Students may then be referred by a guardian or designated school staff member. Refer your child by calling 571-749-2940 or contacting an FCPS school counselor, social worker, psychologist, or director of Student Services.

Visit the FCPS Teletherapy webpage for more information.

Emergency Resources

Crisis Link Regional Hotline - 703-527-4077

Crisis Text - Text NEEDHELP to 85511

Dominion Hospital Emergency - 703-536-2000

INOVA Emergency - 703-289-7560

Sharon Bulova Center for Community Health (formerly Merrifield) - 703-573-5979 TTY dial 711

Life Threatening - 911

3301 Peace Valley Lane, Falls Church, VA 22044 | Main Office: 703.824.3900
Attendance: 703.824.3920 | Web 

Justice HS News & Announcements - 2/24/25

GovDelivery1 month ago

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This Week's Topics Important Dates

Monday, February 24 - Virtual PTSA Monthly Town Hall & General Meeting

Friday, February 28 - Ramadan Begins at Sundown

Monday, March 3 - JHS Art Show Opening Reception from 5-7 pm

Saturday, March 8 - Wolf Shack Stock-Up with FFN Red Bag Day

Saturday, March 15 - Saturday School

Saturday, March 15 - Wolves at the Lodge: Casino Night

Wednesday, March 19 - Partners for Safe Teen Driving Presentation

Saturday, March 22 - Saturday School

Monday, March 24 - Virtual PTSA Monthly Town Hall & General Meeting

Friday, March 28 - End of 3rd Quarter

Monday, March 31 - Eid-al-Fitr (Division Closed)

Tuesday, April 1 - Teacher Workday

Wednesday, April 2 - Start of 4th Quarter

Saturday, April 5 - Saturday School

Monday, April 14 - Friday, April 18 - Spring Break (Justice Offices Closed)

Saturday, April 26 - Saturday School

Monday, April 28 - IB Testing Begins

Student Fasting Meal Kits for February 28 - March 28

Thanks to a new program from the Virginia Department of Education, students who are fasting during the school day between February 28 and March 28 can now take school meal kits home at the end of the day.Families will need to fill out a weekly Fasting Meals Request Form for their child or children to receive school meal kits. A separate form must be filled out for each week and each student.To receive meal kits for Friday, February 28, and the week of March 3, please submit the first request form by Monday, February 24. Visit the FNS webpage for more information, including weekly request forms and deadlines.

Become Unskippable: Practical Guidance for Talking With Teens About Fentanyl

Teens skip things that don't interest them, including lectures from their parents. But young people die from fentanyl overdoses in Fairfax County each year — so it's important to have short, impactful talks with your teen, whether or not you think they’re at risk.

As a parent or caregiver, you have the power to become “unskippable” and talk with your teen in a way they will listen. 

See our tips for talking with your teen about fentanyl and other difficult subjects. Watch this video to learn more about becoming unskippable.

Eating Disorder Parent Information

The Code of Virginia, 22.1-273.2 requires schools provide, on an annual basis, parents/guardians educational information regarding eating disorders for students in grades five through twelve.

According to the National Eating Disorders Association (NEDA 2023), Eating disorders are serious but treatable mental and physical illnesses that can affect people of all genders, ages, races, religions, ethnicities, sexual orientations, body shapes, and weights. In the United States, 28.8 million Americans will suffer from an eating disorder at some point in their lives. There is no single cause of an eating disorder. Rather, it is a complex combination of biological, psychological, and sociocultural factors that converge and set off an individual’s predisposed genetic vulnerability.

In collaboration with the Fairfax County Health Department, FCPS has developed a web page with detailed information and resources to be provided to parents and guardians of Fairfax County Public Schools. This information may be found at Eating Disorders

WIDA Assessment Window Continues Through March 3

Every year, students who are multilingual learners are required to take the WIDA assessment. The WIDA assessment is an English language proficiency test that measures your child’s academic English language skills.  If your child has the “EL” symbol in SIS, they are required to take this test. Attendance each day is vital to completing all four parts of this required test.  Students take one part every other day to minimize impact on the rest of their classes. 

What is WIDA?

We have prepared a video with more information on how a student’s WIDA score impacts their opportunities in school as well as college.  Please click on the video link below to hear more information on this test and how it impacts your child. The video is less than seven minutes in length.

WIDA video link [English]: https://youtu.be/5J47-5pDgZ4

WIDA video link [SPANISH]: https://youtu.be/DQCEJz4Vrnk

For additional languages, please select the English video, then click on the settings icon, then “subtitles” and next “autotranslate” and select the language preferred. 

If you have any questions, please reach out to assistant principal Colleen Lally at 703-824-3907 or by email at [email protected].

Stuff the Bus Drive

We are happy to announce we are currently participating in Stuff the Bus, a collaborative program and partnership between Fairfax County Government and local nonprofits. We are asking for your support in donating various food items to help fight food insecurity in Fairfax County. Donated food will go to various charities that will benefit Fairfax County residents. If you plan to donate to the Stuff the Bus food drive, please consider giving items from this list below.  Additionally, donating items that are high fiber, low sugar and low sodium not only feed people experiencing food insecurity but also contribute to their overall health and wellness. A donation box will be located in the front office and will be open to donations until February 28th. Thank you for your consideration in helping out this great cause!

Please consider donating items from the list below

Cooking oil, Corn Flour Maseca, Bag (dry) beans, peas or lentils (16 oz.), Rice - brown or white (5 lbs. or smaller,  Canned tuna, salmon or chicken (15 oz. or smaller),  Canned tomatoes - low sodium, no salt added (29 oz. or smaller), Soup - lower sodium (19 oz. or smaller), Canned pasta (16 oz. or smaller), Canned fruit in light syrup or juice (20 oz. or smaller), Healthy hot and cold cereal (42 oz. or smaller), Healthy snacks (e.g. raisins, granola bars), Macaroni and cheese, Peanut butter (40 oz. or smaller), Fruit jam (32 oz. or smaller), Instant potatoes (16 oz. or smaller), Pancake mix (32 oz. or smaller) and syrup, Canned vegetables - low sodium, no salt added (29 oz. or smaller), Canned beans or peas (29 oz. or smaller),

Justice HS Art Show Begins Next Week

Come check out the amazing artworks created by Justice student artists this year! The Justice High School Art Show will be open in the Little Theater from Monday, March 3rd through Thursday, March 6th. All are invited to the opening reception on Monday, March 3rd from 5-7pm in the Little Theater. See you at the Art Show!

Wolves at the Lodge - Tickets On Sale! Tickets now on sale for the March 15th event! 

Wolves at the Lodge is the main PTSA fundraiser of the year. Once again, we will be hosting a Casino Night with prizes for the top winners. This fun event is open to adults 21 years or older.

During the evening, you can enjoy casino games, dinner and desserts from local restaurants, dancing, and craft cocktails and wine.  There will also be a raffle and a silent auction with items such as tickets, artwork, and gift certificates.

Wolf Bucks will be needed for the raffle, cocktails, wine and casino, so don’t forget to purchase them when you buy your ticket or you can purchase one of the packages that include Wolf Bucks. If you have any questions, or would like to donate something to the silent auction, please email, [email protected].

Date: March 15, 2025 from 7 pm to 11 pm

Location: Moose Lodge (Arlington)

Get your tickets today at jhsptsa.org/WATL25

Justice HS PTSA The Wolf Shack is Open!

The Wolf Shack is our PTSA-sponsored in-school food and resource pantry, providing free essential resources for all students. The Wolf Shack is open from 3-5pm on late bus days (Wednesdays & Thursdays) in Room B27 between the Black Box Theater and the Little Theater. 

Read more in the latest PTSA newsletter.

PTSA Calendar of Events


24 - Mon - 7pm - Virtual PTSA Monthly Town Hall & General Meeting

MARCH 2025

8 - Sat - 11am - Wolf Shack Stock-Up with FFN Red Bag Day

15 - Sat - 7pm - Wolves at the Lodge: Casino Night

APRIL 2025

21-25 - Mon-Fri - National Volunteer Appreciation Week

26 - Sat - 11am - Wolf Shack Stock-Up with FFN Red Bag Day

Connect with the PTSA

JHS PTSA Website


Social Handles

Facebook: facebook.com/justicehsptsa

X (formerly Twitter): x.com/justicehsptsa

Instagram: instagram.com/justicehsptsa/

Membership Link


Donation Link


Contact the PTSA

[email protected]

Fairfax County Special Education PTA (SEPTA)


From FCPS 📐 Breaking Down the Budget: Supporting Academic Growth and Algebra by Eighth Grade

The FCPS Fiscal Year (FY) 2026 Proposed Budget invests in academic growth and excellence for each and every student, which is one of the priorities of the FCPS Strategic Plan

Since the 2023-24 school year, FCPS has seen a 9.5% increase in eighth graders taking Algebra I or more advanced math and a 6.8% increase in fifth graders in advanced math.

Studies show that students who complete algebra in middle school have more opportunities to take advanced math and science courses in high school. This can open up new academic paths for students! Watch a video that shows why eighth grade algebra matters

Learn more about the FCPS FY 2026 Proposed Budget.

Protect Yourself and Your Community From the Flu

Fairfax County is experiencing very high levels of influenza (flu) illness. The Fairfax County Health Department reports that visits to emergency departments and urgent care centers for flu-like illness have increased, especially among children, and multiple flu outbreaks have occurred in our community and school settings. Read a letter from the health department

The health department suggests taking the following steps to reduce the spread of flu and other germs:    
  • Cover coughs and sneezes. If you must be around others while ill, wearing a mask can help reduce spread.
  • Wash hands often with soap and water for 20 seconds. Use alcohol-based hand sanitizers when soap and water are not available (with supervision for younger children).
  • Clean frequently touched surfaces.

According to the health department, to help prevent or reduce the spread of illness it is important for individuals who are sick to stay home and away from others until symptoms improve and until they have been free of fever for at least 24 hours. Visit this Attendance webpage for guidance on when your child should go to school.

Learn More About How Your Child Feels at School

The Social and Emotional Learning (SEL) Screener will be administered to students in grades 3-12 in March. Students use the SEL Screener twice a year to share their perspectives on how well their school and community help them develop the skills they need to succeed. The screener works by asking questions or presenting statements that students can think about and respond to. This gives students a way to share how well their school community makes them feel valued, included, and supported.

After each screening, results are available in the Documents tab of SIS ParentVUE and mailed to families who do not have a ParentVUE account. For more information, including SEL Screener questions and opt-out information, please visit the Social-Emotional Learning (SEL) Screener webpage.

🏗️ FCPS’ Construction Projects Offer Community-Wide Benefits

The Fairfax County School Board approved the annual update to FCPS’ FY 2026-30 Capital Improvement Program (CIP) at their regular board meeting last week. A CIP is a working budget document that shows the timing and costs of improvement to school buildings, such as renovations, additions, and new schools. Learn more about planned improvements. Fairfax County Public Schools’ updated plans for new school construction, capacity enhancements, and renovations are outlined in the CIP. Projects include constructing two new elementary schools; renovations at 18 elementary schools, two middle schools, and two high schools; and relocation of modular buildings.

💻 Try Online Registration

Online registration for the 2025-26 school year is open. Parents/caregivers may register their children online for kindergarten through 12th grade. Learn how to begin the online registration process

When registering, parents/caregivers will need to create or log in to an existing SIS ParentVUE account.

Calendar Reminders February Is Black History Month

Black History Month is an annual celebration of achievements by African Americans and a time for recognizing their central role in U.S. History. Learn more about the heritage months, celebrations, and traditions celebrated in FCPS. Learn more about Black History month.

February Is Career and Technical Education Month

By enrolling in a Career and Technical Education (CTE) course or program, students learn the technical applications of many occupations while preparing for higher education or entry-level employment. A core program of CTE courses is offered in every middle and high school including Business and Information Technology, Family and Consumer Sciences, Health and Medical Sciences, Marketing, Technology and Engineering Education, and Trade and Industrial Education. Since this is an elective, course offerings may vary by school. Learn more on the FCPS CTE webpage

CTE also offers summer programs for students to explore their programs. Enroll now!

Ramadan Begins Friday, February 28

Ramadan begins at sundown on Friday, February 28. This day is an evening-only observance day. There is school on these days, but certain activities that cannot be made up can not take place after school. See the complete school year calendar. Throughout the year, as we celebrate and recognize various cultural holidays and observances, families are encouraged to contact their child’s principal regarding accommodations, including but not limited to those around lunch, prayer/meditation and silent reflection spaces and times, and instruction.

VSBA School Board Appreciation Month

Thank you to the Fairfax County School Board for all they do throughout the year. Want to contact your school board representatives to share your appreciation? Visit their website to find your school board member and contact them.

Public Schools Week - February 24 - February 28

Public Schools Week is an annual celebration that brings together school leaders, educators, parents & community leaders to recognize the importance of our nation’s public schools.

Weekly Reminders Saturday School at Justice High School

On certain Saturdays, students can get one-on-one assistance in any English, Math, Science, or History class. Our dedicated teachers will be available to help students tackle assignments, strengthen their understanding of key concepts, and ensure they are well-prepared for their upcoming assessments. Students do not have to sign up ahead of time to attend Saturday School.

Details are as follows:

  • When: March 15th and 22nd | April 5th and 26th | May 3rd and 17th
  • Time: 9 AM - 12 PM
  • Where: Justice High School

We encourage your child to take advantage of this valuable opportunity. It’s a fantastic way for them to improve their grades and gain confidence in their studies. Thank you for your continued support in helping our students succeed!

What Families Can Do to Fight Drug Misuse

FCPS is committed to raising awareness about the opioid epidemic with our educators, parents/caregivers, and students. Together, we can help ensure our students thrive.

What can families do?

  • Show you disapprove of underage drinking and other drug misuse. More than 80% of young people ages 10-18 say their parents are the leading influence on their decision whether to drink. 
  • Show you care about your child’s health, wellness, and success. 
  • Show you are a good source of information about alcohol and other drugs. Find helpful resources on the FCPS Opioid Awareness webpage
  • Pay attention to your child and discourage risky behaviors. 
  • Build your child’s skills and strategies for avoiding drinking and drug use. Talk with your child about what they would do if faced with a decision about alcohol and drugs, such as texting a code word to a family member or practicing how they will say, “No thanks.”

Get more information on opioid awareness.

Food for Neighbors - Red Bag Program

Justice High School is a proud partner with Food for Neighbors, a local organization who helps to feed our students outside of school hours.

The Red Bag Program is filled five times a year and provided to needy families. Food for Neighbors will drop off an empty Red Bag with a list of items. You can support by purchasing some food items that is provided on the list. Leave the Red Bag outside your door and Food for Neighbors will come pick it up.

All donations are tax-deductible and can be in any amount. To learn more about the FFN Holiday Meals Program, please go here.

Make Sure Your Children Are Up-to-Date on Immunizations

Please make sure your child has all of their necessary immunizations. Remember, all students are required to be immunized against certain diseases to attend school in Virginia. This is an important part of keeping children healthy!

Starting Monday, May 19, students who have not provided proof of immunization may not be allowed to attend school. You can check your child’s immunization status and submit updated immunization information by accessing SIS ParentVUE

Please check with your healthcare provider to make sure your child is up to date on required immunizations for the 2024-25 school year. If your child needs an immunization, make an appointment with your healthcare provider, visit the Fairfax County Health Department website for a list of child immunization clinics, or view other Immunization Resources. Be wise and immunize!

Partners for Safe Teen Driving (PSTD)

Justice High School Auditorium - Driver’s Education

The state of Virginia requires students and their parents or legal guardians to attend ONE session of Partners for Safe Teen Driving in order to receive their Pink Card (DEC-8). The 90 minute session requires participants to be actively involved during the presentation. This is offered in conjunction with our 10th grade driver education curriculum and is a requirement. All sessions are in person for the 2024-2025 school year at Justice HS in the Auditorium. Registration link, and schedule is below. It is also posted on your 1oth grade teacher’s SCHOOLOGY PAGE.

If you are a current 11th or 12th grade Justice HS student seeking to attend a PTSD session, please email Monica White at [email protected]  for information.

PSTD presentations are 6:30 PM to 8:00 PM

3rd Quarter - Wednesday March 19th, 2025

4th Quarter - Wednesday May 14th, 2025

The meetings are a “hard” 6:30 PM start in the Auditorium for every PSTD event. Doors lock at 6:30 sharp and an entry after that will not be allowed. (State Law)

Please plan to arrive at 6 pm to avoid being locked out. Every student will NEED to have a legal guardian present with them If they are attending PSTD session.

Link for students to register for 2024-2025 Justice HS - Driver Ed PSTD

Free Meals at Justice HS

Justice HS has qualified for the USDA Community Eligibility Provision (CEP) meal program for the 2024-2025 school year. CEP is a non-pricing meal service option for schools in low-income areas. CEP allows schools to serve breakfast and lunch at no cost to ALL students without collecting household applications for free and reduced-price meals.

CEP General Information

  • CEP is a USDA program; eligibility is based on direct certification for free meals at individual FCPS schools.
  • All students at CEP schools automatically receive no-cost breakfast and lunch every day of the school year (even if the student would not qualify for free meals). 
  • If a student purchases an additional breakfast or additional meal, it will be at cost to the family. 

Free and Reduced-Price Meal Applications, Additional Benefits, and Related Information

For families that may want to receive benefits (class fees) beyond meals that are income-based, the FCPS CEP Consent to Share Information for Other Programs will continue to be utilized and is included in the free and reduced-price meal application process. Parents are encouraged to complete and submit the CEP Consent to Share Form

Varsity Tutors Provides On-Demand Support at No Cost

FCPS is partnering with Varsity Tutors to provide students and families with extra resources for learning. Every student can take advantage of Varsity Tutors’ services at no cost, including weekly live online classes, on-demand 24/7 chat tutoring, essay editing, and study resources such as recorded content, practice problems, and diagnostic tests. Learn more about online tutoring with Varsity Tutors.

Hazel Health: Virtual Therapy for High School Students

Teletherapy services are available for all FCPS high school students at no cost. Sessions can be scheduled Monday through Friday, 7 a.m.-7 p.m. Hazel Health’s highly qualified therapists specialize in working with teens. Learn more on FCPS’ teletherapy webpage.

Supporting Your Child’s Mental Health

Children go through a lot of changes, and it can be hard to tell if their behavior is developmentally appropriate or if they could benefit from mental health support. It’s important to talk to your child and pay attention to their actions, especially these warning signs:

  • Increased irritability, hyperactivity, energy, and/or aggressive behavior.
  • Excessive sadness, hopelessness, or worries.
  • Loss of appetite, or significant weight gain or loss.
  • Lack of sleep or too much sleep.
  • A decline in grades, school avoidance, or attendance concerns.
  • Alcohol or drug use.
  • Withdrawal from activities and/or friends and family. 
  • Thoughts of harming themselves or others.

If you notice any of these warning signs or feel your child may be experiencing a mental health challenge, help is available. Please contact your child's school counselor to discuss your concerns and identify resources. Find additional ways to support your child’s wellness

If you or someone you care about is experiencing a mental health crisis such as thoughts of harming themselves or others, please take action right away. Call 988, go to the nearest emergency room, or contact the Sharon Bulova Center for Community Health Emergency Services at 703-573-5679.

Follow Justice HS On Social Media

X (formerly known as Twitter) 

Activities - @justice_sports


School - @justicehs_wolves

Activities - @justice_wolves

Helpful Links

Justice Website

Justice Athletics

Student Services


Red/Blue Rotation Calendar

Bell Schedule

Justice HS PTSA


ParentVue Information

Emergency Resources

Crisis Link Regional Hotline - 703-527-4077

Crisis Text - Text NEEDHELP to 85511

Dominion Hospital Emergency - 703-536-2000

INOVA Emergency - 703-289-7560

Sharon Bulova Center for Community Health (formerly Merrifield) - 703-573-5979 TTY dial 711

Life Threatening - 911

FCPS Cares

Do you know a Justice High School or FCPS employee who does ordinary things in an extraordinary way or goes beyond what is expected? If so, then click here to share with everyone.

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3301 Peace Valley Lane, Falls Church, VA 22044 | Main Office: 703.824.3900
Attendance: 703.824.3920 | Web 

Justice HS Student Services - 2/18/2025

GovDelivery1 month ago

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This Week's Topics Important Dates

Saturday, February 22

  • In-Person Auditions for Dance/Musical Theatre - Fairfax Academy - 10am-12pm - Students will receive info via their FCPS Google Email
  • All Portfolio Submissions for certain Fairfax Academy courses is due

Tuesday, February 25 - JHS Scholarship Foundation Information Presentation during Advisory to interested seniors (Class of 2025)

Friday, March 7 - Student Statement of Interest for certain Edison Academy courses is due by 3pm - Students will receive info via their FCPS Google Email

Quarter Two Report Card Information

Quarter 2 Report Cards are located under "Documents" in ParentVUE/StudentVUE.

To access the report card:

  1. Log into ParentVUE or log into StudentVUE
  2. In the menu on the left hand side, select "Documents"
  3. Once in "Documents", you will see "Justice HS_Q2 Report Card_SY24-25"
  4. Click on the file and it will open to review

Do you need a paper copy?

To request a paper copy to be mailed home, please submit this Quarter Two Report Card Paper Copy Request Google Form. You can submit a request for up to three children who attend Justice High School. If you have four or more children who attend Justice High School, you will need to submit the request twice.

Weekly Progress Reports - Are You Receiving Them?

FCPS sends automatic weekly progress reports for each class for Middle and High School students. However, parents/guardians must OPT-IN to the receive them. Here are directions on how to activate them:

  1. Parent/Guardian must have a ParentVUE account (if you still need a ParentVUE account please scroll below for information on how to activate this account)
  2. Log into your ParentVUE and click on "My Account"
  3. Confirm that you have an email address listed under "Primary Email Address"
  4. Continue scrolling on that page to find "Notify me with my child's gradebook scores"
    • Choose which day you want to receive all the progress reports

For screenshots on how to find the information on a desktop and a mobile phone (the ParentVUE app is slightly different), please click here.

Academic Advising Timeline

It is that time of year when we are getting ready to choose our schedule for School Year 2025-2026! Please see below for our timeline (subject to change).

Please note that students will have an opportunity to change course request in April. We need to time review and finalize courses before additional changes can be made. Please stay tuned!

The same information below is also posted on Justice's website --> Academic Advising as well as Schoology --> Course List --> Student Services --> Academic Advising Upcoming School Year 2025-2026. Slide decks and other information will be posted on the public website and Schoology.

The Academic Advising individual student meetings are done through English (11th grade) and Health/PE classes (10th and 9th grade). Please see the schedule so your student knows when their class is meeting with counselors so that they make sure to attend this class! (The schedule is subject to change and any changes will be uploaded to Justice's public website and Schoology)

  • Friday, January 10, 2025
  • Monday, January 13, 2025
    • Academic Advising Begins for Rising 12th Graders (current Grade 11)
  • Wednesday, January 22, 2025
  • Friday, January 24, 2025 (start date scheduled to change)
    • Academic Advising Beings for Rising 11th Graders (current Grade 10)
  • Wednesday, February 5, 2025
    • Rising 10th Grade (current freshmen) Course Selection Google Form DUE at 3pm (Parents/Students have access to submit form
    • Rising 9th Grade Curriculum Night (current Grade 8)
      • Optional Electives Fair - 5:30-6:25pm - Cafeteria
      • Welcome and Logistics - 6:30pm - Auditorium
      • Course Sessions (English, Math, Science, Social Studies) - 6:35pm-8:30pm
  • Friday, February 7, 2025 (start date scheduled to change)
    • Academic Advising Beings for Rising 10th Graders (current Grade 9)
  • Wednesday, February 19, 2025 (Extended from Fri, 2/14)
  • Friday, March 7, 2025
    • All course requests must be submitted at this time
  • April 2025 - Date TBA
    • Students will be allowed to make changes to their course request via Google Form. More information to come!
Academy Open Houses

The Academies will be conducting their open houses for students/parents who are interested in courses at the Academy. Justice attends Edison, Fairfax, Falls Church/Plum Center, Marshall, and West Potomac Academies. The Open House allows students/parents the opportunity to meet the instructors, learn about the course, and meet current students in the course.

  • West Potomac Academy Open House - Thursday, February 20 - 6-8pm
Schedule Change Policy

As a reminder, to support students in settling into a consistent class schedule, please see the timeline for schedule changes for the 2024-2025 school year.

  • Starting September 23, 2024 - February 27, 2025:
    • No Elective Change Requests
    • All Academic Level Change Requests must complete the Academic Improvement Plan that involves a parent/teacher/student conference.
    • If, after the Academic Improvement Plan, the student still wishes to move forward with the academic level change, the request will be reviewed by a committee. Approval is not guaranteed and is based on seat availability in the requested course.
  • November 5, 2024: Last day to drop a course without it going on the student’s transcript as a Withdrawal Pass (WP) or a Withdrawal Fail (WF). This is an FCPS regulation. 
  • February 28, 2025: No schedule changes will be permitted after this time.
2025 Student Representative to the School Board

The School Board student representative represents the interests of Fairfax County Public Schools students. The student representative is not a member of the School Board but serves in a nonvoting, advisory capacity. Students currently in grades 9, 10, and 11 are eligible to apply. 

Watch this video to learn about the student representative experience from the current representative, Megan Sawant. 

Application Information and Deadlines

To be considered for the election, students are required to provide:

  • A written component, which is due Monday, February 24.
  • A 30-second candidate video statement, which is due Wednesday, March 26. Candidates will be emailed a link to record their video on Monday, March 17.

Both application components are required to be considered for the election. Read more about the election process.

Class of 2025 - Mid-Semester Transcripts

Mid-Semester Transcripts have been processed by FCPS IT Office and School Counselors are in the process of uploading them to Common Application, Coalition Application, college portals, and mailing them (the old-fashioned way).

Please remember that all colleges/universities send automated emails to students/parents requesting the Mid-Semester Transcript and/or stating that this has yet to be completed. These automated emails are not able to be discontinued individually. We are providing you with the information so that your student can check their Common App Dashboard, College Application portal, Naviance Student, etc to see if their Mid-Semester Transcript has been uploaded. As we are in Academic Advising and it takes time to individually upload each student's transcripts to portals, please be patient with School Counselors.

After Friday, February 14, 2025, if your student receives a specific email that is addressed to them from Admissions Representative (not the automated email with a generic message) still requesting the Mid-Semester Transcript, please check the student's Dashboards/College Portals first before contacting the School Counselor. If the student sees that the Mid-Semester Transcript has been uploaded to their portal, the student can respond to the email stating that the Mid-Semester Transcript has been uploaded on "x date".

JHS Scholarship Fund Information Presentation

Justice High School Scholarship Foundation will be providing an information on their scholarships and application process to interested students from the Class of 2025 on Tuesday, February 25th at 8:45am (during Advisory/Intervention) in the Auditorium.

Class of 2025 - Official Transcript Request Form

All 2-year/4-year college/universities and Military Academies need your Official Transcript as part of the application.

Part One: All seniors must have the Consent to Share Transcript to Colleges on file in order for us to send your transcripts to 2-year/4-year college/universities, Military Academies, and Scholarships. If you've already signed the form, no need to sign again. Please return completed forms to Ms. Bond in Student Services.

Part Two: You must submit an Official Transcript Request for EACH college/university and indicate whether we need to upload the transcript to a college portal, Common Application, Coalition Application, or email/mail directly to the College Admissions Office.

Class of 2025 - Reminder to Add Recommender to Common App

Seniors who are using the Common Application must remember to add your School Counselor and Teacher to the portal in order for the School Counselor and Teacher to submit their Letter of Recommendation. PLEASE ensure that their email address is correct.

If your School Counselor and Teacher are not added to your portal, they are unable to upload any documentation to your application. This will cause you to receive emails stating that documents haven't been received.

  • How-to-Invite-Recommenders-on-Common-and-Coalition-Apps.pdf
  • How to Add Teachers to Common Application
  • Georgetown University Application Portal
    • Within the application portal, it will ask you to provide the names/email address of your School Counselor and Teachers submitting Letters of Recommendation.
    • If you entered in the email correctly, Georgetown will automatically send them an email with the link on how to upload their documents.
    • If you are applying to Georgetown University and you have submitted your application, please double-check with your School Counselor and Teachers they have received Georgetown's email.
Discover NOVA Open House Events

NOVA Dual Enrollment and Outreach & Recruitment team is hosting Discover NOVA – Open House events for prospective and current dual enrollment students and their families. These events will showcase academic programs, student support resources, and how to maximize dual enrollment credits—plus, attendees will get to tour the campuses!

Students can choose from any of the following campus events:

  • Loudoun Campus — March 6, 4-7 PM
  • Alexandria Campus — March 13,  4-7 PM
  • Annandale Campus — March 27, 4-7 PM
  • Woodbridge Campus — April 3, 4-7 PM
  • Manassas Campus — April 24, 4-7 PM

Registration is now open: https://forms.gle/eHR2q5CnnN7AzKVy8.

Students who attend will be entered to win a $500 NOVA scholarship (Nontransferable; must be used at NOVA in Fall 2025)!

FAFSA Form SY2025-26 Now Available

The 2025-26 Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) is now available. Any college-bound high school senior — regardless of income — who wants to be considered for federal, state, and school financial aid programs should complete a FAFSA form. 

Parents and caregivers are encouraged to work with their children to complete the FAFSA as early as possible. Check each college’s financial aid office webpage for deadlines and financial aid forms. Then, create an account, if you have not already done so, and fill out the FAFSA.

The Virginia Alternative State Aid (VASA) application will be available in late January for students who are unable to complete the FAFSA. To help determine which aid option is right for you, visit the State Council of Higher Education for Virginia website.

Get Help Filling out FAFSA From College Access Fairfax

Over the next few months, College Access Fairfax will be offering several programs on completing the FAFSA/VASA and finding and applying for scholarships. Get information on these programs and how to access them on the College Access Fairfax website.

In addition, College Access Fairfax staff are available for virtual one-on-one help sessions to complete the FAFSA/VASA. To request an appointment, families should email [email protected].

Virginia Alternative State Aid (VASA) Application

The VASA Application is now open! The Virginia Alternative State Aid (VASA) Application is the alternative state application available for Virginia students who are ineligible to file the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA). These students include Virginians who have certain nonimmigrant visa statuses, are undocumented, have Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) status or are otherwise ineligible to file the FAFSA and would like to be considered for state financial aid.

Class of 2025/2026 - Interested In College Athletics?

Are you interested in playing college athletics at Division 1 or Division 2 schools? Have you created an account at the NCAA Eligibility Center? Are you confused about how to get recruited?

Schedule a meeting with Mr. Harvey, Justice's NCAA Eligibility Lead, and he can support you and your parents as you navigate this process! You can also email Mr. Harvey with questions as well - [email protected].

Student Voice Opportunity - 2025 FCPS Family Summit

We are excited to announce that the 2025 FCPS Family Summit will take place on Saturday, March 15, 2025, at South Lakes High School! This year, we are committed to amplifying student voice, and we want you to be a part of it! We are seeking FCPS student participants to showcase their projects and advocacy efforts around inclusivity in schools. This is a great resume building opportunity and you will earn service hours as well!

What Are We Looking For?

We are  inviting students to share their work in a share fair environment through posters, essays, videos, songs, art, etc.  You will interact with attendees through conversations about your work, ideas, and efforts. This is a fantastic opportunity to showcase how you and your peers are fostering inclusivity in your school community.

Project Ideas

Not sure what to share? Here are some examples of projects that focus on inclusivity and acceptance (feel free to explore other creative formats/projects!):

  • Advocacy Committees: Highlight the work of a student group advocating for inclusivity and acceptance.
  • Creative Projects: Share an essay, poem, video, or song that focuses on inclusivity and acceptance.
  • Service Projects: Showcase volunteer work or initiatives that promote inclusivity and belonging.
  • School Events: Present on an event you organized to celebrate diversity or foster a sense of belonging.
  • Research or Surveys: Share findings from a schoolwide survey or research project about inclusivity and belonging.
  • Clubs and Organizations: Highlight the impact of any club or group that works to create a more inclusive and welcoming school environment.
How to Participate

If you have a project, idea, or advocacy effort you want to share, please fill out this Google Form by February 17, 2025. We will send you notifications of acceptance to present by February 24, 2025. 

We look forward to learning from you and amplifying your voice at the 2025 FCPS Family Summit! Your work can inspire others and make a lasting impact on creating more inclusive schools. If you have any questions, please reach out to Mr. Manuel Gomez Portillo at [email protected].

2025 Fairfax County Teen Job Fair

Board of Supervisor Pat Herrity is teaming up with Fairfax County Times Newspapers, Fairfax County Public Schools, as well as local chambers and organizations to bring our community two Fairfax County Teen Job Fairs and Career-Building Workshops. These events focus on students and young job seekers looking for a variety of employment opportunities; full time, after-school, seasonal positions, internship opportunities, and volunteer positions.

Past fairs have provided thousands of teenagers the opportunity to get in front of employers and for our employers to find talented Fairfax County students to fill their positions. Last year, we had over 1,500 students and roughly 100 businesses participate. The fairs are open to all teens in Fairfax County looking for employment, volunteer opportunities, or tips on building their resume.

For more information and to view the full schedule, please visit the event webpage.

Saturday, March 8, 2025 - Chantilly High School

  • Time: 11 a.m. - 1 p.m. (with final workshops ending at 1:30 p.m.)

Saturday, March 15, 2025 - West Springfield High School

  • 1 - 3 p.m. (with final workshops ending at 3:30 p.m.)
Academy Day 2025

Senator Mark Warner invites high school and middle school students, their parents or guardians, and school counselors to Academy Day 2025. Attendees will be provided a comprehensive overview of the United States service academies and their admission processes.

In addition, students will be able to meet with officials from all five academies as well as representatives from the Department of Defense Medical Examination Review Board, Navy Talent Acquisition Group (NTAG) Richmond, ROTC programs at the University of Virginia, the United States Marine Corps, the Virginia Military Institute, the Virginia Tech Corps of Cadets, and the Virginia Women's Institute for Leadership at Mary Baldwin University. Staff from Virginia Congressional offices will be available to answer questions regarding the application procedures for congressional nominations.

Save the Date: Saturday, April 26, 2025
Time: 9:30 a.m. - 1:30 p.m.
Location: University of Mary Washington, Dodd Auditorium in George Washington Hall, 1301 College Ave, Fredericksburg, VA 22401

To ensure you receive it and the registration link for the event, please email [email protected]. For more information on the Academy Nomination Process, please visit www.warner.senate.gov.

Food for Neighbors - Red Bag Program

Justice High School is a proud partner with Food for Neighbors, a local organization who helps to feed our students outside of school hours.

The Red Bag Program is filled five times a year and provided to needy families. Food for Neighbors will drop off an empty Red Bag with a list of items. You can support by purchasing some food items that is provided on the list. Leave the Red Bag outside your door and Food for Neighbors will come pick it up.

All donations are tax-deductible and can be in any amount. To learn more about the FFN Holiday Meals Program, please go here.

Homeless and Winter Weather Shelters

The Northern Virginia Regional Commission Human Services compiled and published a list of all the homeless and winter weather shelters serving the region. The lists are posted here and they were last updated on December 6, 2024.

Fairfax County Public Schools has also compiled a list of resources for students and families in case they need assistance while schools are closed for winter break. Please visit FCPS’ winter resources webpage for information on academic support, mental health support, and county resources related to food, clothing, housing, and other needs.

Schoology Groups

Each Class has a group in Schoology with posts pertinent information specific to that class. Please see below for the access code to join.

Class of 2025: XKMH-SPHF-9C4GZ

Class of 2026: QXWJ-NPF2-6WHHG

Class of 2027: XDTX-PD42-RPN2G

Class of 2028: NR9N-89TD-8WQQC

Still Need ParentVUE Access?

Learn how to activate your SIS ParentVUE account.

Technical support for using ParentVUE is available for:

  1. Go to the ParentVUE Login screen and select the icon that you need
    • Change Username - You forgot your username or you want to change it
    • Change Password - You know your password but you want to change it
    • Forgot Password - You can't remember your password
    • Activate Account - You have received an Activation Key and you're ready to create your account
  2. None of the above apply
    1. Go to the Parent Support Request ticket
    2. Select SIS Parent in the Application dropdown menu
    3. Under "Issue Description", type the issue/error that you're receiving. Please try to be specific.
  3. Call the Parent Technology Help Desk at 833-921-3277 (833-921-FCPS).
Student Forms moved to Parental Digital Consent (PDC) Available 

Paperless Opt-Outs Available! Families can log in to the PDC using their ParentVUE credentials to complete consent forms assigned to their child. 

Forms available in the PDC starting in the 2024-2025 school year include:

  • School Counseling Opt-Out
  • Digital Resources Consent
  • SEL Screener Opt-Out
  • Consent for Release of Student Records in Support of Postsecondary Applications
  • Denial of Access to Military Recruiters 
  • Family Life Education Opt-Out
  • SOL Retest Permission
  • Hazel Health
  • BYOD (Bring Your Own Device) Opt-Out
  • SOS Screener Opt-Out
  • Objection to Release of Information to Outside Organizations
  • Objection to Release of Directory Information to the Public
Health Information and Emergency Care Forms

The Health Information Form (HIF) (SS/SE-71) and the Emergency Care Information form (SS/SE-3) provide valuable information regarding student health conditions. These forms are critical in the early identification of students who may need healthcare support in the educational environment. Along with the development of Healthcare Plans (HCP) and Action Plans, the Public Health Nurses (PHNs) utilize the information contained in the HIF to develop teaching strategies for FCPS staff in order to meet the requirements of Regulation 2104 Health Services-School Health-Related Needs.

These forms are required for all students. Enrolling parents/guardians who have a SIS ParentVUE account may submit them electronically by using the Online Verification/Update packet

For families without SIS ParentVue accounts, forms can be located on the General Registration Forms page.

No-Cost Virtual Therapy for High School Students

Virtual therapy sessions are available at no cost to FCPS high school students to provide a safe space to address concerns such as:

  • Mood/behavior changes, motivation, grief/loss.
  • Anxiety, worry, fears.
  • Social skills, bullying, peer and family relationships.
  • Academic stress.

In order for students to participate, caregivers must give permission for FCPS to share basic demographic information with Hazel Health in ParentVUE. They must also provide consent for their student to access therapy services. 

Students may then be referred by a guardian or designated school staff member. Refer your child by calling 571-749-2940 or contacting an FCPS school counselor, social worker, psychologist, or director of Student Services.

Visit the FCPS Teletherapy webpage for more information.

Emergency Resources

Crisis Link Regional Hotline - 703-527-4077

Crisis Text - Text NEEDHELP to 85511

Dominion Hospital Emergency - 703-536-2000

INOVA Emergency - 703-289-7560

Sharon Bulova Center for Community Health (formerly Merrifield) - 703-573-5979 TTY dial 711

Life Threatening - 911

3301 Peace Valley Lane, Falls Church, VA 22044 | Main Office: 703.824.3900
Attendance: 703.824.3920 | Web 

Justice HS News & Announcements - 2/17/25

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This Week's Topics Important Dates

Tuesday, February 18 - WIDA Testing Begins

Thursday, February 20 - International Night

Saturday, February 22 - Saturday School

Monday, February 24 - International Night Snow Date

Monday, February 24 - Spring Sports Tryouts Begin

Monday, February 24 - Virtual PTSA Monthly Town Hall & General Meeting

Friday, February 28 - Ramadan Begins at Sundown

Saturday, March 8 - Wolf Shack Stock-Up with FFN Red Bag Day

Saturday, March 15 - Saturday School

Saturday, March 15 - Wolves at the Lodge: Casino Night

Wednesday, March 19 - Partners for Safe Teen Driving Presentation

Saturday, March 22 - Saturday School

Monday, March 24 - Virtual PTSA Monthly Town Hall & General Meeting

Friday, March 28 - End of 3rd Quarter

Monday, March 31 - Eid-al-Fitr (Division Closed)

Tuesday, April 1 - Teacher Workday

Wednesday, April 2 - Start of 4th Quarter

Saturday, April 5 - Saturday School

Monday, April 14 - Friday, April 18 - Spring Break (Justice Offices Closed)

Saturday, April 26 - Saturday School

Monday, April 28 - IB Testing Begins

Upcoming WIDA Assessment February 18 - March 3

Every year, students who are multilingual learners are required to take the WIDA assessment. The WIDA assessment is an English language proficiency test that measures your child’s academic English language skills.  If your child has the “EL” symbol in SIS, they are required to take this test. Attendance each day is vital to completing all four parts of this required test.  Students take one part every other day to minimize impact on the rest of their classes. 

What is WIDA?

We have prepared a video with more information on how a student’s WIDA score impacts their opportunities in school as well as college.  Please click on the video link below to hear more information on this test and how it impacts your child. The video is less than seven minutes in length.

WIDA video link [English]: https://youtu.be/5J47-5pDgZ4

WIDA video link [SPANISH]: https://youtu.be/DQCEJz4Vrnk

For additional languages, please select the English video, then click on the settings icon, then “subtitles” and next “autotranslate” and select the language preferred. 

If you have any questions, please reach out to assistant principal Colleen Lally at 703-824-3907 or by email at [email protected].

International Night - Thursday, February 20

You are cordially invited to International Night 2025!

International foods and cultural displays will be in the aux gym between 4:15 p.m. and 6:15 p.m. Performances will begin at 7:00 p.m. in the auditorium. Entrance is free; however, if you would like reserved advanced seating, please use the QR code on the flyer directly below. Reserved Advance seating will be from 6:15 p.m. to 6:40 p.m. After 6:40 p.m., all reservations are canceled, and seating will be first come, first served. Once we reach our capacity, we will be able to watch the performance live-streamed in the aux gym.

In the event of inclement weather on Thursday, 2/20, a make up date for International Night has been scheduled for Monday, February 24.

Student Fasting Meal Kits for February 28 - March 28

Thanks to a new program from the Virginia Department of Education, students who are fasting during the school day between February 28 and March 28 can now take school meal kits home at the end of the day.Families will need to fill out a weekly Fasting Meals Request Form for their child or children to receive school meal kits. A separate form must be filled out for each week and each student.To receive meal kits for Friday, February 28, and the week of March 3, please submit the first request form by Monday, February 24. Visit the FNS webpage for more information, including weekly request forms and deadlines.

Black History Month Kick-Off Celebration (Note: Date Change)

FCPS’ Chief Equity Officer invites the community to an Inaugural Black History Month Kickoff Celebration on Wednesday, February 19, 5:30-7:30 p.m., at Carter G. Woodson High School.   

The event begins with a light reception followed by a formal program, From the Threads of Our Past to the Fabric of Our Future. The program will honor the enduring contributions of Black history and culture while envisioning a future rooted in equity and excellence. It will include inspiring performances, personal stories, reflections, and opportunities to connect and celebrate. The event is open to the entire community. 

For more information, contact Nina Thomas, senior manager for Professional Learning and Cultural Responsiveness.

Application for the 2025 Student Representative to the School Board

The School Board student representative represents the interests of Fairfax County Public Schools students. The student representative is not a member of the School Board but serves in a nonvoting, advisory capacity. Students currently in grades 9, 10, and 11 are eligible to apply. 

Watch this video to learn about the student representative experience from the current representative, Megan Sawant. 

Application Information and Deadlines

To be considered for the election, students are required to provide:

  • A written component, which is due Monday, February 24.
  • A 30-second candidate video statement, which is due Wednesday, March 26. Candidates will be emailed a link to record their video on Monday, March 17.

Both application components are required to be considered for the election. Read more about the election process.

Stuff the Bus Drive

We are happy to announce we are currently participating in Stuff the Bus, a collaborative program and partnership between Fairfax County Government and local nonprofits. We are asking for your support in donating various food items to help fight food insecurity in Fairfax County. Donated food will go to various charities that will benefit Fairfax County residents. If you plan to donate to the Stuff the Bus food drive, please consider giving items from this list below.  Additionally, donating items that are high fiber, low sugar and low sodium not only feed people experiencing food insecurity but also contribute to their overall health and wellness. A donation box will be located in the front office and will be open to donations until February 28th. Thank you for your consideration in helping out this great cause!

Please consider donating items from the list below

Cooking oil, Corn Flour Maseca, Bag (dry) beans, peas or lentils (16 oz.), Rice - brown or white (5 lbs. or smaller,  Canned tuna, salmon or chicken (15 oz. or smaller),  Canned tomatoes - low sodium, no salt added (29 oz. or smaller), Soup - lower sodium (19 oz. or smaller), Canned pasta (16 oz. or smaller), Canned fruit in light syrup or juice (20 oz. or smaller), Healthy hot and cold cereal (42 oz. or smaller), Healthy snacks (e.g. raisins, granola bars), Macaroni and cheese, Peanut butter (40 oz. or smaller), Fruit jam (32 oz. or smaller), Instant potatoes (16 oz. or smaller), Pancake mix (32 oz. or smaller) and syrup, Canned vegetables - low sodium, no salt added (29 oz. or smaller), Canned beans or peas (29 oz. or smaller),

Got the winter blues? Come warm up at the annual Broadway Desserts concert, “Somebody to Love” on Saturday, February 15th at 2pm and 7pm. The Justice Choirs will perform favorites from Wicked, Mary Poppins, Newsies, Six, The Great Gatsby and so much more! And of course, there will be sweet treats! Tickets are $10 through 2/14 and $15 the day of the show. Click here to purchase tickets. We can’t wait to sing for you!!

Advisory Committee for Students With Disabilities Seeks Nominations for First-Class Awards

First-Class Awards are presented each year to individuals who support, design, and/or implement inclusion activities that result in positive outcomes for students. The Advisory Committee for Students with Disabilities (ACSD) is seeking nominations for the 2025 First-Class Awards. This is a great opportunity for the community to recognize and celebrate the inclusion efforts of educators, administrators, and students who demonstrate the inclusion of students with disabilities in all facets of education. 

Nominees should model excellence in their role relative to special education, have a positive impact that benefits disabled and non-disabled students alike, and be committed to creating an inclusive environment and mindset.

Nominate an administrator, staff member, student, or community partner who has made an exceptional contribution to inclusive practices in Fairfax County Public Schools. Nominations close Wednesday, February 19.

Protect Yourself and Your Community From the Flu

Fairfax County is experiencing very high levels of influenza (flu) illness. The Fairfax County Health Department reports that visits to emergency departments and urgent care centers for flu-like illness have increased, especially among children, and multiple flu outbreaks have occurred in our community and school settings. Read a letter from the health department

The health department suggests taking the following steps to reduce the spread of flu and other germs:    
  • Cover coughs and sneezes. If you must be around others while ill, wearing a mask can help reduce spread.
  • Wash hands often with soap and water for 20 seconds. Use alcohol-based hand sanitizers when soap and water are not available (with supervision for younger children).
  • Clean frequently touched surfaces.

According to the health department, to help prevent or reduce the spread of illness it is important for individuals who are sick to stay home and away from others until symptoms improve and until they have been free of fever for at least 24 hours. Visit this Attendance webpage for guidance on when your child should go to school.

Justice HS PTSA The Wolf Shack is Open!

The Wolf Shack is our PTSA-sponsored in-school food and resource pantry, providing free essential resources for all students. The Wolf Shack is open from 3-5pm on late bus days (Wednesdays & Thursdays) in Room B27 between the Black Box Theater and the Little Theater. 

Read more in the latest PTSA newsletter.

PTSA Calendar of Events


24 - Mon - 730pm - PTSA Monthly Town Hall & General Meeting

MARCH 2025

8 - Sat - 11am - Wolf Shack Stock-Up with FFN Red Bag Day

15 - Sat - 7pm - Wolves at the Lodge: Casino Night

24 - Mon - 730pm - PTSA Monthly Town Hall & General Meeting

Connect with the PTSA

JHS PTSA Website


Social Handles

Facebook: facebook.com/justicehsptsa

X (formerly Twitter): x.com/justicehsptsa

Instagram: instagram.com/justicehsptsa/

Membership Link


Donation Link


Contact the PTSA

[email protected]

Fairfax County Special Education PTA (SEPTA)


From FCPS Learn More About How Your Child Feels at School

The Social and Emotional Learning (SEL) Screener will be administered to students in grades 3-12 in March. Students use the SEL Screener twice a year to share their perspectives on how well their school and community help them develop the skills they need to succeed. The screener works by asking questions or presenting statements that students can think about and respond to. This gives students a way to share how well their school community makes them feel valued, included, and supported.

After each screening, results are available in the Documents tab of SIS ParentVUE and mailed to families who do not have a ParentVUE account. For more information, including SEL Screener questions and opt-out information, please visit the Social-Emotional Learning (SEL) Screener webpage.

🏗️ FCPS’ Construction Projects Offer Community-Wide Benefits

The Fairfax County School Board approved the annual update to FCPS’ FY 2026-30 Capital Improvement Program (CIP) at their regular board meeting last week. A CIP is a working budget document that shows the timing and costs of improvement to school buildings, such as renovations, additions, and new schools. Learn more about planned improvements. Fairfax County Public Schools’ updated plans for new school construction, capacity enhancements, and renovations are outlined in the CIP. Projects include constructing two new elementary schools; renovations at 18 elementary schools, two middle schools, and two high schools; and relocation of modular buildings.

FCPS Proposed Budget Progress

The Fairfax County School Board discussed the FCPS Fiscal Year (FY) 2026 Proposed Budget at their work session on February 4. They discussed details regarding student enrollment and investments in students requiring additional support, market comparison data for surrounding school divisions, and an update on progress toward achieving the Baldrige Award for Performance Excellence. Baldrige is a framework used to assess and improve organizational performance across various sectors, including education. 

The School Board also held a public hearing on February 4, where they invited the community to share their feedback on the proposed budget.

On Tuesday, February 18, the Fairfax County executive will present the county’s Advertised Budget, and the School Board will hold a work session on FCPS’ FY 2026 Proposed Budget. View the Budget Development Calendar.

Breaking Down the Budget

More than 85% of the budget is dedicated to instruction and reflects the needs of our community’s young people in response to the changing world around us. Budget priorities include providing competitive compensation for all employees, including a 7% salary increase for all staff.  

Our families want their children in high-quality schools with the best teachers who provide rigorous academic experiences. FCPS must provide competitive compensation to attract and retain our outstanding educators, administrators, and other school-based and operational staff dedicated to the success of our students. 

The proposed 7% salary increase would likely move FCPS to the highest starting salary for teachers with a master's degree among our neighboring counties and greatly improve our recruitment efforts amidst an ongoing teacher shortage. Visit the Budget webpage for more information.

Students Invited to Share Their Voices at the 2025 Family Summit

The 2025 FCPS Family Summit will take place on Saturday, March 15, at South Lakes High School. Visit the Family Summit webpage for more information. 

At the event, FCPS students will be invited to showcase projects and advocacy efforts around inclusivity in schools. This is a great resume-building opportunity, and students can earn service hours as well. Students may share their work in a share-fair environment using posters, essays, videos, songs, or art. They will interact with attendees through conversations about their work, ideas, and efforts to foster inclusivity in school communities. 

Students must use this Google Form to participate by Monday, February 17. A list of possible projects is also on the form. More information will be provided after the student’s submission is received. Please contact Manuel Gomez Portillo with any questions. 

✨ Centering student voice is part of FCPS’ Strategic Plan Goal 2: Safe, Supported, Included, and Empowered.

💻 Try Online Registration

Online registration for the 2025-26 school year is open. Parents/caregivers may register their children online for kindergarten through 12th grade. Learn how to begin the online registration process

When registering, parents/caregivers will need to create or log in to an existing SIS ParentVUE account.

Calendar Reminders February Is Black History Month

Black History Month is an annual celebration of achievements by African Americans and a time for recognizing their central role in U.S. History. Learn more about the heritage months, celebrations, and traditions celebrated in FCPS. Learn more about Black History month.

February Is Career and Technical Education Month

By enrolling in a Career and Technical Education (CTE) course or program, students learn the technical applications of many occupations while preparing for higher education or entry-level employment. A core program of CTE courses is offered in every middle and high school including Business and Information Technology, Family and Consumer Sciences, Health and Medical Sciences, Marketing, Technology and Engineering Education, and Trade and Industrial Education. Since this is an elective, course offerings may vary by school. Learn more on the FCPS CTE webpage

CTE also offers summer programs for students to explore their programs. Enroll now!

Ramadan Begins Friday, February 28

Ramadan begins at sundown on Friday, February 28. This day is an evening-only observance day. There is school on these days, but certain activities that cannot be made up can not take place after school. See the complete school year calendar. Throughout the year, as we celebrate and recognize various cultural holidays and observances, families are encouraged to contact their child’s principal regarding accommodations, including but not limited to those around lunch, prayer/meditation and silent reflection spaces and times, and instruction.

VSBA School Board Appreciation Month

Thank you to the Fairfax County School Board for all they do throughout the year. Want to contact your school board representatives to share your appreciation? Visit their website to find your school board member and contact them.

Public Schools Week - February 24 - February 28

Public Schools Week is an annual celebration that brings together school leaders, educators, parents & community leaders to recognize the importance of our nation’s public schools.

Weekly Reminders Saturday School at Justice High School

On certain Saturdays, students can get one-on-one assistance in any English, Math, Science, or History class. Our dedicated teachers will be available to help students tackle assignments, strengthen their understanding of key concepts, and ensure they are well-prepared for their upcoming assessments. Students do not have to sign up ahead of time to attend Saturday School.

Details are as follows:

  • When: February 22nd | March 15th and 22nd | April 5th and 26th | May 3rd and 17th
  • Time: 9 AM - 12 PM
  • Where: Justice High School

We encourage your child to take advantage of this valuable opportunity. It’s a fantastic way for them to improve their grades and gain confidence in their studies. Thank you for your continued support in helping our students succeed!

What Families Can Do to Fight Drug Misuse

FCPS is committed to raising awareness about the opioid epidemic with our educators, parents/caregivers, and students. Together, we can help ensure our students thrive.

What can families do?

  • Show you disapprove of underage drinking and other drug misuse. More than 80% of young people ages 10-18 say their parents are the leading influence on their decision whether to drink. 
  • Show you care about your child’s health, wellness, and success. 
  • Show you are a good source of information about alcohol and other drugs. Find helpful resources on the FCPS Opioid Awareness webpage
  • Pay attention to your child and discourage risky behaviors. 
  • Build your child’s skills and strategies for avoiding drinking and drug use. Talk with your child about what they would do if faced with a decision about alcohol and drugs, such as texting a code word to a family member or practicing how they will say, “No thanks.”

Get more information on opioid awareness.

Food for Neighbors - Red Bag Program

Justice High School is a proud partner with Food for Neighbors, a local organization who helps to feed our students outside of school hours.

The Red Bag Program is filled five times a year and provided to needy families. Food for Neighbors will drop off an empty Red Bag with a list of items. You can support by purchasing some food items that is provided on the list. Leave the Red Bag outside your door and Food for Neighbors will come pick it up.

All donations are tax-deductible and can be in any amount. To learn more about the FFN Holiday Meals Program, please go here.

Make Sure Your Children Are Up-to-Date on Immunizations

Please make sure your child has all of their necessary immunizations. Remember, all students are required to be immunized against certain diseases to attend school in Virginia. This is an important part of keeping children healthy!

Starting Monday, May 19, students who have not provided proof of immunization may not be allowed to attend school. You can check your child’s immunization status and submit updated immunization information by accessing SIS ParentVUE

Please check with your healthcare provider to make sure your child is up to date on required immunizations for the 2024-25 school year. If your child needs an immunization, make an appointment with your healthcare provider, visit the Fairfax County Health Department website for a list of child immunization clinics, or view other Immunization Resources. Be wise and immunize!

Partners for Safe Teen Driving (PSTD)

Justice High School Auditorium - Driver’s Education

The state of Virginia requires students and their parents or legal guardians to attend ONE session of Partners for Safe Teen Driving in order to receive their Pink Card (DEC-8). The 90 minute session requires participants to be actively involved during the presentation. This is offered in conjunction with our 10th grade driver education curriculum and is a requirement. All sessions are in person for the 2024-2025 school year at Justice HS in the Auditorium. Registration link, and schedule is below. It is also posted on your 1oth grade teacher’s SCHOOLOGY PAGE.

If you are a current 11th or 12th grade Justice HS student seeking to attend a PTSD session, please email Monica White at [email protected]  for information.

PSTD presentations are 6:30 PM to 8:00 PM

3rd Quarter - Wednesday March 19th, 2025

4th Quarter - Wednesday May 14th, 2025

The meetings are a “hard” 6:30 PM start in the Auditorium for every PSTD event. Doors lock at 6:30 sharp and an entry after that will not be allowed. (State Law)

Please plan to arrive at 6 pm to avoid being locked out. Every student will NEED to have a legal guardian present with them If they are attending PSTD session.

Link for students to register for 2024-2025 Justice HS - Driver Ed PSTD

Free Meals at Justice HS

Justice HS has qualified for the USDA Community Eligibility Provision (CEP) meal program for the 2024-2025 school year. CEP is a non-pricing meal service option for schools in low-income areas. CEP allows schools to serve breakfast and lunch at no cost to ALL students without collecting household applications for free and reduced-price meals.

CEP General Information

  • CEP is a USDA program; eligibility is based on direct certification for free meals at individual FCPS schools.
  • All students at CEP schools automatically receive no-cost breakfast and lunch every day of the school year (even if the student would not qualify for free meals). 
  • If a student purchases an additional breakfast or additional meal, it will be at cost to the family. 

Free and Reduced-Price Meal Applications, Additional Benefits, and Related Information

For families that may want to receive benefits (class fees) beyond meals that are income-based, the FCPS CEP Consent to Share Information for Other Programs will continue to be utilized and is included in the free and reduced-price meal application process. Parents are encouraged to complete and submit the CEP Consent to Share Form

Varsity Tutors Provides On-Demand Support at No Cost

FCPS is partnering with Varsity Tutors to provide students and families with extra resources for learning. Every student can take advantage of Varsity Tutors’ services at no cost, including weekly live online classes, on-demand 24/7 chat tutoring, essay editing, and study resources such as recorded content, practice problems, and diagnostic tests. Learn more about online tutoring with Varsity Tutors.

No-Cost Virtual Therapy for High School Students

Virtual therapy sessions are available at no cost to FCPS high school students to provide a safe space to address concerns such as:

  • Mood/behavior changes, motivation, grief/loss.
  • Anxiety, worry, fears.
  • Social skills, bullying, peer and family relationships.
  • Academic stress.

In order for students to participate, caregivers must give permission for FCPS to share basic demographic information with Hazel Health in ParentVUE. They must also provide consent for their student to access therapy services. 

Students may then be referred by a guardian or designated school staff member. Refer your child by calling 571-749-2940 or contacting an FCPS school counselor, social worker, psychologist, or director of Student Services.

Visit the FCPS Teletherapy webpage for more information.

Supporting Your Child’s Mental Health

Children go through a lot of changes, and it can be hard to tell if their behavior is developmentally appropriate or if they could benefit from mental health support. It’s important to talk to your child and pay attention to their actions, especially these warning signs:

  • Increased irritability, hyperactivity, energy, and/or aggressive behavior.
  • Excessive sadness, hopelessness, or worries.
  • Loss of appetite, or significant weight gain or loss.
  • Lack of sleep or too much sleep.
  • A decline in grades, school avoidance, or attendance concerns.
  • Alcohol or drug use.
  • Withdrawal from activities and/or friends and family. 
  • Thoughts of harming themselves or others.

If you notice any of these warning signs or feel your child may be experiencing a mental health challenge, help is available. Please contact your child's school counselor to discuss your concerns and identify resources. Find additional ways to support your child’s wellness

If you or someone you care about is experiencing a mental health crisis such as thoughts of harming themselves or others, please take action right away. Call 988, go to the nearest emergency room, or contact the Sharon Bulova Center for Community Health Emergency Services at 703-573-5679.

Follow Justice HS On Social Media

X (formerly known as Twitter) 

Activities - @justice_sports


School - @justicehs_wolves

Activities - @justice_wolves

Helpful Links

Justice Website

Justice Athletics

Student Services


Red/Blue Rotation Calendar

Bell Schedule

Justice HS PTSA


ParentVue Information

Emergency Resources

Crisis Link Regional Hotline - 703-527-4077

Crisis Text - Text NEEDHELP to 85511

Dominion Hospital Emergency - 703-536-2000

INOVA Emergency - 703-289-7560

Sharon Bulova Center for Community Health (formerly Merrifield) - 703-573-5979 TTY dial 711

Life Threatening - 911

FCPS Cares

Do you know a Justice High School or FCPS employee who does ordinary things in an extraordinary way or goes beyond what is expected? If so, then click here to share with everyone.

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3301 Peace Valley Lane, Falls Church, VA 22044 | Main Office: 703.824.3900
Attendance: 703.824.3920 | Web 

Justice HS Student Services - 2/11/2025

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This Week's Topics Important Dates

Saturday, February 22

  • In-Person Auditions for Dance/Musical Theatre - Fairfax Academy - 10am-12pm - Students will receive info via their FCPS Google Email
  • All Portfolio Submissions for certain Fairfax Academy courses is due

Tuesday, February 25 - JHS Scholarship Foundation Information Presentation during Advisory to interested seniors (Class of 2025)

Friday, March 7 - Student Statement of Interest for certain Edison Academy courses is due by 3pm - Students will receive info via their FCPS Google Email

Quarter Two Report Card Information

Quarter 2 Report Cards are located under "Documents" in ParentVUE/StudentVUE.

To access the report card:

  1. Log into ParentVUE or log into StudentVUE
  2. In the menu on the left hand side, select "Documents"
  3. Once in "Documents", you will see "Justice HS_Q2 Report Card_SY24-25"
  4. Click on the file and it will open to review

Do you need a paper copy?

To request a paper copy to be mailed home, please submit this Quarter Two Report Card Paper Copy Request Google Form. You can submit a request for up to three children who attend Justice High School. If you have four or more children who attend Justice High School, you will need to submit the request twice.

Weekly Progress Reports - Are You Receiving Them?

FCPS sends automatic weekly progress reports for each class for Middle and High School students. However, parents/guardians must OPT-IN to the receive them. Here are directions on how to activate them:

  1. Parent/Guardian must have a ParentVUE account (if you still need a ParentVUE account please scroll below for information on how to activate this account)
  2. Log into your ParentVUE and click on "My Account"
  3. Confirm that you have an email address listed under "Primary Email Address"
  4. Continue scrolling on that page to find "Notify me with my child's gradebook scores"
    • Choose which day you want to receive all the progress reports

For screenshots on how to find the information on a desktop and a mobile phone (the ParentVUE app is slightly different), please click here.

Academic Advising Timeline

It is that time of year when we are getting ready to choose our schedule for School Year 2025-2026! Please see below for our timeline (subject to change).

Please note that students will have an opportunity to change course request in April. We need to time review and finalize courses before additional changes can be made. Please stay tuned!

The same information below is also posted on Justice's website --> Academic Advising as well as Schoology --> Course List --> Student Services --> Academic Advising Upcoming School Year 2025-2026. Slide decks and other information will be posted on the public website and Schoology.

The Academic Advising individual student meetings are done through English (11th grade) and Health/PE classes (10th and 9th grade). Please see the schedule so your student knows when their class is meeting with counselors so that they make sure to attend this class! (The schedule is subject to change and any changes will be uploaded to Justice's public website and Schoology)

  • Friday, January 10, 2025
  • Monday, January 13, 2025
    • Academic Advising Begins for Rising 12th Graders (current Grade 11)
  • Wednesday, January 22, 2025
  • Friday, January 24, 2025 (start date scheduled to change)
    • Academic Advising Beings for Rising 11th Graders (current Grade 10)
  • Wednesday, February 5, 2025
    • Rising 10th Grade (current freshmen) Course Selection Google Form DUE at 3pm (Parents/Students have access to submit form
    • Rising 9th Grade Curriculum Night (current Grade 8)
      • Optional Electives Fair - 5:30-6:25pm - Cafeteria
      • Welcome and Logistics - 6:30pm - Auditorium
      • Course Sessions (English, Math, Science, Social Studies) - 6:35pm-8:30pm
  • Friday, February 7, 2025 (start date scheduled to change)
    • Academic Advising Beings for Rising 10th Graders (current Grade 9)
  • Friday, February 14, 2025
  • Friday, March 7, 2025
    • All course requests must be submitted at this time
  • April 2025 - Date TBA
    • Students will be allowed to make changes to their course request via Google Form. More information to come!
Academy Open Houses

The Academies will be conducting their open houses for students/parents who are interested in courses at the Academy. Justice attends Edison, Fairfax, Falls Church/Plum Center, Marshall, and West Potomac Academies. The Open House allows students/parents the opportunity to meet the instructors, learn about the course, and meet current students in the course.

  • West Potomac Academy Open House - Thursday, February 20 - 6-8pm
Schedule Change Policy

As a reminder, to support students in settling into a consistent class schedule, please see the timeline for schedule changes for the 2024-2025 school year.

  • Starting September 23, 2024 - February 27, 2025:
    • No Elective Change Requests
    • All Academic Level Change Requests must complete the Academic Improvement Plan that involves a parent/teacher/student conference.
    • If, after the Academic Improvement Plan, the student still wishes to move forward with the academic level change, the request will be reviewed by a committee. Approval is not guaranteed and is based on seat availability in the requested course.
  • November 5, 2024: Last day to drop a course without it going on the student’s transcript as a Withdrawal Pass (WP) or a Withdrawal Fail (WF). This is an FCPS regulation. 
  • February 28, 2025: No schedule changes will be permitted after this time.
2025 Student Representative to the School Board

The School Board student representative represents the interests of Fairfax County Public Schools students. The student representative is not a member of the School Board but serves in a nonvoting, advisory capacity. Students currently in grades 9, 10, and 11 are eligible to apply. 

Watch this video to learn about the student representative experience from the current representative, Megan Sawant. 

Application Information and Deadlines

To be considered for the election, students are required to provide:

  • A written component, which is due Monday, February 24.
  • A 30-second candidate video statement, which is due Wednesday, March 26. Candidates will be emailed a link to record their video on Monday, March 17.

Both application components are required to be considered for the election. Read more about the election process.

Class of 2025 - Mid-Semester Transcripts

Mid-Semester Transcripts have been processed by FCPS IT Office and School Counselors are in the process of uploading them to Common Application, Coalition Application, college portals, and mailing them (the old-fashioned way).

Please remember that all colleges/universities send automated emails to students/parents requesting the Mid-Semester Transcript and/or stating that this has yet to be completed. These automated emails are not able to be discontinued individually. We are providing you with the information so that your student can check their Common App Dashboard, College Application portal, Naviance Student, etc to see if their Mid-Semester Transcript has been uploaded. As we are in Academic Advising and it takes time to individually upload each student's transcripts to portals, please be patient with School Counselors.

After Friday, February 14, 2025, if your student receives a specific email that is addressed to them from Admissions Representative (not the automated email with a generic message) still requesting the Mid-Semester Transcript, please check the student's Dashboards/College Portals first before contacting the School Counselor. If the student sees that the Mid-Semester Transcript has been uploaded to their portal, the student can respond to the email stating that the Mid-Semester Transcript has been uploaded on "x date".

JHS Scholarship Fund Information Presentation

Justice High School Scholarship Foundation will be providing an information on their scholarships and application process to interested students from the Class of 2025 on Tuesday, February 25th at 8:45am (during Advisory/Intervention) in the Auditorium.

Class of 2025 - Official Transcript Request Form

All 2-year/4-year college/universities and Military Academies need your Official Transcript as part of the application.

Part One: All seniors must have the Consent to Share Transcript to Colleges on file in order for us to send your transcripts to 2-year/4-year college/universities, Military Academies, and Scholarships. If you've already signed the form, no need to sign again. Please return completed forms to Ms. Bond in Student Services.

Part Two: You must submit an Official Transcript Request for EACH college/university and indicate whether we need to upload the transcript to a college portal, Common Application, Coalition Application, or email/mail directly to the College Admissions Office.

Class of 2025 - Reminder to Add Recommender to Common App

Seniors who are using the Common Application must remember to add your School Counselor and Teacher to the portal in order for the School Counselor and Teacher to submit their Letter of Recommendation. PLEASE ensure that their email address is correct.

If your School Counselor and Teacher are not added to your portal, they are unable to upload any documentation to your application. This will cause you to receive emails stating that documents haven't been received.

  • How-to-Invite-Recommenders-on-Common-and-Coalition-Apps.pdf
  • How to Add Teachers to Common Application
  • Georgetown University Application Portal
    • Within the application portal, it will ask you to provide the names/email address of your School Counselor and Teachers submitting Letters of Recommendation.
    • If you entered in the email correctly, Georgetown will automatically send them an email with the link on how to upload their documents.
    • If you are applying to Georgetown University and you have submitted your application, please double-check with your School Counselor and Teachers they have received Georgetown's email.
Discover NOVA Open House Events

NOVA Dual Enrollment and Outreach & Recruitment team is hosting Discover NOVA – Open House events for prospective and current dual enrollment students and their families. These events will showcase academic programs, student support resources, and how to maximize dual enrollment credits—plus, attendees will get to tour the campuses!

Students can choose from any of the following campus events:

  • Loudoun Campus — March 6, 4-7 PM
  • Alexandria Campus — March 13,  4-7 PM
  • Annandale Campus — March 27, 4-7 PM
  • Woodbridge Campus — April 3, 4-7 PM
  • Manassas Campus — April 24, 4-7 PM

Registration is now open: https://forms.gle/eHR2q5CnnN7AzKVy8.

Students who attend will be entered to win a $500 NOVA scholarship (Nontransferable; must be used at NOVA in Fall 2025)!

FAFSA Form SY2025-26 Now Available

The 2025-26 Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) is now available. Any college-bound high school senior — regardless of income — who wants to be considered for federal, state, and school financial aid programs should complete a FAFSA form. 

Parents and caregivers are encouraged to work with their children to complete the FAFSA as early as possible. Check each college’s financial aid office webpage for deadlines and financial aid forms. Then, create an account, if you have not already done so, and fill out the FAFSA.

The Virginia Alternative State Aid (VASA) application will be available in late January for students who are unable to complete the FAFSA. To help determine which aid option is right for you, visit the State Council of Higher Education for Virginia website.

Get Help Filling out FAFSA From College Access Fairfax

Over the next few months, College Access Fairfax will be offering several programs on completing the FAFSA/VASA and finding and applying for scholarships. Get information on these programs and how to access them on the College Access Fairfax website.

In addition, College Access Fairfax staff are available for virtual one-on-one help sessions to complete the FAFSA/VASA. To request an appointment, families should email [email protected].

Virginia Alternative State Aid (VASA) Application

The VASA Application is now open! The Virginia Alternative State Aid (VASA) Application is the alternative state application available for Virginia students who are ineligible to file the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA). These students include Virginians who have certain nonimmigrant visa statuses, are undocumented, have Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) status or are otherwise ineligible to file the FAFSA and would like to be considered for state financial aid.

Class of 2025/2026 - Interested In College Athletics?

Are you interested in playing college athletics at Division 1 or Division 2 schools? Have you created an account at the NCAA Eligibility Center? Are you confused about how to get recruited?

Schedule a meeting with Mr. Harvey, Justice's NCAA Eligibility Lead, and he can support you and your parents as you navigate this process! You can also email Mr. Harvey with questions as well - [email protected].

Student Voice Opportunity - 2025 FCPS Family Summit

We are excited to announce that the 2025 FCPS Family Summit will take place on Saturday, March 15, 2025, at South Lakes High School! This year, we are committed to amplifying student voice, and we want you to be a part of it! We are seeking FCPS student participants to showcase their projects and advocacy efforts around inclusivity in schools. This is a great resume building opportunity and you will earn service hours as well!

What Are We Looking For?

We are  inviting students to share their work in a share fair environment through posters, essays, videos, songs, art, etc.  You will interact with attendees through conversations about your work, ideas, and efforts. This is a fantastic opportunity to showcase how you and your peers are fostering inclusivity in your school community.

Project Ideas

Not sure what to share? Here are some examples of projects that focus on inclusivity and acceptance (feel free to explore other creative formats/projects!):

  • Advocacy Committees: Highlight the work of a student group advocating for inclusivity and acceptance.
  • Creative Projects: Share an essay, poem, video, or song that focuses on inclusivity and acceptance.
  • Service Projects: Showcase volunteer work or initiatives that promote inclusivity and belonging.
  • School Events: Present on an event you organized to celebrate diversity or foster a sense of belonging.
  • Research or Surveys: Share findings from a schoolwide survey or research project about inclusivity and belonging.
  • Clubs and Organizations: Highlight the impact of any club or group that works to create a more inclusive and welcoming school environment.
How to Participate

If you have a project, idea, or advocacy effort you want to share, please fill out this Google Form by February 17, 2025. We will send you notifications of acceptance to present by February 24, 2025. 

We look forward to learning from you and amplifying your voice at the 2025 FCPS Family Summit! Your work can inspire others and make a lasting impact on creating more inclusive schools. If you have any questions, please reach out to Mr. Manuel Gomez Portillo at [email protected].

2025 Fairfax County Teen Job Fair

Board of Supervisor Pat Herrity is teaming up with Fairfax County Times Newspapers, Fairfax County Public Schools, as well as local chambers and organizations to bring our community two Fairfax County Teen Job Fairs and Career-Building Workshops. These events focus on students and young job seekers looking for a variety of employment opportunities; full time, after-school, seasonal positions, internship opportunities, and volunteer positions.

Past fairs have provided thousands of teenagers the opportunity to get in front of employers and for our employers to find talented Fairfax County students to fill their positions. Last year, we had over 1,500 students and roughly 100 businesses participate. The fairs are open to all teens in Fairfax County looking for employment, volunteer opportunities, or tips on building their resume.

For more information and to view the full schedule, please visit the event webpage.

Saturday, March 8, 2025 - Chantilly High School

  • Time: 11 a.m. - 1 p.m. (with final workshops ending at 1:30 p.m.)

Saturday, March 15, 2025 - West Springfield High School

  • 1 - 3 p.m. (with final workshops ending at 3:30 p.m.)
Academy Day 2025

Senator Mark Warner invites high school and middle school students, their parents or guardians, and school counselors to Academy Day 2025. Attendees will be provided a comprehensive overview of the United States service academies and their admission processes.

In addition, students will be able to meet with officials from all five academies as well as representatives from the Department of Defense Medical Examination Review Board, Navy Talent Acquisition Group (NTAG) Richmond, ROTC programs at the University of Virginia, the United States Marine Corps, the Virginia Military Institute, the Virginia Tech Corps of Cadets, and the Virginia Women's Institute for Leadership at Mary Baldwin University. Staff from Virginia Congressional offices will be available to answer questions regarding the application procedures for congressional nominations.

Save the Date: Saturday, April 26, 2025
Time: 9:30 a.m. - 1:30 p.m.
Location: University of Mary Washington, Dodd Auditorium in George Washington Hall, 1301 College Ave, Fredericksburg, VA 22401

To ensure you receive it and the registration link for the event, please email [email protected]. For more information on the Academy Nomination Process, please visit www.warner.senate.gov.

Food for Neighbors - Red Bag Program

Justice High School is a proud partner with Food for Neighbors, a local organization who helps to feed our students outside of school hours.

The Red Bag Program is filled five times a year and provided to needy families. Food for Neighbors will drop off an empty Red Bag with a list of items. You can support by purchasing some food items that is provided on the list. Leave the Red Bag outside your door and Food for Neighbors will come pick it up.

All donations are tax-deductible and can be in any amount. To learn more about the FFN Holiday Meals Program, please go here.

Homeless and Winter Weather Shelters

The Northern Virginia Regional Commission Human Services compiled and published a list of all the homeless and winter weather shelters serving the region. The lists are posted here and they were last updated on December 6, 2024.

Fairfax County Public Schools has also compiled a list of resources for students and families in case they need assistance while schools are closed for winter break. Please visit FCPS’ winter resources webpage for information on academic support, mental health support, and county resources related to food, clothing, housing, and other needs.

Schoology Groups

Each Class has a group in Schoology with posts pertinent information specific to that class. Please see below for the access code to join.

Class of 2025: XKMH-SPHF-9C4GZ

Class of 2026: QXWJ-NPF2-6WHHG

Class of 2027: XDTX-PD42-RPN2G

Class of 2028: NR9N-89TD-8WQQC

Still Need ParentVUE Access?

Learn how to activate your SIS ParentVUE account.

Technical support for using ParentVUE is available for:

  1. Go to the ParentVUE Login screen and select the icon that you need
    • Change Username - You forgot your username or you want to change it
    • Change Password - You know your password but you want to change it
    • Forgot Password - You can't remember your password
    • Activate Account - You have received an Activation Key and you're ready to create your account
  2. None of the above apply
    1. Go to the Parent Support Request ticket
    2. Select SIS Parent in the Application dropdown menu
    3. Under "Issue Description", type the issue/error that you're receiving. Please try to be specific.
  3. Call the Parent Technology Help Desk at 833-921-3277 (833-921-FCPS).
Student Forms moved to Parental Digital Consent (PDC) Available 

Paperless Opt-Outs Available! Families can log in to the PDC using their ParentVUE credentials to complete consent forms assigned to their child. 

Forms available in the PDC starting in the 2024-2025 school year include:

  • School Counseling Opt-Out
  • Digital Resources Consent
  • SEL Screener Opt-Out
  • Consent for Release of Student Records in Support of Postsecondary Applications
  • Denial of Access to Military Recruiters 
  • Family Life Education Opt-Out
  • SOL Retest Permission
  • Hazel Health
  • BYOD (Bring Your Own Device) Opt-Out
  • SOS Screener Opt-Out
  • Objection to Release of Information to Outside Organizations
  • Objection to Release of Directory Information to the Public
Health Information and Emergency Care Forms

The Health Information Form (HIF) (SS/SE-71) and the Emergency Care Information form (SS/SE-3) provide valuable information regarding student health conditions. These forms are critical in the early identification of students who may need healthcare support in the educational environment. Along with the development of Healthcare Plans (HCP) and Action Plans, the Public Health Nurses (PHNs) utilize the information contained in the HIF to develop teaching strategies for FCPS staff in order to meet the requirements of Regulation 2104 Health Services-School Health-Related Needs.

These forms are required for all students. Enrolling parents/guardians who have a SIS ParentVUE account may submit them electronically by using the Online Verification/Update packet

For families without SIS ParentVue accounts, forms can be located on the General Registration Forms page.

No-Cost Virtual Therapy for High School Students

Virtual therapy sessions are available at no cost to FCPS high school students to provide a safe space to address concerns such as:

  • Mood/behavior changes, motivation, grief/loss.
  • Anxiety, worry, fears.
  • Social skills, bullying, peer and family relationships.
  • Academic stress.

In order for students to participate, caregivers must give permission for FCPS to share basic demographic information with Hazel Health in ParentVUE. They must also provide consent for their student to access therapy services. 

Students may then be referred by a guardian or designated school staff member. Refer your child by calling 571-749-2940 or contacting an FCPS school counselor, social worker, psychologist, or director of Student Services.

Visit the FCPS Teletherapy webpage for more information.

Emergency Resources

Crisis Link Regional Hotline - 703-527-4077

Crisis Text - Text NEEDHELP to 85511

Dominion Hospital Emergency - 703-536-2000

INOVA Emergency - 703-289-7560

Sharon Bulova Center for Community Health (formerly Merrifield) - 703-573-5979 TTY dial 711

Life Threatening - 911

3301 Peace Valley Lane, Falls Church, VA 22044 | Main Office: 703.824.3900
Attendance: 703.824.3920 | Web 

Justice HS News & Announcements - 2/10/25

GovDelivery1 month 2 weeks ago

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This Week's Topics Important Dates

Wednesday, February 12 - 100th Day of School

Saturday, February 15 - National School Resource Officer Appreciation Day

Monday, February 17 - Presidents' Day - Division Closed

Tuesday, February 18 - WIDA Testing Begins

Thursday, February 20 - International Night

Saturday, February 22 - Saturday School

Friday, February 28 - Ramadan Begins at Sundown

Understanding the WIDA Test: Information for Families

On Wednesday, February 12th, all families of our students who are English Speakers of Other Languages (ESOL/ EL) will receive an email containing valuable information to support your student. This email will contain a link to a video sharing information about the WIDA assessment that their children will take starting February 18th – March 3.  The test assesses their level of language acquisition in reading, writing, speaking, and listening skills. 

It is critical that all students are here at school each of those days to take the test, try their best, and complete all four portions of the test.  Student performance may impact their schedule the following school year. More information will be shared in that email and the video. 

Upcoming WIDA Assessment February 18 - March 3

Every year, students who are multilingual learners are required to take the WIDA assessment. The WIDA assessment is an English language proficiency test that measures your child’s academic English language skills.  If your child has the “EL” symbol in SIS, they are required to take this test. Attendance each day is vital to completing all four parts of this required test.  Students take one part every other day to minimize impact on the rest of their classes. 

More details about this test, including how it may impact your child’s schedule, will be emailed to all families of multilingual learners on Wednesday, February 12th.  Please make sure your email is updated in SIS. 

International Night - Thursday, February 20

You are cordially invited to International Night 2025!

International foods and cultural displays will be in the aux gym between 4:15 p.m. and 6:15 p.m. Performances will begin at 7:00 p.m. in the auditorium. Entrance is free; however, if you would like reserved advanced seating, please use the QR code on the flyer directly below. Reserved Advance seating will be from 6:15 p.m. to 6:40 p.m. After 6:40 p.m., all reservations are canceled, and seating will be first come, first served. Once we reach our capacity, we will be able to watch the performance live-streamed in the aux gym.

Black History Month Kick-Off Celebration (Note: Date Change)

FCPS’ Chief Equity Officer invites the community to an Inaugural Black History Month Kickoff Celebration on Wednesday, February 19, 5:30-7:30 p.m., at Carter G. Woodson High School.   

The event begins with a light reception followed by a formal program, From the Threads of Our Past to the Fabric of Our Future. The program will honor the enduring contributions of Black history and culture while envisioning a future rooted in equity and excellence. It will include inspiring performances, personal stories, reflections, and opportunities to connect and celebrate. The event is open to the entire community. 

For more information, contact Nina Thomas, senior manager for Professional Learning and Cultural Responsiveness.

Make Sure Your Children Are Up-to-Date on Immunizations

Please make sure your child has all of their necessary immunizations. Remember, all students are required to be immunized against certain diseases to attend school in Virginia. This is an important part of keeping children healthy!

Starting Monday, May 19, students who have not provided proof of immunization may not be allowed to attend school. You can check your child’s immunization status and submit updated immunization information by accessing SIS ParentVUE

Please check with your healthcare provider to make sure your child is up to date on required immunizations for the 2024-25 school year. If your child needs an immunization, make an appointment with your healthcare provider, visit the Fairfax County Health Department website for a list of child immunization clinics, or view other Immunization Resources. Be wise and immunize!

FCPS Proposed Budget Progress

The Fairfax County School Board discussed the FCPS Fiscal Year (FY) 2026 Proposed Budget at their work session on February 4. They discussed details regarding student enrollment and investments in students requiring additional support, market comparison data for surrounding school divisions, and an update on progress toward achieving the Baldrige Award for Performance Excellence. Baldrige is a framework used to assess and improve organizational performance across various sectors, including education. 

The School Board also held a public hearing on February 4, where they invited the community to share their feedback on the proposed budget.

On Tuesday, February 18, the Fairfax County executive will present the county’s Advertised Budget, and the School Board will hold a work session on FCPS’ FY 2026 Proposed Budget. View the Budget Development Calendar.

Breaking Down the Budget

More than 85% of the budget is dedicated to instruction and reflects the needs of our community’s young people in response to the changing world around us. Budget priorities include providing competitive compensation for all employees, including a 7% salary increase for all staff.  

Our families want their children in high-quality schools with the best teachers who provide rigorous academic experiences. FCPS must provide competitive compensation to attract and retain our outstanding educators, administrators, and other school-based and operational staff dedicated to the success of our students. 

The proposed 7% salary increase would likely move FCPS to the highest starting salary for teachers with a master's degree among our neighboring counties and greatly improve our recruitment efforts amidst an ongoing teacher shortage. Visit the Budget webpage for more information.

Application for the 2025 Student Representative to the School Board

The School Board student representative represents the interests of Fairfax County Public Schools students. The student representative is not a member of the School Board but serves in a nonvoting, advisory capacity. Students currently in grades 9, 10, and 11 are eligible to apply. 

Watch this video to learn about the student representative experience from the current representative, Megan Sawant. 

Application Information and Deadlines

To be considered for the election, students are required to provide:

  • A written component, which is due Monday, February 24.
  • A 30-second candidate video statement, which is due Wednesday, March 26. Candidates will be emailed a link to record their video on Monday, March 17.

Both application components are required to be considered for the election. Read more about the election process.

Stuff the Bus Drive

We are happy to announce we are currently participating in Stuff the Bus, a collaborative program and partnership between Fairfax County Government and local nonprofits. We are asking for your support in donating various food items to help fight food insecurity in Fairfax County. Donated food will go to various charities that will benefit Fairfax County residents. If you plan to donate to the Stuff the Bus food drive, please consider giving items from this list below.  Additionally, donating items that are high fiber, low sugar and low sodium not only feed people experiencing food insecurity but also contribute to their overall health and wellness. A donation box will be located in the front office and will be open to donations until February 28th. Thank you for your consideration in helping out this great cause!

Please consider donating items from the list below

Cooking oil, Corn Flour Maseca, Bag (dry) beans, peas or lentils (16 oz.), Rice - brown or white (5 lbs. or smaller,  Canned tuna, salmon or chicken (15 oz. or smaller),  Canned tomatoes - low sodium, no salt added (29 oz. or smaller), Soup - lower sodium (19 oz. or smaller), Canned pasta (16 oz. or smaller), Canned fruit in light syrup or juice (20 oz. or smaller), Healthy hot and cold cereal (42 oz. or smaller), Healthy snacks (e.g. raisins, granola bars), Macaroni and cheese, Peanut butter (40 oz. or smaller), Fruit jam (32 oz. or smaller), Instant potatoes (16 oz. or smaller), Pancake mix (32 oz. or smaller) and syrup, Canned vegetables - low sodium, no salt added (29 oz. or smaller), Canned beans or peas (29 oz. or smaller),

Broadway Desserts

Got the winter blues? Come warm up at the annual Broadway Desserts concert, “Somebody to Love” on Saturday, February 15th at 2pm and 7pm. The Justice Choirs will perform favorites from Wicked, Mary Poppins, Newsies, Six, The Great Gatsby and so much more! And of course, there will be sweet treats! Tickets are $10 through 2/14 and $15 the day of the show. Click here to purchase tickets. We can’t wait to sing for you!!

Advisory Committee for Students With Disabilities Seeks Nominations for First-Class Awards

First-Class Awards are presented each year to individuals who support, design, and/or implement inclusion activities that result in positive outcomes for students. The Advisory Committee for Students with Disabilities (ACSD) is seeking nominations for the 2025 First-Class Awards. This is a great opportunity for the community to recognize and celebrate the inclusion efforts of educators, administrators, and students who demonstrate the inclusion of students with disabilities in all facets of education. 

Nominees should model excellence in their role relative to special education, have a positive impact that benefits disabled and non-disabled students alike, and be committed to creating an inclusive environment and mindset.

Nominate an administrator, staff member, student, or community partner who has made an exceptional contribution to inclusive practices in Fairfax County Public Schools. Nominations close Wednesday, February 19.

Justice HS PTSA The Wolf Shack is Open!

The Wolf Shack is our PTSA-sponsored in-school food and resource pantry, providing free essential resources for all students. The Wolf Shack is open from 3-5pm on late bus days (Wednesdays & Thursdays) in Room B27 between the Black Box Theater and the Little Theater. 

Read more in the latest PTSA newsletter.

PTSA Calendar of Events


24 - Mon - 730pm - PTSA Monthly Town Hall & General Meeting

MARCH 2025

8 - Sat - 11am - Wolf Shack Stock-Up with FFN Red Bag Day

15 - Sat - 7pm - Wolves at the Lodge: Casino Night

24 - Mon - 730pm - PTSA Monthly Town Hall & General Meeting

Connect with the PTSA

JHS PTSA Website


Social Handles

Facebook: facebook.com/justicehsptsa

X (formerly Twitter): x.com/justicehsptsa

Instagram: instagram.com/justicehsptsa/

Membership Link


Donation Link


Contact the PTSA

[email protected]

Fairfax County Special Education PTA (SEPTA)


From FCPS Students Invited to Share Their Voices at the 2025 Family Summit

The 2025 FCPS Family Summit will take place on Saturday, March 15, at South Lakes High School. Visit the Family Summit webpage for more information. 

At the event, FCPS students will be invited to showcase projects and advocacy efforts around inclusivity in schools. This is a great resume-building opportunity, and students can earn service hours as well. Students may share their work in a share-fair environment using posters, essays, videos, songs, or art. They will interact with attendees through conversations about their work, ideas, and efforts to foster inclusivity in school communities. 

Students must use this Google Form to participate by Monday, February 17. A list of possible projects is also on the form. More information will be provided after the student’s submission is received. Please contact Manuel Gomez Portillo with any questions. 

✨ Centering student voice is part of FCPS’ Strategic Plan Goal 2: Safe, Supported, Included, and Empowered.

💻 Try Online Registration

Online registration for the 2025-26 school year is open. Parents/caregivers may register their children online for kindergarten through 12th grade. Learn how to begin the online registration process

When registering, parents/caregivers will need to create or log in to an existing SIS ParentVUE account.

Calendar Reminders February Is Black History Month

Black History Month is an annual celebration of achievements by African Americans and a time for recognizing their central role in U.S. History. Learn more about the heritage months, celebrations, and traditions celebrated in FCPS. Learn more about Black History month.

February Is Career and Technical Education Month

By enrolling in a Career and Technical Education (CTE) course or program, students learn the technical applications of many occupations while preparing for higher education or entry-level employment. A core program of CTE courses is offered in every middle and high school including Business and Information Technology, Family and Consumer Sciences, Health and Medical Sciences, Marketing, Technology and Engineering Education, and Trade and Industrial Education. Since this is an elective, course offerings may vary by school. Learn more on the FCPS CTE webpage

CTE also offers summer programs for students to explore their programs. Enroll now!

Presidents Day (Holiday)

All schools and offices will be closed on Monday, February 17, for the Presidents Day holiday. See the complete school year calendar.

Ramadan Begins Friday, February 28

Ramadan begins at sundown on Friday, February 28. This day is an evening-only observance day. There is school on these days, but certain activities that cannot be made up can not take place after school. See the complete school year calendar. Throughout the year, as we celebrate and recognize various cultural holidays and observances, families are encouraged to contact their child’s principal regarding accommodations, including but not limited to those around lunch, prayer/meditation and silent reflection spaces and times, and instruction.

VSBA School Board Appreciation Month

Thank you to the Fairfax County School Board for all they do throughout the year. Want to contact your school board representatives to share your appreciation? Visit their website to find your school board member and contact them.

Public Schools Week - February 24 - February 28

Public Schools Week is an annual celebration that brings together school leaders, educators, parents & community leaders to recognize the importance of our nation’s public schools.

Weekly Reminders Saturday School at Justice High School

On certain Saturdays, students can get one-on-one assistance in any English, Math, Science, or History class. Our dedicated teachers will be available to help students tackle assignments, strengthen their understanding of key concepts, and ensure they are well-prepared for their upcoming assessments. Students do not have to sign up ahead of time to attend Saturday School.

Details are as follows:

  • When: February 22nd | March 15th, and 22nd | April 5th and 26th | May 3rd and 17th
  • Time: 9 AM - 12 PM
  • Where: Justice High School

We encourage your child to take advantage of this valuable opportunity. It’s a fantastic way for them to improve their grades and gain confidence in their studies. Thank you for your continued support in helping our students succeed!

What Families Can Do to Fight Drug Misuse

FCPS is committed to raising awareness about the opioid epidemic with our educators, parents/caregivers, and students. Together, we can help ensure our students thrive.

What can families do?

  • Show you disapprove of underage drinking and other drug misuse. More than 80% of young people ages 10-18 say their parents are the leading influence on their decision whether to drink. 
  • Show you care about your child’s health, wellness, and success. 
  • Show you are a good source of information about alcohol and other drugs. Find helpful resources on the FCPS Opioid Awareness webpage
  • Pay attention to your child and discourage risky behaviors. 
  • Build your child’s skills and strategies for avoiding drinking and drug use. Talk with your child about what they would do if faced with a decision about alcohol and drugs, such as texting a code word to a family member or practicing how they will say, “No thanks.”

Get more information on opioid awareness.

Partners for Safe Teen Driving (PSTD)

Justice High School Auditorium - Driver’s Education

The state of Virginia requires students and their parents or legal guardians to attend ONE session of Partners for Safe Teen Driving in order to receive their Pink Card (DEC-8). The 90 minute session requires participants to be actively involved during the presentation. This is offered in conjunction with our 10th grade driver education curriculum and is a requirement. All sessions are in person for the 2024-2025 school year at Justice HS in the Auditorium. Registration link, and schedule is below. It is also posted on your 1oth grade teacher’s SCHOOLOGY PAGE.

If you are a current 11th or 12th grade Justice HS student seeking to attend a PTSD session, please email Monica White at [email protected]  for information.

PSTD presentations are 6:30 PM to 8:00 PM

3rd Quarter - Wednesday March 19th, 2025

4th Quarter - Wednesday May 14th, 2025

The meetings are a “hard” 6:30 PM start in the Auditorium for every PSTD event. Doors lock at 6:30 sharp and an entry after that will not be allowed. (State Law)

Please plan to arrive at 6 pm to avoid being locked out. Every student will NEED to have a legal guardian present with them If they are attending PSTD session.

Link for students to register for 2024-2025 Justice HS - Driver Ed PSTD

Parking Safety & Fines

Our Safety and Security team has monitored the parking lot to ensure that only FCPS permitted vehicles are coming on campus and any visitors are utilizing the four visitor spots located in the first row near the main entrance.  During this parking lot monitoring, the team has noticed some students parking in staff spots as well as some student vehicles parking in other student spots and has issued numerous warnings to the vehicles over the past few weeks. Some teachers have been left without a space for them to park.

Security previously gave out tickets earlier in the year.  They will once again ticket vehicles in our lot that do not have the appropriate parking tag.  Students without a parking permit are not permitted in the parking lot and are not permitted to use any numbered spot as those have been issued to students already.  If you have any questions, please contact Colleen Lally at [email protected].

Free Meals at Justice HS

Justice HS has qualified for the USDA Community Eligibility Provision (CEP) meal program for the 2024-2025 school year. CEP is a non-pricing meal service option for schools in low-income areas. CEP allows schools to serve breakfast and lunch at no cost to ALL students without collecting household applications for free and reduced-price meals.

CEP General Information

  • CEP is a USDA program; eligibility is based on direct certification for free meals at individual FCPS schools.
  • All students at CEP schools automatically receive no-cost breakfast and lunch every day of the school year (even if the student would not qualify for free meals). 
  • If a student purchases an additional breakfast or additional meal, it will be at cost to the family. 

Free and Reduced-Price Meal Applications, Additional Benefits, and Related Information

For families that may want to receive benefits (class fees) beyond meals that are income-based, the FCPS CEP Consent to Share Information for Other Programs will continue to be utilized and is included in the free and reduced-price meal application process. Parents are encouraged to complete and submit the CEP Consent to Share Form

Varsity Tutors Provides On-Demand Support at No Cost

FCPS is partnering with Varsity Tutors to provide students and families with extra resources for learning. Every student can take advantage of Varsity Tutors’ services at no cost, including weekly live online classes, on-demand 24/7 chat tutoring, essay editing, and study resources such as recorded content, practice problems, and diagnostic tests. Learn more about online tutoring with Varsity Tutors.

No-Cost Virtual Therapy for High School Students

Virtual therapy sessions are available at no cost to FCPS high school students to provide a safe space to address concerns such as:

  • Mood/behavior changes, motivation, grief/loss.
  • Anxiety, worry, fears.
  • Social skills, bullying, peer and family relationships.
  • Academic stress.

In order for students to participate, caregivers must give permission for FCPS to share basic demographic information with Hazel Health in ParentVUE. They must also provide consent for their student to access therapy services. 

Students may then be referred by a guardian or designated school staff member. Refer your child by calling 571-749-2940 or contacting an FCPS school counselor, social worker, psychologist, or director of Student Services.

Visit the FCPS Teletherapy webpage for more information.

Supporting Your Child’s Mental Health

Children go through a lot of changes, and it can be hard to tell if their behavior is developmentally appropriate or if they could benefit from mental health support. It’s important to talk to your child and pay attention to their actions, especially these warning signs:

  • Increased irritability, hyperactivity, energy, and/or aggressive behavior.
  • Excessive sadness, hopelessness, or worries.
  • Loss of appetite, or significant weight gain or loss.
  • Lack of sleep or too much sleep.
  • A decline in grades, school avoidance, or attendance concerns.
  • Alcohol or drug use.
  • Withdrawal from activities and/or friends and family. 
  • Thoughts of harming themselves or others.

If you notice any of these warning signs or feel your child may be experiencing a mental health challenge, help is available. Please contact your child's school counselor to discuss your concerns and identify resources. Find additional ways to support your child’s wellness

If you or someone you care about is experiencing a mental health crisis such as thoughts of harming themselves or others, please take action right away. Call 988, go to the nearest emergency room, or contact the Sharon Bulova Center for Community Health Emergency Services at 703-573-5679.

Follow Justice HS On Social Media

X (formerly known as Twitter) 

Activities - @justice_sports


School - @justicehs_wolves

Activities - @justice_wolves

Helpful Links

Justice Website

Justice Athletics

Student Services


Red/Blue Rotation Calendar

Bell Schedule

Justice HS PTSA


ParentVue Information

Emergency Resources

Crisis Link Regional Hotline - 703-527-4077

Crisis Text - Text NEEDHELP to 85511

Dominion Hospital Emergency - 703-536-2000

INOVA Emergency - 703-289-7560

Sharon Bulova Center for Community Health (formerly Merrifield) - 703-573-5979 TTY dial 711

Life Threatening - 911

FCPS Cares

Do you know a Justice High School or FCPS employee who does ordinary things in an extraordinary way or goes beyond what is expected? If so, then click here to share with everyone.

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3301 Peace Valley Lane, Falls Church, VA 22044 | Main Office: 703.824.3900
Attendance: 703.824.3920 | Web 

Justice HS Student Services - 2/5/2025

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This Week's Topics Important Dates

Wednesday, February 5 - Rising 9th Grade Curriculum Night - 5:30pm-8:30pm (Snow Date: Wednesday, February 12)

Saturday, February 8 - Financial Aid 101 - 10am-12pm - Justice High School Library

Saturday, February 22

  • In-Person Auditions for Dance/Musical Theatre - Fairfax Academy - 10am-12pm - Students will receive info via their FCPS Google Email
  • All Portfolio Submissions for certain Fairfax Academy courses is due

Tuesday, February 25 - JHS Scholarship Foundation Information Presentation during Advisory to interested seniors (Class of 2025)

Friday, March 7 - Student Statement of Interest for certain Edison Academy courses is due by 3pm - Students will receive info via their FCPS Google Email

Academic Advising Timeline

It is that time of year when we are getting ready to choose our schedule for School Year 2025-2026! Please see below for our timeline (subject to change).

Please note that students will have an opportunity to change course request in April. We need to time review and finalize courses before additional changes can be made. Please stay tuned!

The same information below is also posted on Justice's website --> Academic Advising as well as Schoology --> Course List --> Student Services --> Academic Advising Upcoming School Year 2025-2026. Slide decks and other information will be posted on the public website and Schoology.

The Academic Advising individual student meetings are done through English (11th grade) and Health/PE classes (10th and 9th grade). Please see the schedule so your student knows when their class is meeting with counselors so that they make sure to attend this class! (The schedule is subject to change and any changes will be uploaded to Justice's public website and Schoology)

  • Friday, January 10, 2025
  • Monday, January 13, 2025
    • Academic Advising Begins for Rising 12th Graders (current Grade 11)
  • Wednesday, January 22, 2025
  • Friday, January 24, 2025 (start date scheduled to change)
    • Academic Advising Beings for Rising 11th Graders (current Grade 10)
  • Wednesday, February 5, 2025
    • Rising 10th Grade (current freshmen) Course Selection Google Form DUE at 3pm (Parents/Students have access to submit form
    • Rising 9th Grade Curriculum Night (current Grade 8)
      • Optional Electives Fair - 5:30-6:25pm - Cafeteria
      • Welcome and Logistics - 6:30pm - Auditorium
      • Course Sessions (English, Math, Science, Social Studies) - 6:35pm-8:30pm
  • Friday, February 7, 2025 (start date scheduled to change)
    • Academic Advising Beings for Rising 10th Graders (current Grade 9)
  • Wednesday, February 12, 2025
    • SNOW DATE: Rising 9th Grade Curriculum Night (current Grade 8) - This is the rescheduled date should our event get snowed out on Wed, February 5
  • Friday, February 14, 2025
  • Friday, March 7, 2025
    • All course requests must be submitted at this time
  • April 2025 - Date TBA
    • Students will be allowed to make changes to their course request via Google Form. More information to come!
Academy Open Houses

The Academies will be conducting their open houses for students/parents who are interested in courses at the Academy. Justice attends Edison, Fairfax, Falls Church/Plum Center, Marshall, and West Potomac Academies. The Open House allows students/parents the opportunity to meet the instructors, learn about the course, and meet current students in the course.

  • Fairfax Academy Open House - Tuesday, February 4 - 6:30-7:30pm
    • Snow Date: Tuesday, February 11
  • West Potomac Academy Open House - Thursday, February 20 - 6-8pm
Schedule Change Policy

As a reminder, to support students in settling into a consistent class schedule, please see the timeline for schedule changes for the 2024-2025 school year.

  • Starting September 23, 2024 - February 27, 2025:
    • No Elective Change Requests
    • All Academic Level Change Requests must complete the Academic Improvement Plan that involves a parent/teacher/student conference.
    • If, after the Academic Improvement Plan, the student still wishes to move forward with the academic level change, the request will be reviewed by a committee. Approval is not guaranteed and is based on seat availability in the requested course.
  • November 5, 2024: Last day to drop a course without it going on the student’s transcript as a Withdrawal Pass (WP) or a Withdrawal Fail (WF). This is an FCPS regulation. 
  • February 28, 2025: No schedule changes will be permitted after this time.
Weekly Progress Reports - Are You Receiving Them?

FCPS sends automatic weekly progress reports for each class for Middle and High School students. However, parents/guardians must OPT-IN to the receive them. Here are directions on how to activate them:

  1. Parent/Guardian must have a ParentVUE account (if you still need a ParentVUE account please scroll below for information on how to activate this account)
  2. Log into your ParentVUE and click on "My Account"
  3. Confirm that you have an email address listed under "Primary Email Address"
  4. Continue scrolling on that page to find "Notify me with my child's gradebook scores"
    • Choose which day you want to receive all the progress reports

For screenshots on how to find the information on a desktop and a mobile phone (the ParentVUE app is slightly different), please click here.

2025 Student Representative to the School Board

The School Board student representative represents the interests of Fairfax County Public Schools students. The student representative is not a member of the School Board but serves in a nonvoting, advisory capacity. Students currently in grades 9, 10, and 11 are eligible to apply. 

Watch this video to learn about the student representative experience from the current representative, Megan Sawant. 

Application Information and Deadlines

To be considered for the election, students are required to provide:

  • A written component, which is due Monday, February 24.
  • A 30-second candidate video statement, which is due Wednesday, March 26. Candidates will be emailed a link to record their video on Monday, March 17.

Both application components are required to be considered for the election. Read more about the election process.

Class of 2025 - Mid-Semester Transcripts

Mid-Semester (aka as "7th Semester") Transcripts will be provided by FCPS Central Office IT on Monday, February 10, 2025. At that time, we will begin the process of uploading transcripts to Common Application and/or sending via Naviance eDocs/Parchment or regular mail.

Please remember that all colleges/universities send automated emails to students/parents requesting the Mid-Semester Transcript and/or stating that this has yet to be completed. These automated emails are not able to be discontinued individually. We are providing you with the information so that your student can check their Common App Dashboard, College Application portal, Naviance Student, etc to see if their Mid-Semester Transcript has been uploaded. As we are in Academic Advising and it takes time to individually upload each student's transcripts to portals, please be patient with School Counselors.

After Friday, February 14, 2025, if your student receives a specific email that is addressed to them from Admissions Representative (not the automated email with a generic message) still requesting the Mid-Semester Transcript, please check the student's Dashboards/College Portals first before contacting the School Counselor. If the student sees that the Mid-Semester Transcript has been uploaded to their portal, the student can respond to the email stating that the Mid-Semester Transcript has been uploaded on "x date".

JHS Scholarship Fund Information Presentation

Justice High School Scholarship Foundation will be providing an information on their scholarships and application process to interested students from the Class of 2025 on Tuesday, February 25th at 8:45am (during Advisory/Intervention) in the Auditorium.

Class of 2025 - Official Transcript Request Form

All 2-year/4-year college/universities and Military Academies need your Official Transcript as part of the application.

Part One: All seniors must have the Consent to Share Transcript to Colleges on file in order for us to send your transcripts to 2-year/4-year college/universities, Military Academies, and Scholarships. If you've already signed the form, no need to sign again. Please return completed forms to Ms. Bond in Student Services.

Part Two: You must submit an Official Transcript Request for EACH college/university and indicate whether we need to upload the transcript to a college portal, Common Application, Coalition Application, or email/mail directly to the College Admissions Office.

Class of 2025 - Reminder to Add Recommender to Common App

Seniors who are using the Common Application must remember to add your School Counselor and Teacher to the portal in order for the School Counselor and Teacher to submit their Letter of Recommendation. PLEASE ensure that their email address is correct.

If your School Counselor and Teacher are not added to your portal, they are unable to upload any documentation to your application. This will cause you to receive emails stating that documents haven't been received.

  • How-to-Invite-Recommenders-on-Common-and-Coalition-Apps.pdf
  • How to Add Teachers to Common Application
  • Georgetown University Application Portal
    • Within the application portal, it will ask you to provide the names/email address of your School Counselor and Teachers submitting Letters of Recommendation.
    • If you entered in the email correctly, Georgetown will automatically send them an email with the link on how to upload their documents.
    • If you are applying to Georgetown University and you have submitted your application, please double-check with your School Counselor and Teachers they have received Georgetown's email.
Financial Aid 101 Workshop

Financial Aid Workshop to be offered on Saturday, February 8, 2025 at Justice High School Library in partnership with George Mason University Student Support and Advocacy Center. This workshop is to support families in completing the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA).

Please bring a laptop, Student FSA ID, and Parent/Contributor FSA ID. Please go here to create your FSA ID prior to the event.

Items you may need to complete the application:

  • Tax Returns from the last two years
  • Records of any child support received in the last two years
  • Current net worth of asses (this includes bank accounts, investments, business, rental properties, etc.)
FAFSA Form SY2025-26 Now Available

The 2025-26 Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) is now available. Any college-bound high school senior — regardless of income — who wants to be considered for federal, state, and school financial aid programs should complete a FAFSA form. 

Parents and caregivers are encouraged to work with their children to complete the FAFSA as early as possible. Check each college’s financial aid office webpage for deadlines and financial aid forms. Then, create an account, if you have not already done so, and fill out the FAFSA.

The Virginia Alternative State Aid (VASA) application will be available in late January for students who are unable to complete the FAFSA. To help determine which aid option is right for you, visit the State Council of Higher Education for Virginia website.

Get Help Filling out FAFSA From College Access Fairfax

Over the next few months, College Access Fairfax will be offering several programs on completing the FAFSA/VASA and finding and applying for scholarships. Get information on these programs and how to access them on the College Access Fairfax website.

In addition, College Access Fairfax staff are available for virtual one-on-one help sessions to complete the FAFSA/VASA. To request an appointment, families should email [email protected].

Virginia Alternative State Aid (VASA) Application

The VASA Application is now open! The Virginia Alternative State Aid (VASA) Application is the alternative state application available for Virginia students who are ineligible to file the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA). These students include Virginians who have certain nonimmigrant visa statuses, are undocumented, have Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) status or are otherwise ineligible to file the FAFSA and would like to be considered for state financial aid.

Class of 2025/2026 - Interested In College Athletics?

Are you interested in playing college athletics at Division 1 or Division 2 schools? Have you created an account at the NCAA Eligibility Center? Are you confused about how to get recruited?

Schedule a meeting with Mr. Harvey, Justice's NCAA Eligibility Lead, and he can support you and your parents as you navigate this process! You can also email Mr. Harvey with questions as well - [email protected].

2025 Fairfax County Teen Job Fair

Board of Supervisor Pat Herrity is teaming up with Fairfax County Times Newspapers, Fairfax County Public Schools, as well as local chambers and organizations to bring our community two Fairfax County Teen Job Fairs and Career-Building Workshops. These events focus on students and young job seekers looking for a variety of employment opportunities; full time, after-school, seasonal positions, internship opportunities, and volunteer positions.

Past fairs have provided thousands of teenagers the opportunity to get in front of employers and for our employers to find talented Fairfax County students to fill their positions. Last year, we had over 1,500 students and roughly 100 businesses participate. The fairs are open to all teens in Fairfax County looking for employment, volunteer opportunities, or tips on building their resume.

For more information and to view the full schedule, please visit the event webpage.

Saturday, March 8, 2025 - Chantilly High School

  • Time: 11 a.m. - 1 p.m. (with final workshops ending at 1:30 p.m.)

Saturday, March 15, 2025 - West Springfield High School

  • 1 - 3 p.m. (with final workshops ending at 3:30 p.m.)
STEM-Competent Future Leaders and Mentors Workshop

High School Students are invited to the STEM-Competent Future Leaders and Mentors Workshop - West Point LEADS (18th Year) on Friday, February 14, 2025 from 7:30am-2:00pm. Focus will be on building pathways towards STEM Competency, Exemplary Leaders of Character, and Substantial opportunities for post-secondary pathways. Breakfast and Lunch are included. Scholar award opportunities during the workshop.

You must register to attend - Password: wpleadsdc2025

Registration Deadline is Friday, February 7, 2025 at 11:59pm or when space is at capacity

Location: Deloitte Headquarters


  • 7:30-8am - Check-In and Breakfast
  • 8:15-9am - Opening Plenary Session
  • 9:15-11:15am - Team Breakout Sessions: Students and Professionals
  • 11:15-11:45am - Working Lunch
  • 12-12:45pm - Team Breakout Sessions Continued
  • 1-2pm - Closing Session
Food for Neighbors - Red Bag Program

Justice High School is a proud partner with Food for Neighbors, a local organization who helps to feed our students outside of school hours.

The Red Bag Program is filled five times a year and provided to needy families. Food for Neighbors will drop off an empty Red Bag with a list of items. You can support by purchasing some food items that is provided on the list. Leave the Red Bag outside your door and Food for Neighbors will come pick it up.

All donations are tax-deductible and can be in any amount. To learn more about the FFN Holiday Meals Program, please go here.

Homeless and Winter Weather Shelters

The Northern Virginia Regional Commission Human Services compiled and published a list of all the homeless and winter weather shelters serving the region. The lists are posted here and they were last updated on December 6, 2024.

Fairfax County Public Schools has also compiled a list of resources for students and families in case they need assistance while schools are closed for winter break. Please visit FCPS’ winter resources webpage for information on academic support, mental health support, and county resources related to food, clothing, housing, and other needs.

Schoology Groups

Each Class has a group in Schoology with posts pertinent information specific to that class. Please see below for the access code to join.

Class of 2025: XKMH-SPHF-9C4GZ

Class of 2026: QXWJ-NPF2-6WHHG

Class of 2027: XDTX-PD42-RPN2G

Class of 2028: NR9N-89TD-8WQQC

Still Need ParentVUE Access?

Learn how to activate your SIS ParentVUE account.

Technical support for using ParentVUE is available for:

  1. Go to the ParentVUE Login screen and select the icon that you need
    • Change Username - You forgot your username or you want to change it
    • Change Password - You know your password but you want to change it
    • Forgot Password - You can't remember your password
    • Activate Account - You have received an Activation Key and you're ready to create your account
  2. None of the above apply
    1. Go to the Parent Support Request ticket
    2. Select SIS Parent in the Application dropdown menu
    3. Under "Issue Description", type the issue/error that you're receiving. Please try to be specific.
  3. Call the Parent Technology Help Desk at 833-921-3277 (833-921-FCPS).
Student Forms moved to Parental Digital Consent (PDC) Available 

Paperless Opt-Outs Available! Families can log in to the PDC using their ParentVUE credentials to complete consent forms assigned to their child. 

Forms available in the PDC starting in the 2024-2025 school year include:

  • School Counseling Opt-Out
  • Digital Resources Consent
  • SEL Screener Opt-Out
  • Consent for Release of Student Records in Support of Postsecondary Applications
  • Denial of Access to Military Recruiters 
  • Family Life Education Opt-Out
  • SOL Retest Permission
  • Hazel Health
  • BYOD (Bring Your Own Device) Opt-Out
  • SOS Screener Opt-Out
  • Objection to Release of Information to Outside Organizations
  • Objection to Release of Directory Information to the Public
Health Information and Emergency Care Forms

The Health Information Form (HIF) (SS/SE-71) and the Emergency Care Information form (SS/SE-3) provide valuable information regarding student health conditions. These forms are critical in the early identification of students who may need healthcare support in the educational environment. Along with the development of Healthcare Plans (HCP) and Action Plans, the Public Health Nurses (PHNs) utilize the information contained in the HIF to develop teaching strategies for FCPS staff in order to meet the requirements of Regulation 2104 Health Services-School Health-Related Needs.

These forms are required for all students. Enrolling parents/guardians who have a SIS ParentVUE account may submit them electronically by using the Online Verification/Update packet

For families without SIS ParentVue accounts, forms can be located on the General Registration Forms page.

No-Cost Virtual Therapy for High School Students

Virtual therapy sessions are available at no cost to FCPS high school students to provide a safe space to address concerns such as:

  • Mood/behavior changes, motivation, grief/loss.
  • Anxiety, worry, fears.
  • Social skills, bullying, peer and family relationships.
  • Academic stress.

In order for students to participate, caregivers must give permission for FCPS to share basic demographic information with Hazel Health in ParentVUE. They must also provide consent for their student to access therapy services. 

Students may then be referred by a guardian or designated school staff member. Refer your child by calling 571-749-2940 or contacting an FCPS school counselor, social worker, psychologist, or director of Student Services.

Visit the FCPS Teletherapy webpage for more information.

Emergency Resources

Crisis Link Regional Hotline - 703-527-4077

Crisis Text - Text NEEDHELP to 85511

Dominion Hospital Emergency - 703-536-2000

INOVA Emergency - 703-289-7560

Sharon Bulova Center for Community Health (formerly Merrifield) - 703-573-5979 TTY dial 711

Life Threatening - 911

3301 Peace Valley Lane, Falls Church, VA 22044 | Main Office: 703.824.3900
Attendance: 703.824.3920 | Web 

Justice HS News & Announcements - 2/3/25

GovDelivery1 month 3 weeks ago

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This Week's Topics Important Dates

Monday, February 3 - Friday, February 7 - National School Counseling Week

Wednesday, February 5 - Justice HS Science Fair

Thursday, February 6 - Partners for Safe Teen Driving Presentation

Saturday, February 8 - Saturday School

Wednesday, February 12 - 100th Day of School

Saturday, February 15 - National School Resource Officer Appreciation Day

Monday, February 17 - Presidents' Day - Division Closed

Thursday, February 20 - International Night

Saturday, February 22 - Saturday School

Friday, February 28 - Ramadan Begins at Sundown

Justice Pyramid Principals

Last week, the Justice Pyramid Principals met for our monthly meeting. We are nine schools united in our shared vision of creating environments centered on High Expectations, Belonging, Joy, and Success. We lead by guiding principles of:

High Expectations:

  • Encourages all students to strive for academic and personal excellence.
  • Promotes professional development among educators to uphold the highest teaching standards.
  • Sets a clear framework for achieving equitable outcomes, ensuring that every student has access to challenging and engaging learning experiences.


  • Builds inclusive school cultures where students feel valued and supported.
  • Enhances connections between families, staff, and communities, fostering partnerships to improve student achievement.
  • Emphasizes social-emotional learning and practices that reinforce empathy, respect, and understanding among peers and staff.


  • Prioritizes a vibrant and enriching educational experience that sparks a lifelong love for learning.
  • Encourages student-driven projects, celebrations, and activities that highlight individual and group achievements.
  • Embodies a holistic view of education by nurturing creativity, curiosity, and a sense of wonder in students and staff alike.


  • Recognizes that success is multidimensional, extending beyond academics to include character development and community contributions.
  • Uses data-driven strategies and evidence-based interventions to support personalized learning and skill mastery.
  • Celebrates milestones and achievements to motivate and inspire students, staff, and families to pursue continuous growth.

The shared commitment of the Justice Pyramid schools to these values strengthens the bond among communities while ensuring a unified, student-centered approach to education. Together, we work to create pathways for every learner to thrive academically, socially, and emotionally.

Thank you for your partnership in education.

With appreciation,

Sean Rolon, Ed.D.

Gradebook Reopens Tuesday, February 4

Based on community feedback from the first quarter closure, FCPS revisited the scheduled dates for closing the Gradebook and Report Card modules in the SIS ParentVUE and StudentVUE apps. 

Moving forward, the app will close in alignment with the actual quarter-end dates. This change will allow students and families to view their assignments and grades until the last day of the quarter. Gradebook will be closed for the second quarter from Tuesday, January 28, 4 p.m. to Tuesday, February 4, 6 a.m.

Access Your Child’s Grades Through SIS ParentVue

Learn how your ParentVUE account allows you to easily access grade reports and other helpful information about your child.

National School Counseling Week - February 3 - February 7

February 3-7 is National School Counseling Week, and highlights the tremendous impact school counselors have in helping students achieve academic success and planning for a career. School counselors work with students in a variety of different capacities, whether it is through classroom lessons, group sessions, or individual counseling. Learn more about the role of school counselors in FCPS.

Understanding the WIDA Test: Information for Families

On Wednesday, February 12th, all families of our students who are English Speakers of Other Languages (ESOL/ EL) will receive an email containing valuable information to support your student. This email will contain a link to a video sharing information about the WIDA assessment that their children will take starting February 18th – March 3.  The test assesses their level of language acquisition in reading, writing, speaking, and listening skills. 

It is critical that all students are here at school each of those days to take the test, try their best, and complete all four portions of the test.  Student performance may impact their schedule the following school year. More information will be shared in that email and the video. 

Parking Safety & Fines

Our Safety and Security team has monitored the parking lot to ensure that only FCPS permitted vehicles are coming on campus and any visitors are utilizing the four visitor spots located in the first row near the main entrance.  During this parking lot monitoring, the team has noticed some students parking in staff spots as well as some student vehicles parking in other student spots and has issued numerous warnings to the vehicles over the past few weeks. Some teachers have been left without a space for them to park.

Security previously gave out tickets earlier in the year.  They will once again ticket vehicles in our lot that do not have the appropriate parking tag.  Students without a parking permit are not permitted in the parking lot and are not permitted to use any numbered spot as those have been issued to students already.  If you have any questions, please contact Colleen Lally at [email protected].

Partners for Safe Teen Driving (PSTD)

Justice High School Auditorium - Driver’s Education

The state of Virginia requires students and their parents or legal guardians to attend ONE session of Partners for Safe Teen Driving in order to receive their Pink Card (DEC-8). The 90 minute session requires participants to be actively involved during the presentation. This is offered in conjunction with our 10th grade driver education curriculum and is a requirement. All sessions are in person for the 2024-2025 school year at Justice HS in the Auditorium. Registration link, and schedule is below. It is also posted on your 1oth grade teacher’s SCHOOLOGY PAGE.

If you are a current 11th or 12th grade Justice HS student seeking to attend a PTSD session, please email Monica White at [email protected]  for information.

PSTD presentations are 6:30 PM to 8:00 PM

3rd Quarter - Thursday February 6th, 2025 & Wednesday March 19th, 2025

4th Quarter - Wednesday May 14th, 2025

The meetings are a “hard” 6:30 PM start in the Auditorium for every PSTD event. Doors lock at 6:30 sharp and an entry after that will not be allowed. (State Law)

Please plan to arrive at 6 pm to avoid being locked out. Every student will NEED to have a legal guardian present with them If they are attending PSTD session.

Link for students to register for 2024-2025 Justice HS - Driver Ed PSTD

International Night - Thursday, February 20

You are cordially invited to International Night 2025!

International Night features a wide range of activities, including international food, cultural displays, and performances, allowing attendees to explore different global cultures in an interactive and engaging way. It's a wonderful opportunity for students to showcase their heritage, build community spirit, and promote a greater understanding and respect for the diverse backgrounds that make up the school. The event is always a highlight of the school year, fostering unity and pride within the Justice High School community. 

Look for our next post regarding cost and reserved advance seating!

Application for the 2025 Student Representative to the School Board

The School Board student representative represents the interests of Fairfax County Public Schools students. The student representative is not a member of the School Board but serves in a nonvoting, advisory capacity. Students currently in grades 9, 10, and 11 are eligible to apply. 

Watch this video to learn about the student representative experience from the current representative, Megan Sawant. 

Application Information and Deadlines

To be considered for the election, students are required to provide:

  • A written component, which is due Monday, February 24.
  • A 30-second candidate video statement, which is due Wednesday, March 26. Candidates will be emailed a link to record their video on Monday, March 17.

Both application components are required to be considered for the election. Read more about the election process.

Stuff the Bus Drive

We are happy to announce we are currently participating in Stuff the Bus, a collaborative program and partnership between Fairfax County Government and local nonprofits. We are asking for your support in donating various food items to help fight food insecurity in Fairfax County. Donated food will go to various charities that will benefit Fairfax County residents. If you plan to donate to the Stuff the Bus food drive, please consider giving items from this list below.  Additionally, donating items that are high fiber, low sugar and low sodium not only feed people experiencing food insecurity but also contribute to their overall health and wellness. A donation box will be located in the front office and will be open to donations until February 28th. Thank you for your consideration in helping out this great cause!

Please consider donating items from the list below

Cooking oil, Corn Flour Maseca, Bag (dry) beans, peas or lentils (16 oz.), Rice - brown or white (5 lbs. or smaller,  Canned tuna, salmon or chicken (15 oz. or smaller),  Canned tomatoes - low sodium, no salt added (29 oz. or smaller), Soup - lower sodium (19 oz. or smaller), Canned pasta (16 oz. or smaller), Canned fruit in light syrup or juice (20 oz. or smaller), Healthy hot and cold cereal (42 oz. or smaller), Healthy snacks (e.g. raisins, granola bars), Macaroni and cheese, Peanut butter (40 oz. or smaller), Fruit jam (32 oz. or smaller), Instant potatoes (16 oz. or smaller), Pancake mix (32 oz. or smaller) and syrup, Canned vegetables - low sodium, no salt added (29 oz. or smaller), Canned beans or peas (29 oz. or smaller),

Broadway Desserts

Got the winter blues? Come warm up at the annual Broadway Desserts concert, “Somebody to Love” on Saturday, February 15th at 2pm and 7pm. The Justice Choirs will perform favorites from Wicked, Mary Poppins, Newsies, Six, The Great Gatsby and so much more! And of course, there will be sweet treats! Tickets are $10 through 2/14 and $15 the day of the show. Click here to purchase tickets. We can’t wait to sing for you!!

Advisory Committee for Students With Disabilities Seeks Nominations for First-Class Awards

First-Class Awards are presented each year to individuals who support, design, and/or implement inclusion activities that result in positive outcomes for students. The Advisory Committee for Students with Disabilities (ACSD) is seeking nominations for the 2025 First-Class Awards. This is a great opportunity for the community to recognize and celebrate the inclusion efforts of educators, administrators, and students who demonstrate the inclusion of students with disabilities in all facets of education. 

Nominees should model excellence in their role relative to special education, have a positive impact that benefits disabled and non-disabled students alike, and be committed to creating an inclusive environment and mindset.

Nominate an administrator, staff member, student, or community partner who has made an exceptional contribution to inclusive practices in Fairfax County Public Schools. Nominations close Wednesday, February 19.

Justice HS PTSA The Wolf Shack is Open!

The Wolf Shack is our PTSA-sponsored in-school food and resource pantry, providing free essential resources for all students. The Wolf Shack is open from 3-5pm on late bus days (Wednesdays & Thursdays) in Room B27 between the Black Box Theater and the Little Theater. 

Read more in the latest PTSA newsletter.

PTSA Calendar of Events


24 - Mon - 730pm - PTSA Monthly Town Hall & General Meeting

MARCH 2025

8 - Sat - 11am - Wolf Shack Stock-Up with FFN Red Bag Day

15 - Sat - 7pm - Wolves at the Lodge: Casino Night

24 - Mon - 730pm - PTSA Monthly Town Hall & General Meeting

Connect with the PTSA

JHS PTSA Website


Social Handles

Facebook: facebook.com/justicehsptsa

X (formerly Twitter): x.com/justicehsptsa

Instagram: instagram.com/justicehsptsa/

Membership Link


Donation Link


Contact the PTSA

[email protected]

Fairfax County Special Education PTA (SEPTA)


From FCPS Proposed Budget Presented to School Board

Superintendent Dr. Michelle Reid presented the Fiscal Year (FY) 2026 Proposed Budget at the School Board meeting on Thursday, January 23. Watch a video of the presentation

As Dr. Reid noted in her January 24 letter to families, “The budget is fiscally responsible and invests in excellence — not just for FCPS, but for all of us in Fairfax County who want a strong community with successful young people, dedicated educators and support staff, and a thriving economy.” 

The proposed budget reflects the needs of and FCPS’ commitments to Fairfax County students, families, and community members. It focuses on competitive compensation, including a 7.0% salary increase for all staff to recruit and retain our outstanding educators, administrators, and other school-based and operational staff dedicated to the success of our students; investing in students who require additional support; and continuing multiyear initiatives such as inclusive preschool and safety and security updates.

Learn more on the Budget webpage.

Office of the Ombuds: At Your Service!

Ombuds staff engage with FCPS employees, families, and students to offer resources and improve the experience of each and every member of the FCPS community. They work as an independent confidential resource to help get answers to questions, resolve concerns, and hear complaints regarding FCPS matters.  

Ombuds office staff members are available to help resolve disagreements between parents/caregivers and schools. They do not change or make decisions, policies, or regulations; take sides; or provide legal advice.

Anyone with concerns, questions, or complaints to share with the Office of the Ombuds may call 571-423-4014, email [email protected], or visit their webpage, where you may Submit a Question.

📍 Comprehensive Boundary Review Update

The Superintendent’s Boundary Review Advisory Committee held its second meeting on December 16 at Gatehouse Administration Center. View key takeaways from that meeting and access the meeting agenda, slides, and other materials that committee members received.  If you did not get a chance to attend an in-person Community Boundary Review Meeting, please consider participating in one of the following virtual meetings:

  • Monday, February 10, 2025, 6:30-8 p.m. 

Language interpretation will be available. 

All virtual meetings will follow the same format as the in-person meetings that were recently held, and the same information will be shared. Please stay tuned for details on how to register. Visit FCPS’ Comprehensive Boundary Review webpage to learn more. Sign up for FCPS’ School Boundary Review newsletter as well.

💻 Try Online Registration

Online registration for the 2025-26 school year is open. Parents/caregivers may register their children online for kindergarten through 12th grade. Learn how to begin the online registration process

When registering, parents/caregivers will need to create or log in to an existing SIS ParentVUE account.

SR&R and Cell Phone Policy Survey

All FCPS families and middle and high school students have received an invitation to participate in a survey about FCPS’ Student Rights and Responsibilities (SR&R), cell phone policy, and cell phone storage options. The survey will be available through Monday, February 3. Please take a few moments to share your feedback and help FCPS make informed, inclusive decisions for all of our schools!

Calendar Reminders February Is Black History Month

Black History Month is an annual celebration of achievements by African Americans and a time for recognizing their central role in U.S. History. Learn more about the heritage months, celebrations, and traditions celebrated in FCPS. Learn more about Black History month.

February Is Career and Technical Education Month

By enrolling in a Career and Technical Education (CTE) course or program, students learn the technical applications of many occupations while preparing for higher education or entry-level employment. A core program of CTE courses is offered in every middle and high school including Business and Information Technology, Family and Consumer Sciences, Health and Medical Sciences, Marketing, Technology and Engineering Education, and Trade and Industrial Education. Since this is an elective, course offerings may vary by school. Learn more on the FCPS CTE webpage

CTE also offers summer programs for students to explore their programs. Enroll now!

Presidents Day (Holiday)

All schools and offices will be closed on Monday, February 17, for the Presidents Day holiday. See the complete school year calendar.

Ramadan Begins Friday, February 28

Ramadan begins at sundown on Friday, February 28. This day is an evening-only observance day. There is school on these days, but certain activities that cannot be made up can not take place after school. See the complete school year calendar. Throughout the year, as we celebrate and recognize various cultural holidays and observances, families are encouraged to contact their child’s principal regarding accommodations, including but not limited to those around lunch, prayer/meditation and silent reflection spaces and times, and instruction.

VSBA School Board Appreciation Month

Thank you to the Fairfax County School Board for all they do throughout the year. Want to contact your school board representatives to share your appreciation? Visit their website to find your school board member and contact them.

Weekly Reminders Saturday School at Justice High School

On certain Saturdays, students can get one-on-one assistance in any English, Math, Science, or History class. Our dedicated teachers will be available to help students tackle assignments, strengthen their understanding of key concepts, and ensure they are well-prepared for their upcoming assessments. Students do not have to sign up ahead of time to attend Saturday School.

Details are as follows:

  • When: February 8th and 22nd | March 15th, and 22nd | April 5th and 26th | May 3rd and 17th
  • Time: 9 AM - 12 PM
  • Where: Justice High School

We encourage your child to take advantage of this valuable opportunity. It’s a fantastic way for them to improve their grades and gain confidence in their studies. Thank you for your continued support in helping our students succeed!

What Families Can Do to Fight Drug Misuse

FCPS is committed to raising awareness about the opioid epidemic with our educators, parents/caregivers, and students. Together, we can help ensure our students thrive.

What can families do?

  • Show you disapprove of underage drinking and other drug misuse. More than 80% of young people ages 10-18 say their parents are the leading influence on their decision whether to drink. 
  • Show you care about your child’s health, wellness, and success. 
  • Show you are a good source of information about alcohol and other drugs. Find helpful resources on the FCPS Opioid Awareness webpage
  • Pay attention to your child and discourage risky behaviors. 
  • Build your child’s skills and strategies for avoiding drinking and drug use. Talk with your child about what they would do if faced with a decision about alcohol and drugs, such as texting a code word to a family member or practicing how they will say, “No thanks.”

Get more information on opioid awareness.

Public Health Ambassador Training Program Free Meals at Justice HS

Justice HS has qualified for the USDA Community Eligibility Provision (CEP) meal program for the 2024-2025 school year. CEP is a non-pricing meal service option for schools in low-income areas. CEP allows schools to serve breakfast and lunch at no cost to ALL students without collecting household applications for free and reduced-price meals.

CEP General Information

  • CEP is a USDA program; eligibility is based on direct certification for free meals at individual FCPS schools.
  • All students at CEP schools automatically receive no-cost breakfast and lunch every day of the school year (even if the student would not qualify for free meals). 
  • If a student purchases an additional breakfast or additional meal, it will be at cost to the family. 

Free and Reduced-Price Meal Applications, Additional Benefits, and Related Information

For families that may want to receive benefits (class fees) beyond meals that are income-based, the FCPS CEP Consent to Share Information for Other Programs will continue to be utilized and is included in the free and reduced-price meal application process. Parents are encouraged to complete and submit the CEP Consent to Share Form

Varsity Tutors Provides On-Demand Support at No Cost

FCPS is partnering with Varsity Tutors to provide students and families with extra resources for learning. Every student can take advantage of Varsity Tutors’ services at no cost, including weekly live online classes, on-demand 24/7 chat tutoring, essay editing, and study resources such as recorded content, practice problems, and diagnostic tests. Learn more about online tutoring with Varsity Tutors.

No-Cost Virtual Therapy for High School Students

Virtual therapy sessions are available at no cost to FCPS high school students to provide a safe space to address concerns such as:

  • Mood/behavior changes, motivation, grief/loss.
  • Anxiety, worry, fears.
  • Social skills, bullying, peer and family relationships.
  • Academic stress.

In order for students to participate, caregivers must give permission for FCPS to share basic demographic information with Hazel Health in ParentVUE. They must also provide consent for their student to access therapy services. 

Students may then be referred by a guardian or designated school staff member. Refer your child by calling 571-749-2940 or contacting an FCPS school counselor, social worker, psychologist, or director of Student Services.

Visit the FCPS Teletherapy webpage for more information.

Supporting Your Child’s Mental Health

Children go through a lot of changes, and it can be hard to tell if their behavior is developmentally appropriate or if they could benefit from mental health support. It’s important to talk to your child and pay attention to their actions, especially these warning signs:

  • Increased irritability, hyperactivity, energy, and/or aggressive behavior.
  • Excessive sadness, hopelessness, or worries.
  • Loss of appetite, or significant weight gain or loss.
  • Lack of sleep or too much sleep.
  • A decline in grades, school avoidance, or attendance concerns.
  • Alcohol or drug use.
  • Withdrawal from activities and/or friends and family. 
  • Thoughts of harming themselves or others.

If you notice any of these warning signs or feel your child may be experiencing a mental health challenge, help is available. Please contact your child's school counselor to discuss your concerns and identify resources. Find additional ways to support your child’s wellness

If you or someone you care about is experiencing a mental health crisis such as thoughts of harming themselves or others, please take action right away. Call 988, go to the nearest emergency room, or contact the Sharon Bulova Center for Community Health Emergency Services at 703-573-5679.

Follow Justice HS On Social Media

X (formerly known as Twitter) 

Activities - @justice_sports


School - @justicehs_wolves

Activities - @justice_wolves

Helpful Links

Justice Website

Justice Athletics

Student Services


Red/Blue Rotation Calendar

Bell Schedule

Justice HS PTSA


ParentVue Information

Emergency Resources

Crisis Link Regional Hotline - 703-527-4077

Crisis Text - Text NEEDHELP to 85511

Dominion Hospital Emergency - 703-536-2000

INOVA Emergency - 703-289-7560

Sharon Bulova Center for Community Health (formerly Merrifield) - 703-573-5979 TTY dial 711

Life Threatening - 911

FCPS Cares

Do you know a Justice High School or FCPS employee who does ordinary things in an extraordinary way or goes beyond what is expected? If so, then click here to share with everyone.

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3301 Peace Valley Lane, Falls Church, VA 22044 | Main Office: 703.824.3900
Attendance: 703.824.3920 | Web 

Justice HS Blood Drive - Monday, February 3

GovDelivery1 month 3 weeks ago

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Justice HS Blood Drive - Monday, February 3

Community members of Justice High School are invited to participate in our annual Blood Drive on Monday, February 3rd from 8:30 am to 1:30 pm. This will take place in the Little Theatre and you can access the Little Theatre through the exterior door (to the left of Door 12, the gym entrance). Signage will be posted on the door.

Should you have any questions, please contact Ms. Cummings at [email protected]

Thank you for Saving a Life!

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3301 Peace Valley Lane, Falls Church, VA 22044 | Main Office: 703.824.3900
Attendance: 703.824.3920 | Web 

Justice HS News & Announcements - 1/27/25

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This Week's Topics Important Dates

Tuesday, January 28 - End of Quarter 2/Full Day of School

Wednesday, January 29 - Lunar New Year & Teacher Workday

Thursday, January 30 - Start of Quarter 3

Wednesday, February 5 - Justice HS Science Fair

Thursday, February 6 - Partners for Safe Teen Driving Presentation

Saturday, February 8 - Saturday School

Wednesday, February 12 - WIDA Parent Information Night (more info to come)

Monday, February 17 - Presidents' Day - Division Closed

Thursday, February 20 - International Night (more info to come)

Saturday, February 22 - Saturday School

Gradebook Available Until End-of-Quarter

Based on community feedback from the first quarter closure, FCPS revisited the scheduled dates for closing the Gradebook and Report Card modules in the SIS ParentVUE and StudentVUE apps. 

Moving forward, the app will close in alignment with the actual quarter-end dates. This change will allow students and families to view their assignments and grades until the last day of the quarter. Gradebook will be closed for the second quarter from Tuesday, January 28, 4 p.m. to Tuesday, February 4, 6 a.m.

Access Your Child’s Grades Through SIS ParentVue

Learn how your ParentVUE account allows you to easily access grade reports and other helpful information about your child.

Application for the 2025 Student Representative to the School Board

The School Board student representative represents the interests of Fairfax County Public Schools students. The student representative is not a member of the School Board but serves in a nonvoting, advisory capacity. Students currently in grades 9, 10, and 11 are eligible to apply. 

Watch this video to learn about the student representative experience from the current representative, Megan Sawant. 

Application Information and Deadlines

To be considered for the election, students are required to provide:

  • A written component, which is due Monday, February 24.
  • A 30-second candidate video statement, which is due Wednesday, March 26. Candidates will be emailed a link to record their video on Monday, March 17.

Both application components are required to be considered for the election. Read more about the election process.

Speech Team wins 7th consecutive VHSL Occoquan Regional Speech Title

Is "SEVENPEAT" a word? Congratulations to our amazing speech team. They captured their 7th consecutive reginal title this past Thursday. Qualifying participants will be moving on to the VHSL Super Regional competition in February where they will be looking for their 2nd Super Regional Title in the past years. Go Wolves!

Proposed Budget Presented to School Board

Superintendent Dr. Michelle Reid presented the Fiscal Year (FY) 2026 Proposed Budget at the School Board meeting on Thursday, January 23. Watch a video of the presentation

The proposed budget reflects FCPS’ continued focus on providing a world-class education for each and every student while recognizing the hard work and commitment of our outstanding employees. The budget focuses on competitive compensation — including a 7% salary increase for all staff — investing in students who require additional support, and the continuation of multiyear investments. It reflects the needs of and FCPS’ commitments to Fairfax County students, families, and community members. Learn more on the Budget website.

What Families Can Do to Fight Drug Misuse

FCPS is committed to raising awareness about the opioid epidemic with our educators, parents/caregivers, and students. Together, we can help ensure our students thrive.

What can families do?

  • Show you disapprove of underage drinking and other drug misuse. More than 80% of young people ages 10-18 say their parents are the leading influence on their decision whether to drink. 
  • Show you care about your child’s health, wellness, and success. 
  • Show you are a good source of information about alcohol and other drugs. Find helpful resources on the FCPS Opioid Awareness webpage
  • Pay attention to your child and discourage risky behaviors. 
  • Build your child’s skills and strategies for avoiding drinking and drug use. Talk with your child about what they would do if faced with a decision about alcohol and drugs, such as texting a code word to a family member or practicing how they will say, “No thanks.”

Get more information on opioid awareness.

Broadway Desserts

Got the winter blues? Come warm up at the annual Broadway Desserts concert, “Somebody to Love” on Saturday, February 15th at 2pm and 7pm. The Justice Choirs will perform favorites from Wicked, Mary Poppins, Newsies, Six, The Great Gatsby and so much more! And of course, there will be sweet treats! Tickets are $10 through 2/14 and $15 the day of the show. Click here to purchase tickets. We can’t wait to sing for you!!

Justice HS PTSA The Wolf Shack is Open!

The Wolf Shack is our PTSA-sponsored in-school food and resource pantry, providing free essential resources for all students. The Wolf Shack is open from 3-5pm on late bus days (Wednesdays & Thursdays) in Room B27 between the Black Box Theater and the Little Theater. 

Read more in the latest PTSA newsletter.

PTSA Calendar of Events


22 - Sat - 7pm - Wolves At The Lodge (Casino Night)

24 - Mon - 730pm - PTSA Monthly Town Hall & General Meeting

MARCH 2025

8 - Sat - 11am - Wolf Shack Stock-Up with FFN Red Bag Day

15 - Sat - 7pm - Wolves at the Lodge: Casino Night

24 - Mon - 730pm - PTSA Monthly Town Hall & General Meeting

Connect with the PTSA

JHS PTSA Website


Social Handles

Facebook: facebook.com/justicehsptsa

X (formerly Twitter): x.com/justicehsptsa

Instagram: instagram.com/justicehsptsa/

Membership Link


Donation Link


Contact the PTSA

[email protected]

Fairfax County Special Education PTA (SEPTA)


From FCPS 📈 Virginia’s Student Assessment Summary for Families

This month, families of students who took any Standards of Learning (SOL) test between school years 2015-16 and 2023-24 will receive a Student Assessment Summary Report. The report shows a student’s state percentile ranking for each test. This allows families to see how their child ranked compared to all Virginia students who took the same test that year. 

Reports are available now in SIS ParentVUE Documents. We will distribute them to students whose families do not have ParentVUE access. Learn how to access ParentVUE

The report is intended to help families reflect on how their child performed across all tested subjects over the years. Our staff members are committed to working with families to help every student reach their highest potential. Learn more about student assessments in FCPS. ✈️ Learn About Opportunities for the Year Following Graduation at the Gap Year Fair

FCPS School Counseling Services and Go Overseas will co-host the annual FCPS Gap Year Fair on Tuesday, January 28, 6-8:30 p.m., at Marshall High School

This event is for high school students and their families who are interested in learning about opportunities for the year following high school graduation. Students should register at USA Gap Year Fairs

📍 Comprehensive Boundary Review Update

The Superintendent’s Boundary Review Advisory Committee held its second meeting on December 16 at Gatehouse Administration Center. View key takeaways from that meeting and access the meeting agenda, slides, and other materials that committee members received.  If you did not get a chance to attend an in-person Community Boundary Review Meeting, please consider participating in one of the following virtual meetings:

  • Monday, January 27, 2025, 6:30-8 p.m. 
  • Tuesday, January 28, 2025, 6:30-8 p.m. 
  • Monday, February 10, 2025, 6:30-8 p.m. 

Language interpretation will be available. 

All virtual meetings will follow the same format as the in-person meetings that were recently held, and the same information will be shared. Please stay tuned for details on how to register. Visit FCPS’ Comprehensive Boundary Review webpage to learn more. Sign up for FCPS’ School Boundary Review newsletter as well.

Calendar Reminders Quarter End, Early Release, and Student Holiday

Tuesday, January 28, is the last day of the quarter. See the complete school year calendar.

Lunar New Year

FCPS has designated Lunar New Year as a religious and cultural observance day. Specific events that cannot be made up will not be held on these observance days. This year, Lunar New Year falls at quarter end on Wednesday, January 29. The day will be a teacher work day and there will be no school for students. See the complete school year calendar.

National Mentoring Month

Imagine a world where young people feel empowered, encouraged, and understood. Mentors can make that world a reality by helping young people find and follow their passions, excel in school, and thrive wherever they are.Learn more about Mentoring Month.

Research has shown that young people with at least one trusted mentor are less likely to skip school, less likely to use illegal drugs or drink alcohol, and more prepared to enter college or the workforce. Yet one in three children lack a mentor.

All it takes is one person to serve as a trusted adult to help change a young person’s path in life. Mentors provide attention, support, and enrichment, and help connect their mentees to resources that may help them on their journey in life.

The FCPS MentorWorks program matches mentors with students in schools near where they live or work. They meet for at least 30 minutes a week. Learn more about how to become a mentor for an FCPS student. Contact Martha Macdonald, mentoring specialist, for additional information at [email protected]

Weekly Reminders Saturday School at Justice High School

On certain Saturdays, students can get one-on-one assistance in any English, Math, Science, or History class. Our dedicated teachers will be available to help students tackle assignments, strengthen their understanding of key concepts, and ensure they are well-prepared for their upcoming assessments. Students do not have to sign up ahead of time to attend Saturday School.

Details are as follows:

  • When: February 8th and 22nd | March 15th, and 22nd | April 5th and 26th | May 3rd and 17th
  • Time: 9 AM - 12 PM
  • Where: Justice High School

We encourage your child to take advantage of this valuable opportunity. It’s a fantastic way for them to improve their grades and gain confidence in their studies. Thank you for your continued support in helping our students succeed!

Public Health Ambassador Training Program Partners for Safe Teen Driving (PSTD)

Justice High School Auditorium - Driver’s Education

The state of Virginia requires students and their parents or legal guardians to attend ONE session of Partners for Safe Teen Driving in order to receive their Pink Card (DEC-8). The 90 minute session requires participants to be actively involved during the presentation. This is offered in conjunction with our 10th grade driver education curriculum and is a requirement. All sessions are in person for the 2024-2025 school year at Justice HS in the Auditorium. Registration link, and schedule is below. It is also posted on your 1oth grade teacher’s SCHOOLOGY PAGE.

If you are a current 11th or 12th grade Justice HS student seeking to attend a PTSD session, please email Monica White at [email protected]  for information.

PSTD presentations are 6:30 PM to 8:00 PM

3rd Quarter - Thursday February 6th, 2025 & Wednesday March 19th, 2025

4th Quarter - Wednesday May 14th, 2025

The meetings are a “hard” 6:30 PM start in the Auditorium for every PSTD event. Doors lock at 6:30 sharp and an entry after that will not be allowed. (State Law)

Please plan to arrive at 6 pm to avoid being locked out. Every student will NEED to have a legal guardian present with them If they are attending PSTD session.

Link for students to register for 2024-2025 Justice HS - Driver Ed PSTD

Free Meals at Justice HS

Justice HS has qualified for the USDA Community Eligibility Provision (CEP) meal program for the 2024-2025 school year. CEP is a non-pricing meal service option for schools in low-income areas. CEP allows schools to serve breakfast and lunch at no cost to ALL students without collecting household applications for free and reduced-price meals.

CEP General Information

  • CEP is a USDA program; eligibility is based on direct certification for free meals at individual FCPS schools.
  • All students at CEP schools automatically receive no-cost breakfast and lunch every day of the school year (even if the student would not qualify for free meals). 
  • If a student purchases an additional breakfast or additional meal, it will be at cost to the family. 

Free and Reduced-Price Meal Applications, Additional Benefits, and Related Information

For families that may want to receive benefits (class fees) beyond meals that are income-based, the FCPS CEP Consent to Share Information for Other Programs will continue to be utilized and is included in the free and reduced-price meal application process. Parents are encouraged to complete and submit the CEP Consent to Share Form

Varsity Tutors Provides On-Demand Support at No Cost

FCPS is partnering with Varsity Tutors to provide students and families with extra resources for learning. Every student can take advantage of Varsity Tutors’ services at no cost, including weekly live online classes, on-demand 24/7 chat tutoring, essay editing, and study resources such as recorded content, practice problems, and diagnostic tests. Learn more about online tutoring with Varsity Tutors.

No-Cost Virtual Therapy for High School Students

Virtual therapy sessions are available at no cost to FCPS high school students to provide a safe space to address concerns such as:

  • Mood/behavior changes, motivation, grief/loss.
  • Anxiety, worry, fears.
  • Social skills, bullying, peer and family relationships.
  • Academic stress.

In order for students to participate, caregivers must give permission for FCPS to share basic demographic information with Hazel Health in ParentVUE. They must also provide consent for their student to access therapy services. 

Students may then be referred by a guardian or designated school staff member. Refer your child by calling 571-749-2940 or contacting an FCPS school counselor, social worker, psychologist, or director of Student Services.

Visit the FCPS Teletherapy webpage for more information.

Supporting Your Child’s Mental Health

Children go through a lot of changes, and it can be hard to tell if their behavior is developmentally appropriate or if they could benefit from mental health support. It’s important to talk to your child and pay attention to their actions, especially these warning signs:

  • Increased irritability, hyperactivity, energy, and/or aggressive behavior.
  • Excessive sadness, hopelessness, or worries.
  • Loss of appetite, or significant weight gain or loss.
  • Lack of sleep or too much sleep.
  • A decline in grades, school avoidance, or attendance concerns.
  • Alcohol or drug use.
  • Withdrawal from activities and/or friends and family. 
  • Thoughts of harming themselves or others.

If you notice any of these warning signs or feel your child may be experiencing a mental health challenge, help is available. Please contact your child's school counselor to discuss your concerns and identify resources. Find additional ways to support your child’s wellness

If you or someone you care about is experiencing a mental health crisis such as thoughts of harming themselves or others, please take action right away. Call 988, go to the nearest emergency room, or contact the Sharon Bulova Center for Community Health Emergency Services at 703-573-5679.

Follow Justice HS On Social Media

X (formerly known as Twitter) 

Activities - @justice_sports


School - @justicehs_wolves

Activities - @justice_wolves

Helpful Links

Justice Website

Justice Athletics

Student Services


Red/Blue Rotation Calendar

Bell Schedule

Justice HS PTSA


ParentVue Information

Emergency Resources

Crisis Link Regional Hotline - 703-527-4077

Crisis Text - Text NEEDHELP to 85511

Dominion Hospital Emergency - 703-536-2000

INOVA Emergency - 703-289-7560

Sharon Bulova Center for Community Health (formerly Merrifield) - 703-573-5979 TTY dial 711

Life Threatening - 911

FCPS Cares

Do you know a Justice High School or FCPS employee who does ordinary things in an extraordinary way or goes beyond what is expected? If so, then click here to share with everyone.

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3301 Peace Valley Lane, Falls Church, VA 22044 | Main Office: 703.824.3900
Attendance: 703.824.3920 | Web 

Justice HS Student Services - 1/21/2025

GovDelivery2 months ago

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This Week's Topics Important Dates

Monday, January 20 - No School

Thursday, January 23 (CANCELLED) - Parent University

Tuesday, January 28 - Second Quarter Ends (Full Day of School)

Wednesday, January 29 - Teacher Workday

Wednesday, February 5 - Rising 9th Grade Curriculum Night - 5:30pm-8:30pm (Snow Date: Wednesday, February 12)

Saturday, February 22

  • In-Person Auditions for Dance/Musical Theatre - Fairfax Academy - 10am-12pm - Students will receive info via their FCPS Google Email
  • All Portfolio Submissions for certain Fairfax Academy courses is due

Friday, March 7 - Student Statement of Interest for certain Edison Academy courses is due by 3pm - Students will receive info via their FCPS Google Email

Academic Advising Timeline

It is that time of year when we are getting ready to choose our schedule for School Year 2025-2026! Please see below for our timeline (subject to change).

The same information below is also posted on Justice's website --> Academic Advising as well as Schoology --> Course List --> Student Services --> Academic Advising Upcoming School Year 2025-2026. Slide decks and other information will be posted on the public website and Schoology.

The Academic Advising individual student meetings are done through English (11th grade) and Health/PE classes (10th and 9th grade). Please see the schedule so your student knows when their class is meeting with counselors so that they make sure to attend this class! (The schedule is subject to change and any changes will be uploaded to Justice's public website and Schoology)

  • Wednesday, December 4
    • Advisory: Course Fair Logistics and Prep (Slide Deck and Course Fair Room Locations posted on Justice's public website and Schoology)
  • Tuesday, December 10
    • Advisory: Course Curriculum Fair for Grades 9-11 and Class of 2025 Meeting in Auditorium
    • Periods 4/6/8 - Teachers provide presentation on the next level course
  • Wednesday, December 11
    • Periods 1/3/5/7 - Teachers provide presentation on the next level course
  • Thursday, December 12
    • Advisory: Academic Advising Course Selection Google Forms and Logistics (Slide Deck and Google Form links are posted on Justice's public website and Schoology)
  • Thursday, January 9, 2025
    • Advisory: Reminder for Course Selection and Academic Advising Timeline
  • Friday, January 10, 2025
  • Monday, January 13, 2025
    • Academic Advising Begins for Rising 12th Graders (current Grade 11)
  • Wednesday, January 22, 2025
  • Friday, January 24, 2025 (start date scheduled to change)
    • Academic Advising Beings for Rising 11th Graders (current Grade 10)
  • Wednesday, February 5, 2025
    • Rising 10th Grade (current freshmen) Course Selection Google Form DUE at 3pm (Parents/Students have access to submit form
    • Rising 9th Grade Curriculum Night (current Grade 8)
      • Optional Electives Fair - 5:30-6:25pm - Cafeteria
      • Welcome and Logistics - 6:30pm - Auditorium
      • Course Sessions (English, Math, Science, Social Studies) - 6:35pm-8:30pm
  • Friday, February 7, 2025 (start date scheduled to change)
    • Academic Advising Beings for Rising 10th Graders (current Grade 9)
  • Wednesday, February 12, 2025
    • SNOW DATE: Rising 9th Grade Curriculum Night (current Grade 8) - This is the rescheduled date should our event get snowed out on Wed, February 5
  • Monday, February 24 and Tuesday, February 25 (start date scheduled to change)
    • Academic Advising for Rising 9th Graders (current Grade 8) at Glasgow Middle School
Academy Open Houses

The Academies will be conducting their open houses for students/parents who are interested in courses at the Academy. Justice attends Edison, Fairfax, Falls Church/Plum Center, Marshall, and West Potomac Academies. The Open House allows students/parents the opportunity to meet the instructors, learn about the course, and meet current students in the course.

  • Edison Academy Open House - Saturday, February 1 - 10am-1pm
    • Snow Date: Saturday, February 8
    • Please enter through Door 13
  • Fairfax Academy Open House - Tuesday, February 4 - 6:30-7:30pm
    • Snow Date: Tuesday, February 11
  • Marshall Academy Open House - Thursday, January 30 - 4:30-6pm
    • Snow Date: Thursday, February 6
    • Registration is strongly encouraged
    • Please go to Door #9 or Door #6
    • Please park in the back of Marshall High School by the football stadium side
  • West Potomac Academy Open House - Thursday, February 20 - 6-8pm
Schedule Change Policy

As a reminder, to support students in settling into a consistent class schedule, please see the timeline for schedule changes for the 2024-2025 school year.

  • Starting September 23, 2024 - February 27, 2025:
    • No Elective Change Requests
    • All Academic Level Change Requests must complete the Academic Improvement Plan that involves a parent/teacher/student conference.
    • If, after the Academic Improvement Plan, the student still wishes to move forward with the academic level change, the request will be reviewed by a committee. Approval is not guaranteed and is based on seat availability in the requested course.
  • November 5, 2024: Last day to drop a course without it going on the student’s transcript as a Withdrawal Pass (WP) or a Withdrawal Fail (WF). This is an FCPS regulation. 
  • February 28, 2025: No schedule changes will be permitted after this time.
Parent University: CANCELLED

Due to the extremely low temperatures expected this week, the Quarter 3 Parent University originally scheduled for Thursday, January 23rd will be rescheduled to ensure the safety and comfort of all participants.

We will notify you with the new date and time as soon as it is confirmed. Thank you for your understanding and flexibility.

Weekly Progress Reports - Are You Receiving Them?

FCPS sends automatic weekly progress reports for each class for Middle and High School students. However, parents/guardians must OPT-IN to the receive them. Here are directions on how to activate them:

  1. Parent/Guardian must have a ParentVUE account (if you still need a ParentVUE account please scroll below for information on how to activate this account)
  2. Log into your ParentVUE and click on "My Account"
  3. Confirm that you have an email address listed under "Primary Email Address"
  4. Continue scrolling on that page to find "Notify me with my child's gradebook scores"
    • Choose which day you want to receive all the progress reports

For screenshots on how to find the information on a desktop and a mobile phone (the ParentVUE app is slightly different), please click here.

Class of 2025 - Official Transcript Request Form

All 2-year/4-year college/universities and Military Academies need your Official Transcript as part of the application.

Part One: All seniors must have the Consent to Share Transcript to Colleges on file in order for us to send your transcripts to 2-year/4-year college/universities, Military Academies, and Scholarships. If you've already signed the form, no need to sign again. Please return completed forms to Ms. Bond in Student Services.

Part Two: You must submit an Official Transcript Request for EACH college/university and indicate whether we need to upload the transcript to a college portal, Common Application, Coalition Application, or email/mail directly to the College Admissions Office.

Class of 2025 - Reminder to Add Recommender to Common App

Seniors who are using the Common Application must remember to add your School Counselor and Teacher to the portal in order for the School Counselor and Teacher to submit their Letter of Recommendation. PLEASE ensure that their email address is correct.

If your School Counselor and Teacher are not added to your portal, they are unable to upload any documentation to your application. This will cause you to receive emails stating that documents haven't been received.

  • How-to-Invite-Recommenders-on-Common-and-Coalition-Apps.pdf
  • How to Add Teachers to Common Application
  • Georgetown University Application Portal
    • Within the application portal, it will ask you to provide the names/email address of your School Counselor and Teachers submitting Letters of Recommendation.
    • If you entered in the email correctly, Georgetown will automatically send them an email with the link on how to upload their documents.
    • If you are applying to Georgetown University and you have submitted your application, please double-check with your School Counselor and Teachers they have received Georgetown's email.
Class of 2025 - Gap Year Fair

FCPS School Counselor Services and Go Overseas are co-hosting the annual FCPS Gap Year Fair on Tuesday, January 28, 2025 at George C. Marshall High School from 6-8:30pm. This event is for high school students and their families who are interested in learning more about the growing array of gap year opportunities.


  • 6-6:45pm - Presentation - Auditorium
  • 6:45-8:30pm - Gap Year Opportunities Fair - Cafeteria
    • Representatives from over 30 programs offering gap year opportunities will be available. Students and their families are encouraged to meet the representatives and learn about the variety of experiences available.

Students are encouraged to pre-register for this event!

For more information, please visit the FCPS Gap Year Event.

INCLEMENT WEATHER: In the event of inclement weather, the Gap Year Fair will be rescheduled to Wednesday, January 29, 2025 at the same time and location.

FAFSA Form SY2025-26 Now Available

The 2025-26 Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) is now available. Any college-bound high school senior — regardless of income — who wants to be considered for federal, state, and school financial aid programs should complete a FAFSA form. 

Parents and caregivers are encouraged to work with their children to complete the FAFSA as early as possible. Check each college’s financial aid office webpage for deadlines and financial aid forms. Then, create an account, if you have not already done so, and fill out the FAFSA.

The Virginia Alternative State Aid (VASA) application will be available in late January for students who are unable to complete the FAFSA. To help determine which aid option is right for you, visit the State Council of Higher Education for Virginia website.

Get Help Filling out FAFSA From College Access Fairfax

Over the next few months, College Access Fairfax will be offering several programs on completing the FAFSA/VASA and finding and applying for scholarships. Get information on these programs and how to access them on the College Access Fairfax website.

In addition, College Access Fairfax staff are available for virtual one-on-one help sessions to complete the FAFSA/VASA. To request an appointment, families should email [email protected].

Virginia Alternative State Aid (VASA) Application

The VASA Application is now open! The Virginia Alternative State Aid (VASA) Application is the alternative state application available for Virginia students who are ineligible to file the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA). These students include Virginians who have certain nonimmigrant visa statuses, are undocumented, have Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) status or are otherwise ineligible to file the FAFSA and would like to be considered for state financial aid.

Class of 2025/2026 - Interested In College Athletics?

Are you interested in playing college athletics at Division 1 or Division 2 schools? Have you created an account at the NCAA Eligibility Center? Are you confused about how to get recruited?

Schedule a meeting with Mr. Harvey, Justice's NCAA Eligibility Lead, and he can support you and your parents as you navigate this process! You can also email Mr. Harvey with questions as well - [email protected].

The 2025 VDOE Granville P. Meade Scholarship

The Granville P. Meade fund provides scholarships to seniors who have achieved academically and are financially unable to attend one of Virginia’s public or private colleges, universities, or community colleges.

Each scholarship is in the amount of $2,000 per year for four years (renewable) as long as the student continues to meet the scholarship requirements.

All students must submit their completed application via the 2025 Granville P. Meade Google Submission Form which is due Monday, February 3, 2025.

George Mason University Field Trip

Justice High School's College & Career Center is hosting a field trip to George Mason University. The students will be given a tour of the campus, meet with admissions staff, and hear from current college students. Lunch will be provided. Priority will be given to seniors and if space allows, then will open to juniors. Students are responsible for getting to and from Justice High School.

If interested, please complete the Field Trip Permission Form and Emergency Care Form and return both forms to Ms. Deidra Anderson, College & Career Specialist, located in Room I-147.

  • Date: Wednesday, January 29, 2025 (Teacher Workday)
  • Departure Time: 9:00am from Justice High School
  • Return Time: Approx 2:00pm to Justice High School

George Mason University Field Trip Form.pdf

Emergency Care Form.pdf

US Department of Education Webinar: FAFSA Corrections, Unusual and Special Financial Circumstances

Thursday, January 23, 2025 at 3:00pm, the U.S. Department of Education will host a free webinar that guides parents/students through making corrections to the 2025-2026 FAFSA application.

  • Side-by-side comparison detailing the differences between unusual circumstances and special circumstances
  • Overview of the types of supporting documentation needed to substantiate a student's claim of unusual circumstances and special circumstances
  • Guide on how to submit supporting documentation and make the necessary changes to their FAFSA 2025-26 Form

You must register to receive the virtual link!

STEM-Competent Future Leaders and Mentors Workshop

High School Students are invited to the STEM-Competent Future Leaders and Mentors Workshop - West Point LEADS (18th Year) on Friday, February 14, 2025 from 7:30am-2:00pm. Focus will be on building pathways towards STEM Competency, Exemplary Leaders of Character, and Substantial opportunities for post-secondary pathways. Breakfast and Lunch are included. Scholar award opportunities during the workshop.

You must register to attend - Password: wpleadsdc2025

Registration Deadline is Friday, February 7, 2025 at 11:59pm or when space is at capacity

Location: Deloitte Headquarters


  • 7:30-8am - Check-In and Breakfast
  • 8:15-9am - Opening Plenary Session
  • 9:15-11:15am - Team Breakout Sessions: Students and Professionals
  • 11:15-11:45am - Working Lunch
  • 12-12:45pm - Team Breakout Sessions Continued
  • 1-2pm - Closing Session
Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Service Opportunity

FCPS is collaborating with Volunteer Fairfax for the upcoming Martin Luther King Jr. Day of Service. Students and families can volunteer on Saturday, January 25, 2025 at Give Together at the James Lee Community Center.  

Volunteer Fairfax invites families to participate in thoughtful, engaging service projects working alongside local nonprofit and government agency partners across a variety of mission areas. Projects will include food packing, creating care packages, environmental stewardship, and support for animal welfare. This event is free and open to the public but registration is required.

There will also be Financial Literacy Workshops offered at Give Together for students in grades 3-12. If you would like to attend one of the workshops, sign up during check-in on January 25.

Food for Neighbors - Red Bag Program

Justice High School is a proud partner with Food for Neighbors, a local organization who helps to feed our students outside of school hours.

The Red Bag Program is filled five times a year and provided to needy families. Food for Neighbors will drop off an empty Red Bag with a list of items. You can support by purchasing some food items that is provided on the list. Leave the Red Bag outside your door and Food for Neighbors will come pick it up.

All donations are tax-deductible and can be in any amount. To learn more about the FFN Holiday Meals Program, please go here.

Food Assistance and Resource Guide

Food insecurity impacts more than 96,000 Fairfax County residents. There are many resources available to support those who need food assistance. Learn how to help these families and the many resources available to support those who need food assistance on Fairfax County’s website or view the county’s Human Services Resource Guide.

Homeless and Winter Weather Shelters

The Northern Virginia Regional Commission Human Services compiled and published a list of all the homeless and winter weather shelters serving the region. The lists are posted here and they were last updated on December 6, 2024.

Fairfax County Public Schools has also compiled a list of resources for students and families in case they need assistance while schools are closed for winter break. Please visit FCPS’ winter resources webpage for information on academic support, mental health support, and county resources related to food, clothing, housing, and other needs.

Schoology Groups

Each Class has a group in Schoology with posts pertinent information specific to that class. Please see below for the access code to join.

Class of 2025: XKMH-SPHF-9C4GZ

Class of 2026: QXWJ-NPF2-6WHHG

Class of 2027: XDTX-PD42-RPN2G

Class of 2028: NR9N-89TD-8WQQC

Still Need ParentVUE Access?

Learn how to activate your SIS ParentVUE account.

Technical support for using ParentVUE is available for:

  1. Go to the ParentVUE Login screen and select the icon that you need
    • Change Username - You forgot your username or you want to change it
    • Change Password - You know your password but you want to change it
    • Forgot Password - You can't remember your password
    • Activate Account - You have received an Activation Key and you're ready to create your account
  2. None of the above apply
    1. Go to the Parent Support Request ticket
    2. Select SIS Parent in the Application dropdown menu
    3. Under "Issue Description", type the issue/error that you're receiving. Please try to be specific.
  3. Call the Parent Technology Help Desk at 833-921-3277 (833-921-FCPS).
Student Forms moved to Parental Digital Consent (PDC) Available 

Paperless Opt-Outs Available! Families can log in to the PDC using their ParentVUE credentials to complete consent forms assigned to their child. 

Forms available in the PDC starting in the 2024-2025 school year include:

  • School Counseling Opt-Out
  • Digital Resources Consent
  • SEL Screener Opt-Out
  • Consent for Release of Student Records in Support of Postsecondary Applications
  • Denial of Access to Military Recruiters 
  • Family Life Education Opt-Out
  • SOL Retest Permission
  • Hazel Health
  • BYOD (Bring Your Own Device) Opt-Out
  • SOS Screener Opt-Out
  • Objection to Release of Information to Outside Organizations
  • Objection to Release of Directory Information to the Public
Health Information and Emergency Care Forms

The Health Information Form (HIF) (SS/SE-71) and the Emergency Care Information form (SS/SE-3) provide valuable information regarding student health conditions. These forms are critical in the early identification of students who may need healthcare support in the educational environment. Along with the development of Healthcare Plans (HCP) and Action Plans, the Public Health Nurses (PHNs) utilize the information contained in the HIF to develop teaching strategies for FCPS staff in order to meet the requirements of Regulation 2104 Health Services-School Health-Related Needs.

These forms are required for all students. Enrolling parents/guardians who have a SIS ParentVUE account may submit them electronically by using the Online Verification/Update packet

For families without SIS ParentVue accounts, forms can be located on the General Registration Forms page.

No-Cost Virtual Therapy for High School Students

Virtual therapy sessions are available at no cost to FCPS high school students to provide a safe space to address concerns such as:

  • Mood/behavior changes, motivation, grief/loss.
  • Anxiety, worry, fears.
  • Social skills, bullying, peer and family relationships.
  • Academic stress.

In order for students to participate, caregivers must give permission for FCPS to share basic demographic information with Hazel Health in ParentVUE. They must also provide consent for their student to access therapy services. 

Students may then be referred by a guardian or designated school staff member. Refer your child by calling 571-749-2940 or contacting an FCPS school counselor, social worker, psychologist, or director of Student Services.

Visit the FCPS Teletherapy webpage for more information.

Emergency Resources

Crisis Link Regional Hotline - 703-527-4077

Crisis Text - Text NEEDHELP to 85511

Dominion Hospital Emergency - 703-536-2000

INOVA Emergency - 703-289-7560

Sharon Bulova Center for Community Health (formerly Merrifield) - 703-573-5979 TTY dial 711

Life Threatening - 911

3301 Peace Valley Lane, Falls Church, VA 22044 | Main Office: 703.824.3900
Attendance: 703.824.3920 | Web 

Justice HS News & Announcements - 1/20/25

GovDelivery2 months ago

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This Week's Topics Important Dates

Saturday, January 25 - Saturday School

Monday, January 27 - PTSA Monthly Town Hall & General Meeting (virtual)

Tuesday, January 28 - End of Quarter 2

Wednesday, January 29 - Lunar New Year & Teacher Workday

Thursday, January 30 - Start of Quarter 3

Wednesday, February 5 - Justice HS Science Fair

Thursday, February 6 - Partners for Safe Teen Driving Presentation

Saturday, February 8 - Saturday School

Wednesday, February 12 - WIDA Parent Information Night (more info to come)

Monday, February 17 - Presidents' Day - Division Closed

Thursday, February 20 - International Night (more info to come)

Saturday, February 22 - Saturday School

Gradebook Available Until End-of-Quarter

Based on community feedback from the first quarter closure, FCPS revisited the scheduled dates for closing the Gradebook and Report Card modules in the SIS ParentVUE and StudentVUE apps. 

Moving forward, the app will close in alignment with the actual quarter-end dates. This change will allow students and families to view their assignments and grades until the last day of the quarter. Gradebook will be closed for the second quarter from Tuesday, January 28, 4 p.m. to Tuesday, February 4, 6 a.m.

Access Your Child’s Grades Through SIS ParentVue

Learn how your ParentVUE account allows you to easily access grade reports and other helpful information about your child.

Call for Judges: Justice HS Science Fair Wednesday, February 5

We are seeking judges for the Justice High School Science Fair! We will be holding this year’s event on Wednesday, Feb 5, 2025, from 3-4:30pm.

Can you help? Please complete this form to let us know you can make it.

Speech Tournament Judges Needed!

The Justice Speech (formerly Forensics) team has a large number of competitors attending the Occoquan Region competition this year, where we hope to win Regionals for a 6th year in a row!! In order to compete, we need to provide judges! The tournament is on Thursday, January 23rd @ Westfield HS with a 4:00pm check in for judges. We need to bring at least 8 judges in order for our team to compete. All judges receive a $50 stipend check via mail, and food is provided.

No experience is required to judge these speech events – the manual for VHSL Speech events with ballots is available for review on the VHSL website if you would like to prepare beforehand, and you will be prepped on-site before the competition starts on what to look for, how to fill out the judging ballots, etc. You will judge 2-3 rounds of events, and the competition should be completed by 7:30pm or so. Brief training materials will also be provided via email.

Please contact Brian Garvey at [email protected] if you are available and willing to be a judge for the tournament!

Justice HS PTSA The Wolf Shack is Open!

The Wolf Shack is our PTSA-sponsored in-school food and resource pantry, providing free essential resources for all students. The Wolf Shack is open from 3-5pm on late bus days (Wednesdays & Thursdays) in Room B27 between the Black Box Theater and the Little Theater. 

Read more in the latest PTSA newsletter.

PTSA Calendar of Events


27 - Mon - 7:30pm - PTSA Monthly Town Hall & General Meeting


22 - Sat - 7pm - Wolves At The Lodge (Casino Night)

24 - Mon - 730pm - PTSA Monthly Town Hall & General Meeting

MARCH 2025

8 - Sat - 11am - Wolf Shack Stock-Up with FFN Red Bag Day

15 - Sat - 7pm - Wolves at the Lodge: Casino Night

24 - Mon - 730pm - PTSA Monthly Town Hall & General Meeting

Connect with the PTSA

JHS PTSA Website


Social Handles

Facebook: facebook.com/justicehsptsa

X (formerly Twitter): x.com/justicehsptsa

Instagram: instagram.com/justicehsptsa/

Membership Link


Donation Link


Contact the PTSA

[email protected]

Fairfax County Special Education PTA (SEPTA)


From FCPS 🧥 Keep Your Child Warm During Outdoor Activities

Winter weather is here! As a reminder, please make sure your child is dressed appropriately with a warm coat and other cold-weather clothing, so they can comfortably enjoy time outdoors. Schools monitor the weather for low temperatures, wind chill advisories and warnings, and weather advisories that may prevent children from being outside for activities like recess or physical education.

View Fairfax County’s Winter Weather/Extreme Cold safety tips

If you need assistance getting cold-weather clothing for your family, please contact our family liaison, Adriana Ferro, at [email protected]. You may also contact Fairfax County Coordinated Services Planning (CSP) at 703-222-0880. Their multilingual staff can assist with any challenges you are facing, including food, shelter, employment, financial assistance, and health care.

SR&R and Cell Phone Policy Survey Coming Soon

All FCPS families and middle and high school students will be receiving an email invitation on Tuesday, January 21, to participate in a survey about FCPS’ Student Rights and Responsibilities (SR&R), cell phone policy, and cell phone storage options. The survey will be available from January 21 to February 3. Please take a few moments to share your feedback and help FCPS make informed, inclusive decisions for all of our schools!

✈️ Learn About Opportunities for the Year Following Graduation at the Gap Year Fair

FCPS School Counseling Services and Go Overseas will co-host the annual FCPS Gap Year Fair on Tuesday, January 28, 6-8:30 p.m., at Marshall High School

This event is for high school students and their families who are interested in learning about opportunities for the year following high school graduation. Students should register at USA Gap Year Fairs

📍 Comprehensive Boundary Review Update

The Superintendent’s Boundary Review Advisory Committee held its second meeting on December 16 at Gatehouse Administration Center. View key takeaways from that meeting and access the meeting agenda, slides, and other materials that committee members received.  If you did not get a chance to attend an in-person Community Boundary Review Meeting, please consider participating in one of the following virtual meetings:

  • Saturday, January 25, 2025, 9:30-11 a.m. 
  • Monday, January 27, 2025, 6:30-8 p.m. 
  • Tuesday, January 28, 2025, 6:30-8 p.m. 
  • Monday, February 10, 2025, 6:30-8 p.m. 

Language interpretation will be available. 

All virtual meetings will follow the same format as the in-person meetings that were recently held, and the same information will be shared. Please stay tuned for details on how to register. Visit FCPS’ Comprehensive Boundary Review webpage to learn more. Sign up for FCPS’ School Boundary Review newsletter as well.

Calendar Reminders Quarter End, Early Release, and Student Holiday

Tuesday, January 28, is the last day of the quarter. See the complete school year calendar.

Lunar New Year

FCPS has designated Lunar New Year as a religious and cultural observance day. Specific events that cannot be made up will not be held on these observance days. This year, Lunar New Year falls at quarter end on Wednesday, January 29. The day will be a teacher work day and there will be no school for students. See the complete school year calendar.

National Mentoring Month

Imagine a world where young people feel empowered, encouraged, and understood. Mentors can make that world a reality by helping young people find and follow their passions, excel in school, and thrive wherever they are.Learn more about Mentoring Month.

Research has shown that young people with at least one trusted mentor are less likely to skip school, less likely to use illegal drugs or drink alcohol, and more prepared to enter college or the workforce. Yet one in three children lack a mentor.

All it takes is one person to serve as a trusted adult to help change a young person’s path in life. Mentors provide attention, support, and enrichment, and help connect their mentees to resources that may help them on their journey in life.

The FCPS MentorWorks program matches mentors with students in schools near where they live or work. They meet for at least 30 minutes a week. Learn more about how to become a mentor for an FCPS student. Contact Martha Macdonald, mentoring specialist, for additional information at [email protected]

Weekly Reminders Saturday School at Justice High School

On certain Saturdays, students can get one-on-one assistance in any English, Math, Science, or History class. Our dedicated teachers will be available to help students tackle assignments, strengthen their understanding of key concepts, and ensure they are well-prepared for their upcoming assessments. Students do not have to sign up ahead of time to attend Saturday School.

Details are as follows:

  • When: January 25th | February 8th and 22nd | March 15th, and 22nd | April 5th and 26th | May 3rd and 17th
  • Time: 9 AM - 12 PM
  • Where: Justice High School

We encourage your child to take advantage of this valuable opportunity. It’s a fantastic way for them to improve their grades and gain confidence in their studies. Thank you for your continued support in helping our students succeed!

Public Health Ambassador Training Program 2025-26 FAFSA Form Now Available

The 2025-26 Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) is now available. Any college-bound high school senior — regardless of income — who wants to be considered for federal, state, and school financial aid programs should complete a FAFSA form. 

Parents and caregivers are encouraged to work with their children to complete the FAFSA as early as possible. Check each college’s financial aid office webpage for deadlines and financial aid forms. Then, create an account, if you have not already done so, and fill out the FAFSA.

The Virginia Alternative State Aid (VASA) application will be available in late January for students who are unable to complete the FAFSA. To help determine which aid option is right for you, visit the State Council of Higher Education for Virginia website.

Get Help Filling out FAFSA From College Access Fairfax

Over the next few months, College Access Fairfax will be offering several programs on completing the FAFSA/VASA and finding and applying for scholarships. Get information on these programs and how to access them on the College Access Fairfax website.

In addition, College Access Fairfax staff are available for virtual one-on-one help sessions to complete the FAFSA/VASA. To request an appointment, families should email [email protected].

Athletic Booster Meetings

The athletic booster club meets once  a month. Please join us for our next few dates. Links to join are included the week of in the Justice Activities News You Choose here and are also posted at the link below.


Upcoming Booster Club Meetings: 

Wednesday, February 12th, 2025

Tuesday, March 4th, 2025

You may also want to note that each individual who volunteers their time gets to allocate $10 towards the sports program of their choice.  We encourage parents of players to volunteer during a different level of play so they don’t need to miss their our player taking part (i.e., a varsity parent volunteering during a JV game). We do have a TV in the concession area now so volunteers can follow along with the action. 

Click the link to sign up and support our Wolves!


Call for Concession Volunteers

The operation of concession stands during athletic events is a primary source of funding to support our sports programs.  Volunteers are always needed.

Each individual who volunteers their time gets to allocate $10 towards the sports program of their choice.  We encourage parents of players to volunteer during a different level of play so they don't need to miss their our player taking part (i.e., a varsity parent volunteering during a JV game).

Click the link to sign up and support our Wolves!


Partners for Safe Teen Driving (PSTD)

Justice High School Auditorium - Driver’s Education

The state of Virginia requires students and their parents or legal guardians to attend ONE session of Partners for Safe Teen Driving in order to receive their Pink Card (DEC-8). The 90 minute session requires participants to be actively involved during the presentation. This is offered in conjunction with our 10th grade driver education curriculum and is a requirement. All sessions are in person for the 2024-2025 school year at Justice HS in the Auditorium. Registration link, and schedule is below. It is also posted on your 1oth grade teacher’s SCHOOLOGY PAGE.

If you are a current 11th or 12th grade Justice HS student seeking to attend a PTSD session, please email Monica White at [email protected]  for information.

PSTD presentations are 6:30 PM to 8:00 PM

3rd Quarter - Thursday February 6th, 2025 & Wednesday March 19th, 2025

4th Quarter - Wednesday May 14th, 2025

The meetings are a “hard” 6:30 PM start in the Auditorium for every PSTD event. Doors lock at 6:30 sharp and an entry after that will not be allowed. (State Law)

Please plan to arrive at 6 pm to avoid being locked out. Every student will NEED to have a legal guardian present with them If they are attending PSTD session.

Link for students to register for 2024-2025 Justice HS - Driver Ed PSTD

Free Meals at Justice HS

Justice HS has qualified for the USDA Community Eligibility Provision (CEP) meal program for the 2024-2025 school year. CEP is a non-pricing meal service option for schools in low-income areas. CEP allows schools to serve breakfast and lunch at no cost to ALL students without collecting household applications for free and reduced-price meals.

CEP General Information

  • CEP is a USDA program; eligibility is based on direct certification for free meals at individual FCPS schools.
  • All students at CEP schools automatically receive no-cost breakfast and lunch every day of the school year (even if the student would not qualify for free meals). 
  • If a student purchases an additional breakfast or additional meal, it will be at cost to the family. 

Free and Reduced-Price Meal Applications, Additional Benefits, and Related Information

For families that may want to receive benefits (class fees) beyond meals that are income-based, the FCPS CEP Consent to Share Information for Other Programs will continue to be utilized and is included in the free and reduced-price meal application process. Parents are encouraged to complete and submit the CEP Consent to Share Form

Varsity Tutors Provides On-Demand Support at No Cost

FCPS is partnering with Varsity Tutors to provide students and families with extra resources for learning. Every student can take advantage of Varsity Tutors’ services at no cost, including weekly live online classes, on-demand 24/7 chat tutoring, essay editing, and study resources such as recorded content, practice problems, and diagnostic tests. Learn more about online tutoring with Varsity Tutors.

No-Cost Virtual Therapy for High School Students

Virtual therapy sessions are available at no cost to FCPS high school students to provide a safe space to address concerns such as:

  • Mood/behavior changes, motivation, grief/loss.
  • Anxiety, worry, fears.
  • Social skills, bullying, peer and family relationships.
  • Academic stress.

In order for students to participate, caregivers must give permission for FCPS to share basic demographic information with Hazel Health in ParentVUE. They must also provide consent for their student to access therapy services. 

Students may then be referred by a guardian or designated school staff member. Refer your child by calling 571-749-2940 or contacting an FCPS school counselor, social worker, psychologist, or director of Student Services.

Visit the FCPS Teletherapy webpage for more information.

Supporting Your Child’s Mental Health

Children go through a lot of changes, and it can be hard to tell if their behavior is developmentally appropriate or if they could benefit from mental health support. It’s important to talk to your child and pay attention to their actions, especially these warning signs:

  • Increased irritability, hyperactivity, energy, and/or aggressive behavior.
  • Excessive sadness, hopelessness, or worries.
  • Loss of appetite, or significant weight gain or loss.
  • Lack of sleep or too much sleep.
  • A decline in grades, school avoidance, or attendance concerns.
  • Alcohol or drug use.
  • Withdrawal from activities and/or friends and family. 
  • Thoughts of harming themselves or others.

If you notice any of these warning signs or feel your child may be experiencing a mental health challenge, help is available. Please contact your child's school counselor to discuss your concerns and identify resources. Find additional ways to support your child’s wellness

If you or someone you care about is experiencing a mental health crisis such as thoughts of harming themselves or others, please take action right away. Call 988, go to the nearest emergency room, or contact the Sharon Bulova Center for Community Health Emergency Services at 703-573-5679.

Follow Justice HS On Social Media

X (formerly known as Twitter) 

Activities - @justice_sports


School - @justicehs_wolves

Activities - @justice_wolves

Helpful Links

Justice Website

Justice Athletics

Student Services


Red/Blue Rotation Calendar

Bell Schedule

Justice HS PTSA


ParentVue Information

Emergency Resources

Crisis Link Regional Hotline - 703-527-4077

Crisis Text - Text NEEDHELP to 85511

Dominion Hospital Emergency - 703-536-2000

INOVA Emergency - 703-289-7560

Sharon Bulova Center for Community Health (formerly Merrifield) - 703-573-5979 TTY dial 711

Life Threatening - 911

FCPS Cares

Do you know a Justice High School or FCPS employee who does ordinary things in an extraordinary way or goes beyond what is expected? If so, then click here to share with everyone.

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3301 Peace Valley Lane, Falls Church, VA 22044 | Main Office: 703.824.3900
Attendance: 703.824.3920 | Web 

Justice HS Student Services - 1/14/2025

GovDelivery2 months 1 week ago

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This Week's Topics Important Dates

Monday, January 20 - No School

Thursday, January 23 (Rescheduled) - Parent University: Social and Emotional Learning (SEL) - 5:30-8pm

Tuesday, January 28 - Second Quarter Ends (Full Day of School)

Wednesday, January 29 - Teacher Workday

Wednesday, February 5 - Rising 9th Grade Curriculum Night - 5:30pm-8:30pm (Snow Date: Wednesday, February 12)

Saturday, February 22

  • In-Person Auditions for Dance/Musical Theatre - Fairfax Academy - 10am-12pm - Students will receive info via their FCPS Google Email
  • All Portfolio Submissions for certain Fairfax Academy courses is due

Friday, March 7 - Student Statement of Interest for certain Edison Academy courses is due by 3pm - Students will receive info via their FCPS Google Email

Academic Advising Timeline

It is that time of year when we are getting ready to choose our schedule for School Year 2025-2026! Please see below for our timeline (subject to change).

The same information below is also posted on Justice's website --> Academic Advising as well as Schoology --> Course List --> Student Services --> Academic Advising Upcoming School Year 2025-2026. Slide decks and other information will be posted on the public website and Schoology.

The Academic Advising individual student meetings are done through English (11th grade) and Health/PE classes (10th and 9th grade). Please see the schedule so your student knows when their class is meeting with counselors so that they make sure to attend this class! (The schedule is subject to change and any changes will be uploaded to Justice's public website and Schoology)

  • Wednesday, December 4
    • Advisory: Course Fair Logistics and Prep (Slide Deck and Course Fair Room Locations posted on Justice's public website and Schoology)
  • Tuesday, December 10
    • Advisory: Course Curriculum Fair for Grades 9-11 and Class of 2025 Meeting in Auditorium
    • Periods 4/6/8 - Teachers provide presentation on the next level course
  • Wednesday, December 11
    • Periods 1/3/5/7 - Teachers provide presentation on the next level course
  • Thursday, December 12
    • Advisory: Academic Advising Course Selection Google Forms and Logistics (Slide Deck and Google Form links are posted on Justice's public website and Schoology)
  • Thursday, January 9, 2025
    • Advisory: Reminder for Course Selection and Academic Advising Timeline
  • Friday, January 10, 2025
  • Monday, January 13, 2025
    • Academic Advising Begins for Rising 12th Graders (current Grade 11)
  • Wednesday, January 22, 2025
  • Friday, January 24, 2025 (start date scheduled to change)
    • Academic Advising Beings for Rising 11th Graders (current Grade 10)
  • Wednesday, February 5, 2025
    • Rising 10th Grade (current freshmen) Course Selection Google Form DUE at 3pm (Parents/Students have access to submit form
    • Rising 9th Grade Curriculum Night (current Grade 8)
      • Optional Electives Fair - 5:30-6:25pm - Cafeteria
      • Welcome and Logistics - 6:30pm - Auditorium
      • Course Sessions (English, Math, Science, Social Studies) - 6:35pm-8:30pm
  • Friday, February 7, 2025 (start date scheduled to change)
    • Academic Advising Beings for Rising 10th Graders (current Grade 9)
  • Wednesday, February 12, 2025
    • SNOW DATE: Rising 9th Grade Curriculum Night (current Grade 8) - This is the rescheduled date should our event get snowed out on Wed, February 5
  • Monday, February 24 and Tuesday, February 25 (start date scheduled to change)
    • Academic Advising for Rising 9th Graders (current Grade 8) at Glasgow Middle School
Academy Open Houses

The Academies will be conducting their open houses for students/parents who are interested in courses at the Academy. Justice attends Edison, Fairfax, Falls Church/Plum Center, Marshall, and West Potomac Academies. The Open House allows students/parents the opportunity to meet the instructors, learn about the course, and meet current students in the course.

  • Edison Academy Open House - Saturday, February 1 - 10am-1pm
    • Snow Date: Saturday, February 8
    • Please enter through Door 13
  • Fairfax Academy Open House - Tuesday, February 4 - 6:30-7:30pm
    • Snow Date: Tuesday, February 11
  • Marshall Academy Open House - Thursday, January 30 - 4:30-6pm
    • Snow Date: Thursday, February 6
    • Registration is strongly encouraged
    • Please go to Door #9 or Door #6
    • Please park in the back of Marshall High School by the football stadium side
  • West Potomac Academy Open House - Thursday, February 20 - 6-8pm
Schedule Change Policy

As a reminder, to support students in settling into a consistent class schedule, please see the timeline for schedule changes for the 2024-2025 school year.

  • Starting September 23, 2024 - February 27, 2025:
    • No Elective Change Requests
    • All Academic Level Change Requests must complete the Academic Improvement Plan that involves a parent/teacher/student conference.
    • If, after the Academic Improvement Plan, the student still wishes to move forward with the academic level change, the request will be reviewed by a committee. Approval is not guaranteed and is based on seat availability in the requested course.
  • November 5, 2024: Last day to drop a course without it going on the student’s transcript as a Withdrawal Pass (WP) or a Withdrawal Fail (WF). This is an FCPS regulation. 
  • February 28, 2025: No schedule changes will be permitted after this time.
Parent University: Social and Emotional Learning (SEL)

We are excited to invite you to the third Parent University on Thursday, January 23rd (NEW DATE) from 6PM - 8PM in the Justice Cafeteria. Doors will open at 5:30PM for our free catered dinner, followed by the Parent University introduction at 6PM. This is a valuable opportunity to engage in conversations and activities centered on Social and Emotional Learning (SEL). This series will focus on topics vital to our students' well-being and success, drawing from the data gathered in the fall and spring SEL Screeners.

The upcoming sessions will be led by our dedicated counselors and social workers, who will guide families through evidence-based lessons on the following key areas:

  • Emotion Regulation and Self-Management
  • Social Awareness
  • Responsible Decision-Making

Our goal with Parent University is to share the responsibility with families in creating a supportive and nurturing environment that actively contributes to student success. Through these conversations and practical tools, we hope to develop a culture of responsibility, helping students manage their emotions and build essential life skills that will serve them well in the future.

At Justice High School, we are committed to fostering a culture of personal responsibility, integrity, and accountability. By working together, we can better prepare students to meet the challenges ahead, nurturing the skills to support their growth and success in the classroom and beyond.

We look forward to partnering with you in creating a strong, supportive learning community. Your involvement is critical to helping our students thrive academically, socially, and emotionally.

Thank you for your ongoing support and commitment to our students' success. We hope to see you there!

Weekly Progress Reports - Are You Receiving Them?

FCPS sends automatic weekly progress reports for each class for Middle and High School students. However, parents/guardians must OPT-IN to the receive them. Here are directions on how to activate them:

  1. Parent/Guardian must have a ParentVUE account (if you still need a ParentVUE account please scroll below for information on how to activate this account)
  2. Log into your ParentVUE and click on "My Account"
  3. Confirm that you have an email address listed under "Primary Email Address"
  4. Continue scrolling on that page to find "Notify me with my child's gradebook scores"
    • Choose which day you want to receive all the progress reports

For screenshots on how to find the information on a desktop and a mobile phone (the ParentVUE app is slightly different), please click here.

Class of 2025 - Official Transcript Request Form

All 2-year/4-year college/universities and Military Academies need your Official Transcript as part of the application.

Part One: All seniors must have the Consent to Share Transcript to Colleges on file in order for us to send your transcripts to 2-year/4-year college/universities, Military Academies, and Scholarships. If you've already signed the form, no need to sign again. Please return completed forms to Ms. Bond in Student Services.

Part Two: You must submit an Official Transcript Request for EACH college/university and indicate whether we need to upload the transcript to a college portal, Common Application, Coalition Application, or email/mail directly to the College Admissions Office.

Class of 2025 - Reminder to Add Recommender to Common App

Seniors who are using the Common Application must remember to add your School Counselor and Teacher to the portal in order for the School Counselor and Teacher to submit their Letter of Recommendation. PLEASE ensure that their email address is correct.

If your School Counselor and Teacher are not added to your portal, they are unable to upload any documentation to your application. This will cause you to receive emails stating that documents haven't been received.

  • How-to-Invite-Recommenders-on-Common-and-Coalition-Apps.pdf
  • How to Add Teachers to Common Application
  • Georgetown University Application Portal
    • Within the application portal, it will ask you to provide the names/email address of your School Counselor and Teachers submitting Letters of Recommendation.
    • If you entered in the email correctly, Georgetown will automatically send them an email with the link on how to upload their documents.
    • If you are applying to Georgetown University and you have submitted your application, please double-check with your School Counselor and Teachers they have received Georgetown's email.
Class of 2025 - Gap Year Fair

FCPS School Counselor Services and Go Overseas are co-hosting the annual FCPS Gap Year Fair on Tuesday, January 28, 2025 at George C. Marshall High School from 6-8:30pm. This event is for high school students and their families who are interested in learning more about the growing array of gap year opportunities.


  • 6-6:45pm - Presentation - Auditorium
  • 6:45-8:30pm - Gap Year Opportunities Fair - Cafeteria
    • Representatives from over 30 programs offering gap year opportunities will be available. Students and their families are encouraged to meet the representatives and learn about the variety of experiences available.

Students are encouraged to pre-register for this event!

For more information, please visit the FCPS Gap Year Event.

INCLEMENT WEATHER: In the event of inclement weather, the Gap Year Fair will be rescheduled to Wednesday, January 29, 2025 at the same time and location.

FAFSA Form SY2025-26 Now Available

The 2025-26 Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) is now available. Any college-bound high school senior — regardless of income — who wants to be considered for federal, state, and school financial aid programs should complete a FAFSA form. 

Parents and caregivers are encouraged to work with their children to complete the FAFSA as early as possible. Check each college’s financial aid office webpage for deadlines and financial aid forms. Then, create an account, if you have not already done so, and fill out the FAFSA.

The Virginia Alternative State Aid (VASA) application will be available in late January for students who are unable to complete the FAFSA. To help determine which aid option is right for you, visit the State Council of Higher Education for Virginia website.

Get Help Filling out FAFSA From College Access Fairfax

Over the next few months, College Access Fairfax will be offering several programs on completing the FAFSA/VASA and finding and applying for scholarships. Get information on these programs and how to access them on the College Access Fairfax website.

In addition, College Access Fairfax staff are available for virtual one-on-one help sessions to complete the FAFSA/VASA. To request an appointment, families should email [email protected].

Virginia Alternative State Aid (VASA) Application

The VASA Application is now open! The Virginia Alternative State Aid (VASA) Application is the alternative state application available for Virginia students who are ineligible to file the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA). These students include Virginians who have certain nonimmigrant visa statuses, are undocumented, have Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) status or are otherwise ineligible to file the FAFSA and would like to be considered for state financial aid.

Class of 2025/2026 - Interested In College Athletics?

Are you interested in playing college athletics at Division 1 or Division 2 schools? Have you created an account at the NCAA Eligibility Center? Are you confused about how to get recruited?

Schedule a meeting with Mr. Harvey, Justice's NCAA Eligibility Lead, and he can support you and your parents as you navigate this process! You can also email Mr. Harvey with questions as well - [email protected].

The 2025 VDOE Granville P. Meade Scholarship

The Granville P. Meade fund provides scholarships to seniors who have achieved academically and are financially unable to attend one of Virginia’s public or private colleges, universities, or community colleges.

Each scholarship is in the amount of $2,000 per year for four years (renewable) as long as the student continues to meet the scholarship requirements.

All students must submit their completed application via the 2025 Granville P. Meade Google Submission Form which is due Monday, February 3, 2025.

George Mason University Field Trip

Justice High School's College & Career Center is hosting a field trip to George Mason University. The students will be given a tour of the campus, meet with admissions staff, and hear from current college students. Lunch will be provided. Priority will be given to seniors and if space allows, then will open to juniors. Students are responsible for getting to and from Justice High School.

If interested, please complete the Field Trip Permission Form and Emergency Care Form and return both forms to Ms. Deidra Anderson, College & Career Specialist, located in Room I-147.

  • Date: Wednesday, January 29, 2025 (Teacher Workday)
  • Departure Time: 9:00am from Justice High School
  • Return Time: Approx 2:00pm to Justice High School

George Mason University Field Trip Form.pdf

Emergency Care Form.pdf

2025 Science Fairs with Fairfax County Public Schools Need Your Support!

Each year 250 judges are required to evaluate science fair projects in a wide variety of categories ranging from plant sciences to robotics. It is desirable that those volunteering to serve as category judges hold an advanced degree or possess extensive academic and/or professional experience in their selected STEM category. Chairpersons for each category and Grand Prize judges are also needed.

Category Judge Registration (Coming Soon)

Category Judge Registration will be posted here but for further information, please contact Liz Keyes by email [email protected] or by phone 571-423-4783

Date: Saturday, March 22, 2025

Location: Robinson Secondary School, 5035 Sideburn Rd, Fairfax, VA 22032

Time: Usually 8:00 am to mid-afternoon

Air Force Office of Scientific Research Saturday STEM Expo

If you are a student in the National Capital Region, the Saturday STEM Expo at the University of the District of Columbia is a wonderful opportunity to learn about exciting STEM roles in a range of agencies and organizations. Interact with dozens of local institutions and build connections that could kickstart your career! Parents and guardians are also encouraged to attend.

Date: January 25, 2025 Time: 10:00 am - 2:00 pm

Location: UDC Student Union: 4200 Connecticut Ave NW, Washington DC

Additional Information and registration

Air Force Office of Scientific Research Legacy Craftsman Camp

Build an interest in STEM through hands-on demonstrations while showing how math and science apply to the world around us. This camp will build knowledge while reinforcing self-confidence and leadership. LEGACY Craftsman Camps are a series of individual one-week camps for ages 11 to 15.

Students can apply to join the camps at any age. After attending the camp, students may be invited to return to the next age camp the following summer.

Application Dates: January 1, 2025, to March 1, 2025

Camp Dates: One week in July, 2025, depending on student age

Camp Location: 4100 Fairfax Drive #450, Arlington, VA

Additional Information and Registration Link

Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Service Opportunity

FCPS is collaborating with Volunteer Fairfax for the upcoming Martin Luther King Jr. Day of Service. Students and families can volunteer on Saturday, January 25, 2025 at Give Together at the James Lee Community Center.  

Volunteer Fairfax invites families to participate in thoughtful, engaging service projects working alongside local nonprofit and government agency partners across a variety of mission areas. Projects will include food packing, creating care packages, environmental stewardship, and support for animal welfare. This event is free and open to the public but registration is required.

There will also be Financial Literacy Workshops offered at Give Together for students in grades 3-12. If you would like to attend one of the workshops, sign up during check-in on January 25.

Food for Neighbors - Red Bag Program

Justice High School is a proud partner with Food for Neighbors, a local organization who helps to feed our students outside of school hours.

The Red Bag Program is filled five times a year and provided to needy families. Food for Neighbors will drop off an empty Red Bag with a list of items. You can support by purchasing some food items that is provided on the list. Leave the Red Bag outside your door and Food for Neighbors will come pick it up.

All donations are tax-deductible and can be in any amount. To learn more about the FFN Holiday Meals Program, please go here.

Food Assistance and Resource Guide

Food insecurity impacts more than 96,000 Fairfax County residents. There are many resources available to support those who need food assistance. Learn how to help these families and the many resources available to support those who need food assistance on Fairfax County’s website or view the county’s Human Services Resource Guide.

Homeless and Winter Weather Shelters

The Northern Virginia Regional Commission Human Services compiled and published a list of all the homeless and winter weather shelters serving the region. The lists are posted here and they were last updated on December 6, 2024.

Fairfax County Public Schools has also compiled a list of resources for students and families in case they need assistance while schools are closed for winter break. Please visit FCPS’ winter resources webpage for information on academic support, mental health support, and county resources related to food, clothing, housing, and other needs.

Schoology Groups

Each Class has a group in Schoology with posts pertinent information specific to that class. Please see below for the access code to join.

Class of 2025: XKMH-SPHF-9C4GZ

Class of 2026: QXWJ-NPF2-6WHHG

Class of 2027: XDTX-PD42-RPN2G

Class of 2028: NR9N-89TD-8WQQC

Still Need ParentVUE Access?

Learn how to activate your SIS ParentVUE account.

Technical support for using ParentVUE is available for:

  1. Go to the ParentVUE Login screen and select the icon that you need
    • Change Username - You forgot your username or you want to change it
    • Change Password - You know your password but you want to change it
    • Forgot Password - You can't remember your password
    • Activate Account - You have received an Activation Key and you're ready to create your account
  2. None of the above apply
    1. Go to the Parent Support Request ticket
    2. Select SIS Parent in the Application dropdown menu
    3. Under "Issue Description", type the issue/error that you're receiving. Please try to be specific.
  3. Call the Parent Technology Help Desk at 833-921-3277 (833-921-FCPS).
Student Forms moved to Parental Digital Consent (PDC) Available 

Paperless Opt-Outs Available! Families can log in to the PDC using their ParentVUE credentials to complete consent forms assigned to their child. 

Forms available in the PDC starting in the 2024-2025 school year include:

  • School Counseling Opt-Out
  • Digital Resources Consent
  • SEL Screener Opt-Out
  • Consent for Release of Student Records in Support of Postsecondary Applications
  • Denial of Access to Military Recruiters 
  • Family Life Education Opt-Out
  • SOL Retest Permission
  • Hazel Health
  • BYOD (Bring Your Own Device) Opt-Out
  • SOS Screener Opt-Out
  • Objection to Release of Information to Outside Organizations
  • Objection to Release of Directory Information to the Public
Health Information and Emergency Care Forms

The Health Information Form (HIF) (SS/SE-71) and the Emergency Care Information form (SS/SE-3) provide valuable information regarding student health conditions. These forms are critical in the early identification of students who may need healthcare support in the educational environment. Along with the development of Healthcare Plans (HCP) and Action Plans, the Public Health Nurses (PHNs) utilize the information contained in the HIF to develop teaching strategies for FCPS staff in order to meet the requirements of Regulation 2104 Health Services-School Health-Related Needs.

These forms are required for all students. Enrolling parents/guardians who have a SIS ParentVUE account may submit them electronically by using the Online Verification/Update packet

For families without SIS ParentVue accounts, forms can be located on the General Registration Forms page.

No-Cost Virtual Therapy for High School Students

Virtual therapy sessions are available at no cost to FCPS high school students to provide a safe space to address concerns such as:

  • Mood/behavior changes, motivation, grief/loss.
  • Anxiety, worry, fears.
  • Social skills, bullying, peer and family relationships.
  • Academic stress.

In order for students to participate, caregivers must give permission for FCPS to share basic demographic information with Hazel Health in ParentVUE. They must also provide consent for their student to access therapy services. 

Students may then be referred by a guardian or designated school staff member. Refer your child by calling 571-749-2940 or contacting an FCPS school counselor, social worker, psychologist, or director of Student Services.

Visit the FCPS Teletherapy webpage for more information.

Emergency Resources

Crisis Link Regional Hotline - 703-527-4077

Crisis Text - Text NEEDHELP to 85511

Dominion Hospital Emergency - 703-536-2000

INOVA Emergency - 703-289-7560

Sharon Bulova Center for Community Health (formerly Merrifield) - 703-573-5979 TTY dial 711

Life Threatening - 911

3301 Peace Valley Lane, Falls Church, VA 22044 | Main Office: 703.824.3900
Attendance: 703.824.3920 | Web 

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